Chapter 1: Marcella

Twelve Years Later

It's the week after the most celebrated holiday of the city, the people of Tritanus were back to their usual working selves which I thought was surprising it usually takes them at least two weeks to stop the Vela Nova spirit from spreading and to get back to work.

I am really impressed with my fellow city folk to be honest, but I'm not too impressed with the police that say they have sworn to solve every crime possible. If that's true the Winter Cheshire would have been brought in to face justice a long time ago.

The Winter Cheshire is the reason I joined the police, not the greatest idea since I could never work on the case, and later moved to higher rankings in the department, but I threw that all away to start an elite detective and spy unit controlled by my older sister, London. The organization is funded by almost every country in the world. It's in the centre of Tritanus and luckily for me most of the evil criminals don't know where this city is because it's on an island just off the coasts of Europe that most believe is haunted.

Running around the world to stop international criminals has its perks like getting an awesome hover car!

Any who, other than living the high life I have the freedom to work as much as I want when I'm not in a mission or filing reports for London. But it can get boring sometimes, especially since most of the criminals we've caught as of late were mostly cultists.

"When will something interesting turn up?" I asked myself heading to work. I may sound like Sherlock Holmes, I wish I was him except female, but it's true; nothing interesting ever comes up anymore apart from cultists who are higher up in their systems.

When I got to the corner of Goth Street my phone started buzzing and playing Nico Collins "10/10 Don't Recommend" . 'I need to get a new ringtone or this will be the death of me when half these people find out!' I mentally yelled.

I looked at the name of the caller and saw that it was London which I quickly answered it. "Hey London. What's up?"

For some reason she sounded frightened as she yelled, " Where are you, you were supposed to be here minutes ago! Get moving and return to HQ immediately!" " First off, it's only 6 am, second off, I'm currently on my way already. There's no need to yell! What's so important that you need to get rid of my hearing?"

"Marcy," she replied slightly anxious, "they found the Winter Cheshire...." Those words made the adrenaline in my veins pump. "I'll be there right away, just give me the coordinates." "Marcy! I need you to come to HQ." London yelled angrily "But you said they found.." I was rudely interrupted by London before I could say anything. 'How rude doesn't she have any manners?' "They found their latest victims."

I didn't like the sound of that, it would make these poor people the hundreth people, the Winter Cheshire killed under our watch. "Who were they?" There was a long silence before she replied, "Just get over here know and I'll tell you, okay!"

And just like that I drove the car above usual height limits and dashed through traffic to get to HQ. "I'm going to get a lot of tickets for this. Thank goodness for London's credit card and connections."

When I got to HQ the garage doors opened instantly and I quickly parked my car and ran like life depended on it. I decided that running wasn't an option and used my teleportation device to get to London's office, which I rrealise I probably should've done sooner.

When I got to the door of her office I stopped and knocked. 'Don't want a repeat of last time.' I thought, shivering at the memory of the first time I walked through these doors without knocking. "Come in." a voice yelled.

When I walked inside I saw my weirdo of a sister London with a tall, redheaded guy who looked like he was told that his girlfriend's cheating on him because he was crying an awful lot. 'I know how he feels being trapped in a room with London, on an investigation will do that to you.'

"Good Morning Marcella." She said before returning to her PC screen "Good morning dear sister." I replied back to her in response. I glanced at the man, "Good morning mister. I am Marcella Weaver Wren, what business do you have here?" I asked the poor chap as he stood up. "I am Percy. Percy Gunhildr. Norwegian analysis division and son of one of the funders of this organization. Pleasure to meet the other founder of the business." He said as he shook my hand.

"Anyways," London said "Can we please get back to the reason I rushed you over here?" I nodded quickly, eager to see who I can help. "So, who were their victims?" I asked afraod of what she would say since she was that worried on the phone, London gave an exasperated sigh and Mr Gunhildr looked down at the floor both had sorrowful expressions on their faces. "The victims were," She took out a remote control then the large TV screen appeared with photos of the victims, "Michelle Robinson and...Jaquelin Marshalls."

I felt as if my entire world was falling apart. Michelle Robinson was one of my our top operatives, I didn't really know her as well as London did so, I didn't really care, but Jaquelin Marshalls was my best friend since preschool, she had helped me get through the loss of my parents, she was there for me when London had to focus and college and her degrees and wasn't around often, I loved her like the twin sister I never had.

"How do you know it was the Cheshire? It could've been the other guy, Crest." London zoomed in on the corpses, they had holes where there hearts should've been, "Their hearts were taken out. The Cheshires methods are often clean unless they decide to pull their victims hearts out."

She the proceeded to show pictures of mutilated corpses, "Crest on the other hand finds already murdered victims and mutilates them beyond recognition."

To bring the seriousness to a pause I glanced at Percy, "Hey, Mr Gunhildr?" He looked at me, gave me a weary smile and said, "Please, call me Percy." "Alright. Percy what was you relationship with the victims?" Percy looked up before he could answer London yelled, " Marcella! You cannot just ask some one about their relationship with the dead!"

"It's alright Ms Weaver Wren. Your sister has the right to ask that question." He looked at me and said, "Michelle Robson is my fiancé...'was' my fiancé and Jaquelin Marshalls was my sister."

"She never told me about you." I replied sceptic of the man before me. "Well I'm not surprised. After our mother's death, she thought that our father killed her I didn't believe her theories, so she didn't talk to me again, and went to live with our Grandma. Even my best attempts to get her to talk to me failed."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that and my condolences." He nodded in appreciation at my words.

London decided to continue the conversation of siblings not on speaking terms, "Why do you two have different surnames? Did she take your mothers maiden name?" Percy nodded in agreement

"Samira found them in the alleyway of the city, she said she has gathered more information on Crest and possibly on the Winter Cheshire, she would like to meet up."

"When do I leave?" I asked London who got up from her chair before shutting down the TV. "Well about that...I'm going with you," Before I could object she raised her hand, "And before you say anything, Percy will temporarily run the place. He's trustworthy and good with tech."

"Fine, so when do we start packing?" I sighed as my sister gave a condescending smirk, before pulling me out of the office and turning to Percy, "Remember Mr Gunhildr, do not screw this operation up, or its your job." She then shut the door before I could say anymore.