Starting the massacre

"Okay, we will go after the local commanders first, then move our operations to the heartlands of the North."

From the moment when I came with my request to the Longinus group to the moment when the entire team along with the Prince I met back when I first appeared in this world and Teria sat down to discuss the strategy… Maybe half an hour passed. Yet, as if it was your other monster subjugation question, Longinus or his group didn't protest.

"I think we should start with those located in the outermost part of the battlefield." Pointing my finger at a specific location marked on a makeshift map that Hubriel provided, I raised my head and looked at the faces of everyone gathered. "If we start spreading death from the innermost part, the news will travel up the command chain. In other words, before we will be done, some of our targets might try to flee."