Chapter 10: Katie's Caring Love

With the Fox Priestess safe and sound,you make a quick report and take inventory of the finds and gear you found at the Base,you just occupied.

Katya messages you with information regarding the Road the Third Slave Group Convoy took.In the end,the convoy got stopped by NATO forces,with the Slave Traders dead and the Slaves in NATO hands,the situation heats up drastically.

The R.O.F will keep the base secured until the Building Supplies and equipment arrive,for upgrading the base and making it habitable and,most importantly,usable for Military Operations.

Not long after you leave the newly established HQ,you find your Men rambling about something.You decide to join in.

"So...what's this about ?" you ask them.

"Chief,we...can't join you in Town.." Sergey says,disspointed..but also ashamed.

"Ha! You really think that i would take you with me into Town ? Your Wives will be sick worried.Therefore...i order you to go home and take care of your Families.While I,take care of mine." you say,laughing.

Your Men brighten up,they're happy that they didn't let you down.Not being able to accompany your Squad Leader into a Mission,is something the Russians ONLY allow,when you are Married and have a Family to take care of.

You gesture you'r Men onto a nearby Transport Truck that will take them back to Town.

After waving them off,you go into the newly established Armory to restock on Ammo and MRE's.Enough for a 3-day Trip.

After you have everything on you and are ready to go,you head to your Foxes.

Katie and Kate,are chatting with the Priestess,with laughter and joy.You join them at the Bonfire.

"Listen you have to decide now,if you want to come with me,or not." you say,determined.

"We'll join you !" Your Foxes yell in joy.

"Care Taker,you saved us.A-And even accepted my Sister and myself in your Family,therefore we will join you as well." the Priestesses say.

"May i have your Ages ?" you ask Yui and Yua.

"Foxes are sacred creatures,therefore we have ages that far surpass your's.Can we explain it to you later ?" Yui says.

"Alright,i eager to learn more about my four Foxes." you say,joy filling your Voice.

You instruct your Foxes on the Rules of City Combat,for short,CC.Some would consider CC to be CQC,Close Quarters Combat,but they are wrong.The Local Region's Cities are a combination of Easter and Western City architecture.

Therefore,it's a mixture of CQC and medium range combat.

You check the Gear of your Foxes,including Yua and Yui.

"Master~ where are you touching me ?~" Kate says.

"Sorry,but i have to tighten the Chest Plate.Some NATO rounds will bounce off,or just stop at the first layer of Protection.Also,i love how soft you are" you say,knowing you're going to get a,tough present.

"Care Taker,Anata wa hentaidesu" Yua says.

"I am cultured and have watched enough anime,to know that you just called me a pervert.Am i right ?" you ask Yua.

"Ara~ Care Taker,knows Japanese !"Yua says excited,she seems to actually be the younger Sister of Yui.

The Foxes giggle all together,knowing they'r Owner and Care Taker is a Pervert.

You give them all a Headpat.You look at the Time,the night will arrive in 2 hours.

Enough time to get to the City Borders and find Shelter.

The First Rule of the City Combat is,

DO NOT fight at night.The infected are highly active,some even have enhanced qualities,ranging from twice the Strength of a Human Male to jumping from wall to wall.

"Girls,one more thing.If you see light in one apartment,let me know under all circumstances,Understood ?" you tell your Foxes.

"Understood." all of them answer.

The Daemon is present as well.Showing his figure,in the Dark,which is surprisingly easy to see.

Heading towards the City,you estimate that the trip will take,a little bit more then one hour.

Henceforth,you have ~1 hours,until the Night is upon you.

Starting to march,with Thermals Vision on,highly aware of your Surrounding with your Foxes doing the same,except the Part with the Thermal Vision,they already got that.

Soon enough,what felt like a 15 min walk,you arrive at the Outskirts of the City.Hiding behind a Line of bushes you scout the path ahead.

With no visual of any activity,you move on.

Arriving at a wide open Street with a few burned and scavenged cars,you start to feel like this is a Trap.

The Daemon shares his Concern,picking up activity not far from you.

As you were about to get behind a corner,a loud noise can be heard.It's a Sniper !

The Daemon quickly points out his location,but before you even understand what he said,you shift your body to shield the Foxes.But...cashing in a bullet.

The Foxes gasp in fear,as you look the Sniper straight in the eyes,having heard the Daemon's remark.He seems to be established on the 13th floor of a Tall Building.With the Shadow of the Building covering his position,it's impossible to shoot him.But you still do it.

Just as you realize you have subsonic ammunition,being unsure of firing a few rounds at him.You still pull the trigger,even if it may just scare him off.

Quickly you gesture the Girls into safety.As the non-suppressed shots from the Sniper,could attract infected...or worse,scavengers.

"Master,what happened ?" Kate says,almost in tears,panicking just like the others.

You look at the wound,he shot,and hit the armor directly on the edge,causing some minor fragmentation.But you also notice some burning on your clothes...he seems to be using Incendiary rounds,that flash on impact.Sometimes,even igniting.

"Owner ! What happened,where did that loud noise come from ?!" Katie says,panicking more and more.

"What happened ?!~" Yua asks,covering her ears while Yui strokes her back.

"There was a sniper...13th floor of the building down the road.I couldn't see him clearly.But i hope i scared him off." you say,trying to figure out if you are bleeding.

The Daemon responds to your thought,assuring you,that you have no bleeds.You thank him.

"Care Taker,asoko ! Apartment !" Yua points at a Apartment that has light in it.

Your start to wonder...if the bullet didn't pierce your armor,where is it then.As you try and feel if the bullet got absorbed by the armor,you find it !

Asking the Daemon what bullet it is...he answers,it's as big a a pencil.

Yup,that's 7,62x51mm NATO,a almost 100 year old cartridge.Still in wide us today by NATO.Having raided NATO supply Chaches you know that the bullet he fired is a .308(7,62x51mm) M62 Incendiary Round.

"Owner !? Are you hurt ?! What are doing now ?!" Katie asks,fearing the night.

"Yua,get us to that apartment." you tell her.She nods in response.

The Daemon gives you a verbal overview of the area,no threats until you reach your Destination.Out of amusement,you ask him if he can kill by himself.He takes on a very serious tone and answers a clear yes.

You start to laugh a bit.Making your Foxes confused.

Starting to move to the Apartment that Yua saw,you look around into the houses and building,through the shattered windows and broken Walls.Imagining the terrible moments,that the House's Residents must've went through when the Outbreak happened.

Suddenly...while looking at the surroundings,you hear someone crunching...a very loud..crunch.Seems like that person is eating chips..or..bones.

Gesturing your Foxes to stay still and hide,you move forwards,trying to find the source of the noise.

As you turn the Corner,a infected jumps you.As you struggle to put up a fight with it's overwhelming strength,you look to the Foxes which are paralyzed by fear.

As you summon all your strength and push the creature aside,stabbing it with your knife multiple times you get up quickly and rush to the Foxes.

Kneeling down in front of them to see if they are okay,you take your cloves off.

"Hey Hey,it's fine i am here.That things dead...see ?" you say,pointing at the dead corpse.

The Foxes nod,breathing rapidly,you have to get to that apartment.

As you walk past the corpse of the thing you killed,you notice that it had a different skeletal and muscular layout then the other infected you met until now.

"This is a new type of infected,that thing had some power." you mumble to yourself,leading the Foxes together with Yua to that Apartment.

Soon,you arrive at the Base of the Building.The Daemon remarks that there is no one inside except a Person in one of the Rooms.You enter the Bottom Floor quickly,blocking the Doors from the inside.Everyone takes deep breaths...

"Not over yet...still gotta get up somehow." you say,catching your breath.

The Foxes nod quickly,already having rested enough.You take the lead on the stairs,relying on the Daemon's Guidance and Threat Detection.

As you rush through the Floors to the,what seems to be the 8th floor already,you spot the's beautiful.You five,take a moment to relax..admiring the gorgeous View.

Walking up the last few floors,you decide to grab a few cans of soda and a few energy and chocolate bars,that you found on some tables in the few rooms you've checked.

You arrive at the 12th floor of the building,Yua points at the Apartment with trembling hands.You breath aggressively a few times,making the adrenaline pump into your heart.

Then,you approach the door...knocking on it.Asking if you can come in.

The Door opens,revealing...a pregnant Woman with dark brown hair,welcoming you in.The sight,shocked but also confused you.

As you look inside you let your Foxes in,then yourself closing the door after.

"What made you open the door ?" you ask the Woman.

"I heard the scream of a infected meaning there is someone coming,plus...i somehow knew that you are a good person." she says,with a bright and sincere smile.

"Please,take a seat.Do you want a drink ?" she says,pointing at the couch,a clean one at that.

"Thank you Ma'am." you say.

Pointing the Foxes on the couch,they each take a spot,striking a pose.Hoping to impress you.

You sit on the couch and put your rifle on safe.But you still have your Pistol ready...just in case.

"What brings you here ?" the Woman says,as she presents you with snacks.

"We are searching for a convoy with slaves that came into Town and was captured by NATO" you tell her.

"I heard a few gunshots earlier today,could be your desired convoy." she says.

"I appreciate the info Ma'am.My name is Dan Walker,Night Stalker." you say,hoping she understands what you mean.

"Thank Goodness you're Russian.I was trembling with fear,my name is Nona" she says.Her Name reminds you of your Favorite Anime,GuP.

"I noticed,i am sorry if i frightened you.So you are a ally ?" you ask her,putting your rifle aside.

"Yes,my Husband and i grew up here.We wanted to move out of Town before NATO came rushing in,we rarely had the lights on since then and only used flashlight candles for light." she answer,taking deep breaths.

"Speaking of your Husband,where is he ?" as you ask that,the door opens wide,out of reflexes you draw your Pistol and point it at a Man,which hopefully is Nona's Husband.

You two are now pointing a pistol at each others heads.

"Ivan ne strelyayte v nego!(Ivan don't shoot him!)" she quickly yells.

"This your Husband ?" you ask her.

"Of course i am her Husband and what the fuck are you doing in my House ?" Ivan says,pressing the pistol closer to your head.

Nona explains how you got inside and who you are,Ivan quickly lowers his Gun,so do you.Quickly you apologize to each other,after which you both take a seat and relax.

"Are these fours beautiful young ladies your Girlfriends ?" Nona asks,looking at the Foxes.

"Only two of them but all four of them are part of the my Family..." you say,letting your head down.

Noticing that the Foxes are hungry,but also thirsty,you hand them each a drink and a snack bar.

"How are you surviving here ? All there is here is NATO." you ask them.

"My Husband does daily Raids on the Outside,making his way over Rooftops and into Supermarkets,he pack everything he can into his backpack and comes back." Nona explains,helping her Husband get the Combat Gear of him.

"Nice Gear,did you server Russia ?" you ask him.

"I did...but i retired due to my Wife getting pregnant" he says,putting his hand on his Wife's back.

"And yourself ?" he asks,holding her hand.

"I didn't...but i got trained by Spetsnaz Operatives..." you say,remembering the very rough training they did.

"I was in the same boat...what Unit where you in ?" he says...leaning inwards.

"Unit 286,nicknamed...Deaths Head...." you say...with pain.

"Owner~ why was it nicknamed that ?" Katie asks,you notice that all four Foxes are snuggled up.

You decide to take off your Mask and Gear,and give the Foxes your Hoodie,you still have your Sweatshirt.

" was Named...that because,when i started training,there was 27 of us.At the end..." you say,seeing the Past events once more.

"And at the end there was 7 left..." Ivan says...

"We-where in the same unit ?!" you say,standing up.

"Where you-the guy with which i got through that one session of Combat Training ?!" he says,also standing up.

As you look at each other trying to remember if you where in the same unit..on the same Boat as the other....both your memories snap together.

You start laughing at each other and with Handshakes and pats on the back you sit back down.

"Master,we are still cold~" Kate says.

"I am sorry Darling,here" you say,giving them your Sweatshirt.

"We don't want you to be cold,i mean you should warm us,idiot~" Kate says,pouting.

Letting out a small laugh of nervousness,you take Kate and Katie's armor vests off,so they'r bodies can produce heat to only warm themselves and Yua and Yui.

Looking at the clock,it's already early noon.In a few minutes it will be pitch dark outside.You propose to make dinner now,everyone agrees.As you and your old Comrade Ivan prepare everything,while the Woman stay in the warmth of the Radiator.

"Nice to someone from the Old Gang" Ivan says,laughing as he open's cans of meat and other food items.

"Same here.We can talk about this after,i find that Slave Convoy and we get the Ladies out of here." you say,preparing the MRE's.

Ivan is shocked that you want to tackle a Convoy alone...he insists that he will join.

"And who will stay with the Ladies then ?" you say,cutting open the MRE's,leaving them in they'r bags for the highest quality of taste.

A few more minutes pass and with thought going from,if the Foxes are warm and cozy,to how the rest of the Slaves are doing.

In the end,the Food is ready, you hand all the Foxes one MRE.Leaving you...without one.

As long as the Foxes are warm and'r hunger is no match for cuteness.

"Dan,may i ask....about your Unit ?" Nona asks.

"S-Sure...what it is ?" you say,stuttering.

"Ivan,told me,the main reason that Boys enlisted into that Unit...was,because they tried to prove something to someone.Is that right ?" Nona adds.

"It is,we where thought everything from spying to counter intelligence.So we can operate at peek efficiency in any mission.One could say,we where a Private Military Unit." you explain to her.

"I see.One more question...Where you're parents good to you ?" Nona asks,what she wants to know,is a highly sensitive point for you.

You can feel a tug on your Shirt.It's Kate and Katie,they took they'r own blankets and are now,sitting beside you enveloping you in warmth and love.

You put a hand on each one's leg.Gesturing a very caring,thank you.

"My Parents said i was a failure...." you begin to explain.

Nona's face changes drastically upon hearing your words.

"I-i am sorry.May we talk about something else.I don't want to bring back bad memories Dan." Nona adds.

"It's fine.As far as i remember...all out of the 27 participants where either kicked out or abandoned by their Parents.Ivan,how about your's,if i may ask ?" you say.

"Mine where the same as your's Dan.We kind of share the same Past." Ivan says,sighing.

With everyone expressions,including your's,darkened.You decide to switch topics.

"Where will you two go ?" you ask them.

"Well...we thought of contacting the Russian,but then you arrived." Nona says.

"You can stay in our Town from now on.We have everything,from Coffee Shops to Markets." you propose to them.

"How far is it from here ?" Ivan asks,worried about his Wife.

"It's roughly 3 hours." you add,eating your MRE.

The Foxes have already eaten theirs,and are now snuggling in,laying on the Couch,ready to fall asleep.

"Good Night you two." you say,giving them each a kiss on the head.

"Good Night Owner." Katie adds.

"Good Night Master." Kate says.

With the four Foxes falling asleep,tucked under their respective blankets,you can now lay back.Open up a can of Cola...and make a plan.

Ivan stays by the side of his Wife,as she as well,falls asleep.

He gesture to Balcony,you nod and follow.The Balconies half walls are made out of solid brick,no one can see you.Considering this is the 12th and final floor of the Apartment Building,it would be a miracle if someone would see you.

You two take some pillows and a blanket each and sit on the Balcony,having clear view onto all the Girls,in case something happens.

"So..Slave Convoy ay ?" Ivan says.

"Yeah.Know about it ?" you ask him.

"I do,found it before i headed home. 'Got a Map ?" he asks.

You show him your arm mounted map,he points out possible attack routes,over the Roofs or on the Streets.The latter being the riskiest.He also shows you where the convoy was stopped,he tells you that they want to build a camp there.

They have a M1 Abrams and a M3 Bradley there.

Quite Heavy Armor they pack...surely they'll set up a camp there.No doubt about that now.

The Daemon adds,that there is a Radio Jammer in Town.Blocking any Signal,possibly could even block yours.Considering that your Communication with the Russian Forces and your Men uses Radio Signal until it leaves the Atmosphere then the Satellite picks it up.

You ask Ivan about the Jammer,he has no idea about it's existence.You decide to head back in.Considering it's getting late,and you'll rise early tomorrow.

Looking at the Time,it's 22:39PM,time passed quite fast.

Waving each other off,you each head beside your Families and try falling asleep.

You put your hand onto Katie's and try falling asleep.

You'r eyes close and you fall sleep,even if for short.Not long open your eyes again.

Not tired anymore,you lay on your back and look at the ceiling.Everyone else is asleep,even Ivan.

Feeling movement on the bed you look's Katie.She is apparently awake.She slowly crawls onto your left arm,facing you.

You decide to cover her with your other one.She gives you a small smile,even though asleep.

The smell of sweets,from the shampoo, and soft and smooth skin and fur,perfect Fox Girlfriend.

Not long after you start stroking her hair,it's soft and smooth even when in combat conditions.

"You like touching us,don't you.Owner~?" Katie says,she must've been awake this whole time.

"Sorry.I'll stop..." you say,taking your hand off her.But she quickly puts your hand on your hip.

"What are you going to do ? With a poor,defenseless Girl in your Arms ?~" she says,teasing you.

She puts her Head into your Chest,digging it in.Smiling,happy to be with you.

"Katie,i love you so much." you say,putting your right leg over her legs,blocking them from moving.

"I love you to Owner." Katie admits,getting red in the Face.

She gently strokes you'r back with her hand,slowly moving up,bit by bit.

In a small amount of time,she reaches the Top,being now Face to Face with you.

Looking into each others Eye' decide to give her a kiss,this time...on the lips.

As you finish the Kiss,she kisses you again.

"You never had a Girlfriend before ?" she asks.

"No,why ?" you add.

"You're a very good Kisser." Katie says,stroking your cheek.

You move your hand up and down her back, break the limit and go for her Butt.

She let's out a very small but extremely cute moan.

"Owner,i know what you want...and what you deserve." she says,resting her back on the couch,belly up.

She gesture for you to lay your head on her Chest.You do as she gestures.

Your Head feels the softness of her,Rack,it almost feels like it floats on clouds.

She kisses your head and strokes your Back,with the Tip of her every Mans dream.

"Thank you two...remind me a lot..of my...Mother." you say,on the verge of tears.

"That's not something you tell a Woman just because she let's you put your Head on her Chest~" Katie says.

"It's true Katie,believe me." you say,putting your hand on her Stomach.

"I know I know~ Just teasing you...Dar~ling~" she says.Sending chills down your Spine.

Not long after,overwhelmed by joy that two Foxes love you more then you can ever love them,you start to let out tears of joy.

"It's okay to cry Owner,we are not going anywhere.You are never going to be alone again." Katie tells you.

"T-Thank you.....i love you two so much~" you say through the Tears.

"Now Now,shall we go to sleep ?" She asks.

You nod in agreement.

She gesture for you to lay down,she does as well...but now your are with your head against her Chest.

Snuggled together and covered with a blanket you two slowly fall sleep,after giving each other one last,good night kiss.

The Mission Objective remains....

Find the Slaves and get back Home,together with Comrade Ivan