Chapter 31: Rat Problem

Patience is required for most if not all things in life. Including waiting for Food Items to unfreeze.

"Mommy, I'm hungry~" Mila says to her mother holding her.

"You have to wait a little bit longer Sweetheart, Master Dan is trying his Best." Kally soothes her Daughter.

Her Words trigger an utterly terrifying subject in your Head. Just the thought of seeing the Foxes without food makes your hands shake. Not in fear, but in anger.

"We need to bring them more money" you think to yourself.

"Milord, we will follow your every command but you have to do it." the Hound's voice resounds in your head.

"The Hound is right, you will have to do it. Not only for your never-ending anger Milord but also because they possess valuables that can aid in our cause." the Daemon adds, strengthening your belief.

Staring at the ground aimlessly wandering through possible options to bring in more money won't help it. You get up and serve the Foxes their desired Fruits.

"Thank you Master Dan!~" Mila says, happily wagging her Tail just like everyone else.

"Don't worry about it, you five just enjoy and let the rest be my problem." you tell them with a smile.

Nobody suspects that you would do such a thing as, taking revenge on your fellow Comrades in Battle. But this is a new World, with new Morales. Nothing matters except keeping your Family and yourself safe and happy.

"Can we do it alone?" you ask your Allies.

"Certainly Milord, no doubt..." the Daemon confesses.

"Conveniently they are still where they were, still Guarding the same spot." the Hound adds.

While the Foxes are eating and enjoying their Fruits, you head to your Weapons Room to prepare.

Taking out the map on your Device, you immediately spot a few possible entryways without being detected. The point of this is to sneak in and use all force possible to level that place.

"And the Foxes Milord?" the Hound asks.

"We'll strike during the night, I'll level that place with everyone in it." you speak in a threatening tone out loud.

The Spirits manifest, the Hound is taking his place on a chair at the Table. While the Daemon is standing, while his height is impressive, nobody would really be scared of a blank shadow with no true identity.

"Can you take on the Form you had before I took your Place?" you ask the Daemon.

"Milord you didn't take my Place. It will be a little bit easier during the night, but I am certain it is possible." the Daemon explains.

"All we need to do is to prepare ourselves and wait for the night to come. I'll call upon you two when the time is ripe." you explain the plan to them, they agree and vanish.

Even if the 1,2 million roubles you have will certainly last for a few months, you want a stable sum flowing in each month. Not dependant on completion of Missions as that brings unstable income.

If the Foxes catch even a bit onto your Plan, they'll be anxious. There you'll for the night to come, until then. You've got a few more hours to relax.

Shaking you out of planning is someone knocking on the Front door. You hear it and rush out, determined.

"I'll get the door." you burst towards the door with a pistol behind your back.

Opening it slightly, a female figure appears.

"Dan? Can I talk to in private?" a womanly voice says, a familiar one at that.

You signal the Foxes to stay inside and not move outside until your back, they might catch onto your different way of handling things.

The Female Figure walks behind the House, out of range of any human eyesight. The Female is dressed in a black hoodie and dark blue trousers, carrying a very familiar voice. She takes the Hood off, it's Katya.

"Dan, I don't have words on how sorry I am." she says anxiously.

"Sorry for what?" you ask in a sinister voice.

She looks up at you shocked,

"Dan I left you in that situation and you can forgive me?~" her voice trembles.

"I didn't forgive you yet, it all depends on what happens next." you tell her.

"Understood Dan, please take care. My daughters also want to give you a Gift before we leave, even if that may change." she leads on.

Catching the meaning behind it, you suspect an interrupted Route back to Russia.

You grab her wrist forcefully and press her against the wall.

"Tell me what happened!" you say in a suppressed angered tone.

Katya begins to tremble and a loud thunder can be heard.

"P-please calm down Dan, I beg you." she trembles to say, anxious for her Life.

"If you and your Husband put my Family in Danger again Katya---" you swiftly break off, Katya sheds tears.

"Dan I didn't know about that Unit's Records, they are the worst Unit in the entire Country, please.... I beg you... just keep us safe here!" her composure breaks up.

A sudden Rainshower starts dropping, increasing by the second. Together with Katya you quickly rush inside, you order the Foxes to take care of her.

"I'll go get her Daughters, if something happens hide." you yell at the through the rain.

Katya insecurity can only mean that someone inside the Town has the same attitude problem as the unit yesterday that tried to take your Foxes.

Menacingly walking towards Katya's house, you write a message to your Squad members.

"Lock the Doors and don't go outside, we got a few Rats around here." the message reads.

Rat is a common term used not only when someone is hiding during a Fire Fight and is outnumber or out skilled. But also when someone is putting on an act, trying to fake their intentions.

The Rain doesn't stop and your view range becomes shorter, judging by the distance at which you can grasp a figure is probably about 2-3 meters in front of you.

Arriving at Katya's House the door is wide open, the Rats struck. You are unarmed and have no personnel protection. Your only weapon, the Spirits.

"Time to Hunt!" you yell, storming the house.

A load noise can be heard from upstairs, someone's trying to break into a room.

"Come out sweethearts, we won't you three~" a male voice says.

The Girls are panicking inside the room.

"Hound, you go and devour the guy on the Left and Daemon you get the guy in the middle, the tall one. I'll take their Leader." you explain the Plan to them.

The three men who are trying to breach the Door have a very clear composition, the brutes which are trying to enter the Room and the Leader which is waiting for his underlings to do the dirty work.

With a few deep breaths, you get the heartbeat up. One gesture is enough to unleash a powerful Daemon and a Bloodhound onto the enemies.

"Oi Dirtbags, you searching for something?!" you yell to the Men, interrupting their actions.

They look at you, thinking they outnumber you two rush towards you.

With a simple gesture the Hound springs forwards, bitting the Head off of one grunt clean off.

"What the fuck?! What did you do to him!?" the other Grunt says panicking.

"What will happen to you too... burn in hell you piece of shit." you tell him, a second gesture releases the Daemon in his previous Form.

The figure of a tall humanoid with long limbs and a Goat's Head.

The Grunt pauses and collapses, the Daemon looks back at you.

"Break him." you tell him walking towards the Leader.

"Hey Bloodhound, you still hungry?" you ask your Canine Companion.

"Very much!" he expresses, growling like a Hellhound. His growls make you rethink his Name.

The Leader of the Band starts to shiver as the Hound approaches him, he falls onto his knees.

"Please! I beg you! I'm sorry! I got a family, please!" he begs on the ground.

"You've got the audacity to even think of mercy. You damn Rat!" you tell him, with a whistle the Hound devours him bit by bit. Not leaving a chunk of him.

"Clean up if you can, I'll get the Girls." you issue their orders.

You rush to the Room where you hear crying from,

"Girls?! Are you hurt?!" you ask them quickly.

"Dan? Dan?! You're here, where Mother!?" a voice similar to Lena's asks.

"She at my Home, please open the door." you ask them.

They do as told, letting you in. You are relieved and glad to see the three Girls safe.

"Let's get out of here, grab what you can and let's go!" you issue them, they immediately start grabbing what they need.

You start looking at the Bodies, they are part of Katya's "Loyal" Guard.

"Fucking shit, how many are there?" you mumble.

"Milord there are exactly 10 more, they are currently trying to find their way through the Heavy Rain outside." the Daemon says.

"Massacre them, leave none left. Burn their Corpses!" you let your anger take over your speech.

The three Daughters are ready to go, you issue your Allies to kill the rest as quickly as they can and return with a report of everything.

You rush the Daughters outside and start running towards your House, the Rain not slowing down.

In a few minutes you've reached it, you knock on the Door. Katya opens it without hesitation.

" *gasp* My sweet daughters!~" she says hugging each of them tightly.

You push the daughters inside the close the door in a violent manner. Having changed your Mind you head towards the remaining Rats.

With no idea of where you, are you navigate using the panicked sound of the Rats being mercilessly killed by your Friends.

"Please I beg--" a Rat begs before you see his head roll towards you.

"Everyone is dead Milord, nothing is left to report." the Daemon reports.

"Well done you two, let's get some rest now." you propose to them, together you head back home.

You try to open the door but notice it is locked, you yell your name hoping someone will open it.

Katie opens the door quickly, letting you in.

Katya is hugging her daughters tightly in complete silence, not noticing you've returned.

She gasps at your tall and water-dripping figure.

"Dan I-i.. I don't know--" she panics to say but gets surprised when you kneel beside her Daughters.

"Are you three alright, do you want some cookies?" you ask them sarcastically.

They laugh a little through the Tears, sharing their Smiles with you.

"I got Vodka if you want some... though not much." you tell them, this time serious.

"No Dan, but t-th-thank you a million times." Katya says, with dwindling strength

"Kally, can you make a special Tea for them please?" you aks her.

"Yes Master Dan, right away." Kally says, rushing to the Kitchen with her two Daughters.

Seeming to need three Kilu Foxes to make that type of Tea. Making it so much more interesting to hear the Recipe at least.

Together with Kate and Katie, you take care of Katya's Family, you change your clothes in a separate room.

Kally arrives with four cups of Tea, she presents them to Katya's family.

"Please drink the whole cup, otherwise it won't work." Kally says, presenting them the Tea.

The Day will be stressful, Katya doesn't have any more Guards with her. The only thing that is left is the Vehicle that accompanied her arrival quite a while ago.

Telling the Foxes what to do throughout the Day, you notice your hands are trembling but you are not cold. A lack of sugar or increased adrenaline could be the cause, but you just brush it off.

Deciding to stay inside the House until the Rain is completely over, you issue a State of Emergency to the Guards that should be on the Walls, but thanks to the Automated defences the Town can defend itself without requiring human presence.

Your Squadmates are safe together with their Families, this was a small crisis. But thanks to a combined effort from you and your Spirits and unreachable determination you stopped it before it got worse.

The following hours you'll spend inside, taking care of your family. Making food and preparing a bath for everyone, including Katya and her daughters. Food should be plenty available, in the worst case, you could save a meal by not eating yourself, but your Foxes say otherwise.