Chapter 18: Finance

Waking up early is a rarely seen trait in a Stalker.

The Name came from the tactics used by the Founders of the Unit, now part of the Russian Special Forces. The Founders were a small group of Special Forces Soldier, they were the first presence the Russians had in this Country before the Main Russian Armed Forces arrived.

Opening your Eyes, gazing upon your beloved Girlfriend still sleeping is a dream come true.

"Good Morning Milord, I have found information about the recent events. It seems as if the Scavengers, have tried attacked this Town. Without any trace of success of course." the Daemon says, giving you a morning briefing.

"Morning Friend, thanks...I will *yawn* look into it." you say, stretching.

The Plans are simple today, check around Town make sure everything and everyone is in top shape and of course the most important activity today, go shopping with your Girlfriends.

The Train Station nearby has opened the possibility to construct a Shop, or rather Super Market so that the Resident can go out Shopping without worrying about Trading with others. The biggest change the Super Market has brought is the atmosphere around Town has increased drastically.

No more worrying about who to trade with for a Loaf of Bread. The Super Market enables everyone to buy, with the Money they will from now on earn, Supplies and other necessities like Toys for the Children and even Comics and Movies.

You head downstairs to make breakfast and Coffee, for your Girlfriends.

As you were setting everything on plates you hear footsteps upstairs, the Girls must be awake. Having everyone set on the table ready to go, you head upstairs to give the Foxes a Morning Hug.

"Surprise hug!" you say barging into the bedroom.

"Eek! Owner don't!" Katie screams in panic as you give her a hug as she was half-dressed.

The smell of her hair is sweet and soothing, you could hug both of them for hours on end.

"Owner~ I know you love us...but can we at least dress up." Katie says, stroking your face.

Kate gets dressed as she watches you hug Katie tighter and tighter.

You let go of Katie and give Kate her Morning Hug as well.

"Master~ I wanted to go eat..." Kate says, trying to get you off her.

"Five more minutes." you say, noticing they both share the same scent and softness.

Together you eat breakfast, you tell them about the Super Market. They brighten up, wagging their tails excitedly.

Explaining to them today's plans while they are enjoying their coffee.

"Master, ca-can you teach us about Firearms today, please?" Kate says, seemingly curious about them.

"Katie do you want that too ?" you ask her Sister.

Katie nods eagerly to learn more. Foxes are very eager to learn about almost anything.

But what peaks their interest the most is their Master's Hobbies.

"That's settled about we leave that for the evening?" you suggest.

"But can we make dinner today?" they ask, shily.

"Sure, I can't wait to see what you'll make." you tell them.

After everyone has enjoyed their Coffee's and is satisfied with their Breakfast, you get dressed to take a stroll around Town and go Shopping of course.

Clothes are your least concern, but that might change if the Foxes say so.

Therefore, you take your best Hoodie, Trousers and Shoes all in black.

You meet the Foxes at the Front Door, Katie dressed in Gray mostly with Khaki Pants. While Kate dressed in dark Red Pants and a red Hoodie.

"You two look charming." you say, trying to compliment them.

"T-thanks... you look great as well." Kate says, wagging her tail.

"I-i agree with my Sister...nice choice Owner." Katie says, also wagging her tail.

Exiting the House locking the Door behind you, the first Stop is the Squadroom.

It's a nice and relaxing 7-minute walk from you Home. The Girls seem to enjoy it, the weather is clear and the Sun is shining, not too bright.

Entering the room, you immediately notice a Note attached to the Pinboard, it is left by Katya.

The Note contains information about the Prisoner Captured at the Train Station a few weeks ago, she has been taken into interrogation. Her life will not be at risk if she does as is told.

Miss Katya is famous for taking very good care of her Subordinates but feared for her Methods to get information. Be it out of People, or intercepting it.

The other side reveals that she is still in Town and will leave during the next week, her Vacation will end then.

Thinking of what wishes her Daughters have, the remaining ones are the Shooting drills and the Daily activities. The Former is easy, while the latter is rather difficult but not impossible.

"Owner, what are these blinking dots ?" Katie asks, the Foxes seem to be interested in the Tactical Map.

"Don't I have perceptive Girlfriends~?" you tell them, giving them head pats.

You explain to them that the blinking dots are the Outposts and Checkpoints all over the Russian controlled Territory.

They wag their Tails in interest, they seem to enjoy listening to your explanations.

Continuing the Day with the set Plan, you proceed into the newly built Shop. The Girls take a basket each and start to stroll across the lanes, filled with various items of interest.

"Owner, does the TV in your House work?" Katie asks, looking for interesting Movies.

"What do you mean my House? It's ours, we are family forgot?" you ask them.

"It makes us very happy to hear that Master~" Kate says, her voice caring a relaxing tone.

"I'll have to plug the DVD player in but...that should be it." you tell them, putting your hand on their shoulders.

Their Tails start wagging uncontrollably again, you're happy to see them in a good mood.

They each put one movie in their Basket.

"Wait, almost forgot...found this in the Mail today." you say, handing them each a stack of Roubles.

They look confused at you,

"Master, how much money is this?" Kate asks, worried.

"Well the Mail contained 50 thousand Roubles, so I said I'll give each of you 10 thousand." you tell them.

They gasp in shock as they hear your words.

"Owner, do you know just how much this is?" Katie says, changing her tone into a rather too serious one.

"Master, how much do you make?" Kate asks, worrying more and more.

"I-i--that's all we have for this month 50 thousand." you tell them.

"And you just give us 20 thousand of that?! This needs to be enough for the entire month!" Kate says, stressed.

"It's fine don't worry about it, this amount will just increase." you tell them, trying to calm them down.

"Yeah right, you mean to tell us that Cows can fly?" Kate says, handing you the money back.

"Sis wait don't do--" Katie tries to calm her sister down.

Kate hands you the money back and tells you to be more responsible with it.

"I understand..." you mumble, letting your head drop.

"Kate wait you can't just bombard him like that!" Katie tell her sister.

"He just gives us 20 thousand so we can get what we want?! Do you even listen to me, 20 thousand that's too much!" Kate tells her sister.

Your emotions hit rock bottom as you hear your Foxes fight over a trivial matter.

"I'll..I..will make more next month." you mumble to yourself.

Kate realizes what she must've triggered in you.

"Master wait, i am not mad at you. It's fine, I just panicked because we still have a bit to go until the next paycheck." Kate says, stroking your back, trying to lift your spirit but to no avail.

The Foxes gather around you, stroking your back and cheeks, but you just stare into the ground with an emotionless face.

"Owner, it's fine you don't have to work extra just for us. Plus, where do you plan to get more from." Katie says.

"There will be enough contracts...if not...I'll just go on a Stroll through the City." you mumble.

The Foxes worry more by the second.

"Master please don't go into the City, we don't care about the Money. I was just a bit mad because you gave us so much of our budget. That's all." Kate says, hugging you.

"Please don't go into the City...please~" Katie says, hugging you.

The mixed feelings that flood through your mind are powerful from the desire for more to guilt.

"It's alright Girls, I am sorry for being so careless." you come back to your Senses.

"Master, please don't go into the City. We won't let you leave." Kate says, digging her face into your chest.

"Owner, promise us that you will not go into the City." Katie says, attached to your arm.

"I promise to not set a foot into the city." you tell them, they soon calm down and together you proceed through the Store.

The Girls find Popcorn, which they each take one.

After getting everything the Foxes and you need, you checkout. All together you paid 12 thousand Roubles for everything in those baskets. Not a big amount, but also not small either.

Arriving at Home, the Foxes immediately prepare dinner, while you start to search for some educational material for them to study.

The Books you found so far are either Weapon Magazine or Documentations on Russian Firearms.

Sadly, they are not in English.

"Girls, you can't read Russian, right?" you ask them.

"Not really...but we can try." they answer back.

Clearly, you will not give them Russian books and magazines. But instead, you will give them a few Magazines that are in both English and Russian.

You set the Books aside and eat Dinner together. The Foxes feel sleepy immediately after Dinner.

"Master, can we go to bed early today. I don't feel too good." Kate says.

"Owner, we are sorry." Katie adds.

They must've been very hungry for dinner, their Stomachs probably a bit overworked.

"Don't worry, let's go and sleep." you tell them, putting the dishes into the Sink.

After changing into their Pijamas the Foxes snuggle up against you, putting their arms around you.

In the End you all fall asleep.