Chapter 7: The tour.

When I finally got back to my room, I was drenched in sweat. The large crowd was mostly from rooms one to a thousand.

I quickly gather my stuff and headed to the bathroom.

The inside was quite stable only two colors, white and aquamarine. A real contrast to the rest of the school.

I got into a stall turned the shower on.

Wow the water really feels a lot better here.

This school was real psychotic. These guys actually installed automatic turn off system. The showers literally lack off after 5 minutes.

I got out of the bathroom and when back to my dorm. My bag was a little disorganized. So I it got together make sure not to leave our my status page.

I got out of my room, closed the door and headed back to the auditorium.

At the gates I saw the guard Malcom again So I stop for a quick chat.

So you going to tell me the joke now? (Daybian)

Well if you must know. The thing is it's quite funny to watch you students run back and forth for items. (Guard)

Really now. (Daybian)

Yeah and I think you should hurry the 4th tour guide is going to leave. I am sure you don't want to wait for another 15 minutes. ( Guard)

I quickly ran towards the group, the guide seem like he was giving specific instructions. So I just

falled into the crowd.

We are going to walk in two lines one for boys and one for girls. My name is Peter Penguinto. But you are going to call me Sir. No expectations. And if you want to use the bathroom I suggest you go now and wait for the next guide. No form your lines! (Tour guide Peter)

That's not the way to talk to kids.

Peter's Pov:

These toddlers can't even view this dump by themselves. Can't believe that I had to do this, even though my mom's the school nurse. These teachers really need to know there place assigning these trash task to me.

Let's go kids.

I quickly got them form lines and started touring them around the campus.

I started with the auditorium. went inside and out showing them the out of bounds areas. Then ask if they had any questions. The only one to put up there hand was a little boy who look even more trashed than this place. His shoes well they had seen better days. Better days in a bind that is. He seem quite educated to say the least he spoke affluently. His hair was wow how to describe it? If he wasn't wearing that robe I would never believe he came to this school. He was asking questions like: Why is the building wider inside that it is outside? Why doesn't the principal live in a separate building? What is being used to power this place?

When is lunch?

Well that last one caught me. I was really wondering where that growling sound was coming from. Now it's obvious.

I only gave vague answers to his questions. I didn't answer the lunch question because that's only going to make the growling louder.

After touring through the library then the classroom building. Let's just say I had a talking pet dog with me.

I just hope the students heard what I said over that student loud stomach. He even ask why I was leading their group. This kid. I swear if it was against the rules I would cut off his fingers and healed them when he close to bleeding out. Too bad their is someone watching us. I just hope he is not rated in the blue or green category.

Finally am at the cafeteria.

Tour is over kids now go and get something to eat before you starve to death.

(End of your guide POV)

Finally the tour is over. I get something to eat am starving. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning when I left the orphanage.

A line again this school seems more like prison. Lines for the bathroom, lines for the tour , lines for so food.

I joined the line so that it wouldn't get longer without me.

Finally at the front. Now what's on the menu. Roasted spider legs.

Rice. Rice balls. Mutated Tree tea. Lemonade. Flying Fish. Dire wolf burgers. Fries.

This must the lunch menu.

Wait what's this.

Looking closely at the counter I saw a sign that said.

Improved Meals = 1sliver

So I will have to pay a sliver to enjoy better quality food.

For my first time here, Well I took everything

The meals sounded disgusting but these space creatures actually taste wonderful. They are always eating adventures and miners. Why can't we eat them. Plus the orphanage taught me not to be picky.

Although not many persons shared my veiw. This school wouldn't make these creatures go waste.

Finally a chance to fill the void in my stomach.

I took an empty table and began my meal.