Chapter 2: Marcella

"Are you kidding me?" I groaned then faced London "How long until we get there?"

"Marcy you sound like a little child so, do me a favour and stop it! Do not forget that it is your fault we're taking the jet." I think she finally snapped after tI repeated the question again. 'Wait a second how's it my fault?'

"How exactly is this my fault , dear sister? Please do explain." She looked at me and sighed, "Gladly. We could've teleported using the teleportation device that's in the labs but they're still in testing. Plus every other mode of transport is in use or being repaired. For example, on your last mission when you used the Craft you wrecked beyond recognition and it is still getting repared so now we have to take this thing. Now shut up I'm trying to fly this jet!"

"I have perfectly good explanations for doing so!" I said angrily, it wasn't true I just forgot it was there before most of it was damaged, I ignored that memory and focused as my mind went back to the mission and I calmed down. "London, can I ask you something? About the mission?"

"Yes, of course, try to make sure it makes sence this time." She replied dryly trying to keep her eyes on the sky.

"Don't you think that it's odd that the Winter Cheshire chose Dubai over all other places to commit the crime." I asked curiously.

London crossed her eyebrows in thought, I gave her a few moments to analyse the question. "Yes, I actually think it's quite odd. Most of their murders usually take place in colder areas. Are they trying to change up their routine? Even though it's weird the more important question is: Why Jaquelin Marshalls and Michelle Robinson? Did the Winter Cheshire hold a grudge against them or are they trying to make a statement and lure us out? Is there something only they knew that made the Cheshire kill them?"

It was kind of odd that the Winter Cheshire murdered somebody in one of the hottest places on earth and not a place like: Canada, Russia or any place that has a lower temperature. But I will get my revenge on the Winter Cheshire, they murdered my parents, my best friend and found family. As I was plotting my revenge London said, "Marcella, we have arrived!"

When we landed we put a cloaking device over our jet since we didn't go to an airport. It was too risky, you never know who could be watching.

"Let's go to the crime scene." London suggested as we walked towards the town.

"Dear sister in case you forgot, we don't know where the crime scene is." I pointed out.

"You don't but I do thanks to a dear friend of mine." She smirked looking and her digital watch staring at a picture. I decided to be dramatic, "You have friends?"

She sighed then laughed. "Marcella, dear sister, speak for yourself you don't have any friends. Secondly we met when I was in highschool and we were best friends from that day on and I saw her again when I stayed three weeks in Paris for my birthday. Thirdly her name's Samira. Plus we still chat and phone each other."

"I do have friends! Just not a lot. Okay?" I said slightly blushing. "Ah, Marcy keep on telling yourself that." London chuckled, "Maybe one day it will come true.

When we got close to the crime scene London suggested that I shouldn't come, but being more desperate than ever to find the Winter Cheshire I went anyways. Once we made our way past the police, we finally took a good look at the bodies. Jaquelin's silver hair was tinted with dirt and Michelle was soaked in blood. I then realised the difference between the photo from the office an the state they were in now. It was more gory than before because unlike in the photo where their only injury was the hole in the place where their hearts should be, currently their necks were violently mangled and some of their limbs were missing, it was almost as if an animal attacked them.

Once we got away from the scene London jumped up in excitement. "Sam!" She cried as a tanned brunette with green eyes wearing a hijab and suit walked over to London and hugged her. "Oh," she said stopping the hug then looking at me, "this is my baby sister Marcella."

Samira looked at me. "Insh'alla! She doesn't even look like the girl you described." But she looked back at London. "It's great to see you too, London."

"So did anything happen while I was gone?" London smiled looking at her friend's in a way I''ve never seen her look at another person before. It looked like one of those longing faces actors made in their slow romance films.

'Is she blind or is she just that oblivious?' I thought as I observed Samira before spotting an emerald ring on her finger.

"Congrats Samira!" I said while was London was suddenly pulled out of her train of thought and that look o adoratio faded into, if you knew London as long as I had dissapointment, " You're getting married?" Samira nodded she didn't look to happy about it but she gave a small, awkward smile, "Yes." :Congratulations on your engagement. I really hope you two will be happy together." London said in a tone of fake happiness to hide the dissapointment.

To make sure that the awkwardness went away I asked, "Samira, could we look at the case files, please?" Samira gave an awkward smile again before agree and saying that I'm right. London got back to the task at hand and asked,"Could we see the report on their bodies."

Once we read through the report I we began to gather all the information we could abouth the security in this part of town. "Sorry, but the Winter Cheshire destroyed all of them." I groaned in frustration, "But we might be able to use the back up drives."

Samira really is a miracle worker, I can see why London likes her so much.