
With the main headquarters cleared, there was no reason for me or anyone else from my team to remain in this place. But that didn't mean that we could just off and go.

"All the documents are burned?" Rushing to one of the Longinus' party members that I never bothered to know by name, I asked.

"Yeah. They are all ash now." Nodding his head, the middle-aged woman replied. Judging from her outfit fitting the very definition of the bikini armor, I could tell that she was either a warrioress or just a plain exhibitionist.

"Good. Make sure you didn't miss a single one." I stretched my back leisurely. "We don't want our clean slate idea to be sullied by some randomly surviving, important document, don't we?"

The clean slate plan. Outside of being the working name of the operation we were conducting as of this very moment, it was also the founding idea behind every single action of ours.