Chapter 30: New Ally

As the Night turns into Day, the Moon replaced by the Sun and the ambient Night Sounds have gone Silent.

Faint noises can be head, from the outside, no Human, but spirit. It might call out to someone, in search of something, or rather someone.

"Milord, you have a... rather disturbing guest outside." the Daemon relays.

"How the fuck did I fall asleep?" you ask yourself, with no intention to even close one eye during the night. You still fell asleep.

Taking a quick peek outside through the Window, a sinister being is walking in circles. Awaiting a specific event perhaps?

"The Fuck is that?" you mumble, confused by the image in front.

"You've finally awoken, took you long enough. I'm that voice that bugged you for the past Day." the being outside the window says.

The Daemon breaks down the meaning of the living beings' presence.

"Milord, that is the Hound I was talking about. A fearsome and very aggressive one at that." the Daemon expresses his worry.

"That's a Dog I need." you ramble, slowly regaining control of your speech.

The Hound is point towards the backyard with his Tail, his Shadowy being manifesting as a dark Grey Dog. Following his instruction, you head to the backyard.

The Foxes are still asleep, but just in case, you hurry regardless.

Opening the Backdoor, you see the Dog seemingly walking through your Fence, with no trace of trouble.

"What do you want?" you ask him putting up your Guard, closing the door behind you.

"We need each other." the grey Dog utters, in a determined tone.

You sit on the bench and watch as his sinister and ghostly being appears. An aura of hatred surrounding him.

"See this aura? This is all from your hatred." the Hound explains.

"Thought so, why are you here?" you get to the point.

The Hound sits and starts to explain his situation, your actions not only in front of the Foxes but also in front of others are admirable. That's not all, anyone can act nice. But with a broken past, it is not admirable instead, it is noble. Sacrificing material and mental possessions for the people you hold dear.

"First, I thought it was an act, but when you killed a fellow soldier mercilessly for just disrespecting your Family. It was clear to me. You're not another fool on this planet." the hound admits.

"Heh... you're the first one to say that. But I feel there is more..." you clue on.

"Indeed. Hounds search for a specific Owner, that could take up to tens of years. Or just a few days, but that latter rarely happens..." he explains, standing on all four.

"Therefore, may I serve under you as a loyal and obedient Hound?" he exposes the meaning behind the visit, kneeling in front of you.

The Daemon cuts in again, explain the meaning of his wish. Firstly, it is true and all he said will be fulfilled. In the past, many Hound Owner used their canine Spirits to protect their Families, wage wars and impress their lovers.

"Well then, welcome to the Family. Stand up, I require you to either stay hidden or accompany me in your Dog form." you welcome him, requesting his immediate cooperation.

"As you wish Milord, I will do both if required. Oh, one more thing Milord..." the Hound reminds himself.

You turn around and look at him.

"When I came into your Daily Routines I was testing you if you could hold up against having a voice in your head, besides the one that you already have of course." he uncovers.

"Thought so myself, well then. Here is the Plan..." you say, an idea blossomed in your Mind.

Because of Mila's young age, a fearsome and sinister Hound could scare her. But a try to explain it to her is better than to hide it.

"Understood Milord." the Hound submits.

The Sun is rising, your arm watch shows that its 6:43 AM. Something rare for you to wake up so early.

"Do you eat?" you satisfy your curiosity.

"I do Milord, as long as it's no extra trouble for you." he explains.

Walking into the House, a brighter idea opens up.

You're planning to introduce the Hound to the whole family, his true form.

"Milord it's admirable that you want to be honest with your Family, but I strongly advise against it." the Hound shares his concern.

"Let's try and talk to them before you show up, alright?" you propose.

"Very well Milord, I'll await your call." the Hounds says, before seemingly vanishing into thin air.

Progressing into the Guest Room, where Kally and her Daughters sleep, for now. It doesn't feel right to keep some of your Family members in bad conditions. A room upstairs is available for a purpose.

Perhaps you'll put make it a Bedroom, only time can tell.

Slowly opening the door, you take a sneak peek inside. Kally is holding Mila in her arms, gently swinging her left to right. Your Heart drops, memories from a faraway past burst in.

"Good Morning Kally, how did you sleep?" you interrupt with a gentle tone.

"Good Morning Master Dan, we've slept very well. All thanks to you of course." Kally replies with a bright smile.

Notifying her of an important matter you have to speak about before breakfast, you receive a hopeful nod from her. In the end, you leave the room in the same manner as you came in.

Heading upstairs to do the same to explain the same to your Girlfriends. Right before you were about to open the Door you hear crying from inside. Your heart falls, your lungs tighten and a powerful rush of adrenaline is released.

Panicked voices ring from inside,

"Are they both crying now?" you mumble to yourself.

"Milord, we suggest you go inside." your Allies suggest, another solution cannot be found.

Knocking on the door, your hands tremble and lungs tighten more. Another sign of decreasing health conditions. The cries and panicked voices went silent, a pair of footsteps get louder then the door opens.

"Morning M-master, how did you--" Kate greets you.

"Can I come inside?" you demand almost.

Kate lets her ears drop, a clear sign of them hiding something. Katie seems to still be asleep, that doesn't make sense, you heard two panicked voices.

"Katie... please wake up." you say kneeling beside the bed. Gesturing Kate to sit on it.

Katie slowly turns around, revealing her tearing eyes and trembling lips.

"I can't do it! I can't Kate! I can't!" Katie breaks out.

"It's okay Katie... if he is here that means that he wants to be with us." Kate comforts her Sister.

Wondering what happened when both of them where crying, you gather all your determination and ask.

"What happened, I heard crying?" you ask both of them.

Katie gradually stops her tears, standing up. Her Pijama Shirt bearing her previous tears, the sight of which makes your heart heavy.

"We thought you didn't want to, do it, with us because we were not good enough." Kate says as they hold hands. Both of them must've suffered a lot this morning.

"I... didn't do it with you two, because... I don't know if I can even be a Father." you ache to say.

Immediately tears start falling down your face, pain increasing.

"I just wanted to have everything you and the Kids needed, everything... and I failed." you mumble, slowly falling down the mountain you struggled so many times to climb.

The Girls try to lift you onto the bed,

"Owner please don't cry, it's okay. We now understand thoroughly that you still have work to do for us." Katie gently says, comforting you.

You now lay on your side, the bed is making it better slowly.

"Master, it's fine. Please don't cry, we just panicked this morning. We're fine now." Kate tries to comfort you.

The Foxes slowly put a Pillow under your head, grabbing a blanket and then they start humming a tune together.

Gently healing the wounds that reopened, they caress your cheeks as you try and hide your Face under the blanket

They continue their soothing humming, joining you underneath the blanket. Kate slowly presses your head against her chest. You hear her heartbeat, constant and relaxing.

"We know you love this Master~ You'll be a great Husband one day..." Kate whisper in a gentle tone.

"You'll be a great father one day Owner, we'll wait until you have everything we as a family need." Katie says, hugging you tightly with a kiss on your cheek.

"Thank you, Girls I couldn't bear seeing you cry because of me." you confess to them.

A few more minutes pass, you've completely calmed down. Together with the Fox Girlfriends, you move downstairs, where Kally and her Daughters just arrived as well.

With everyone present you seat everyone on the Sofa and take a chair to sit on.

"Ladies, I have an announcement to make. I have a new Ally, you could say." you being to explain.

"Owner, is it a Spirit?" Katie asks curiously tilting her head.

"Correct! Kally, are you three familiar with Spirits?" you ask them.

"Yes Master Dan, please don't worry. We are very much informed." Kally answers with her Daughters nodding.

"Since yesterday a voice has been following me, someone else then the familiar one I know of." you admit.

To your surprise, Kally and her Daughters are not surprised to hear that you already have a Spirit as an Ally. Rather they seem to have expected as much, judging from their expression.

"Right, this is Hound." you present your new Ally, pointing at the space beside your right foot, he manifests as a shadow.

"Greetings, I've heard you're Milord's Women. I'll serve you all equally." the Hound greets them, kneeling.

Nobody looks shocked,

"Master he is a fearsome one truly, but Hounds are similar to succubuses." Kate worries.

"Milady, I served in many Wars. Protecting my Owners Families from any evil, Spirit or Human." the Hound explains.

"There is more right?" you ask him, he nods.

"I exist on my own, while other Hounds are summoned through rituals and sacrifices." he confesses the reason behind his existence.

"Oh! So you've lived for long right?" Katie asks, seemingly happy to have him on her side.

"Master you've found an actual friend! They share a lot of traits with dogs! And they are very harmless to their Lords." Kate adds happily.

With everything explained, you propose breakfast. The Foxes are tilting their heads, wagging their Tails. Eyes filled with curiosity and hunger, almost as if they see you as their breakfast.

"Easy Ladies, I will make breakfast as fast as I can." you try and calm their increasingly scary stares down.

Quickly getting up and grabbing the Frozen Fruits from the Freezer you put them on the table and hope they unfreeze quickly to be eaten, or else.