I know you all must me excited even restless, been here, trying to get used to the environment, getting associated with future classmates, sleeping in a different bed.( Principal Adams) I
( Well I haven't slept in own bed since the age of five but ok good speech bald head) Daybian.
Well I Principal Adams is here to make this leg of your journey the best you will ever have. In the period of eight years you will be transformed into a proficient healer. I tell you students there is nothing greater than being the one who secures the victory of his team. Imagine being able to replace an arm, a leg even a persons head. No matter what condition you will be able to heal it. That's is best victory ever, no one wants to leave the battlefield dismembered or worse dead. You students, future healers of Augustria will be a force to be reckoned with. Keeping our fighters safe keeping our citizens safe. Keeping our king Safe. Long live the king. (Principal Adams)
Long live our King!( Students)
The king can rot for all I care. I have been living under a rock all these years. I haven't seen him turn a blind eye. I wonder if all these students actually heard what the principal was saying. ( Daybian)
Now I will introduce our teachers and other Staff members (Principal)
The first teacher that came up was quite short.
My name is Mrs Johnson and I will be teaching you how to heal Bruises.
My name is Mr Jackson and I will be teaching you how to heal cuts.
My name is Mrs Wilson and I will be teaching you how to heal scars.
My name is Mr Carlton and I will be teaching basic Mathematics.
My name is Mrs Jenkins and I will be teaching General Writing and Speech.
My name is Mrs Brown and I will be your Guidance councilor for the next couple of years, you come to me if you're having any problems.
My name is Mr Duckintier and I am your Dean of punishment. Behave your selves of you will never have to see me.
Was that supposed to scare us. Ha Mr duck I have seen worse. (Daybian)
My name is Mrs Penguinto and I will be your school nurse.
My name is Mrs Henrittas and I will be your secretary for these few years. I will be able to send letters to your families and received packages. Consider me as your personal delivery guy it is going to cost you. So do it when necessary.
Wow what a great way to encourage students to spend but this is not the same Mrs Henrittas that I saw. What's up with these last names.
Oh wait is that Aged troll coming up to tell us his name. Am sorry for the guy who is going to clean up those hairs ,his beard is basically sweeping the floor how old will he be when he is dead.(Daybian)
Hello Students. My name is Mr Wonkier. I have many talents and secrets. As you can see am very old so that means am very wise. I am a tradesman by nature and you will most likely be associated once you graduate to middle tier where you will associated more with me. I hope you all enjoyed this wonderful school. ( Mr Wonkier)
Thank you Mr Wonkier. That's enough. Now students you will be given a tour of this school get familiar with it for you will be here for eight years. You will also be getting a timetable. Their will be five tour guides. Three of them will be leaving now the next one in 30 minutes and the last one in 45 minutes. If you have not carried your bagpack with you please go for it and return here as soon as possible. (Principal Adams)
Wow Just great more walking. I slowly stand up. Stretched, and started to walk towards the exit. The others students were all looking at me but I had to take a shower and I ain't standing in no line.
You are dismissed. The tour guides are outside. They are quite older than u so you will recognize them easily. (Principal Adams)
By the time the principal had said this. I was already sprinting towards the dorms.
The distance to cover wasn't long but I know that am not the only one who didn't shower and forgot his bagpack.
As I approached the dorms I saw the Gaurd I met earlier.
He was laughing and holding his stomach.
I wonder what's so funny.
Hey you, Guard over there. (He turned his head towards me) Yes you sir , would you mind sharing the joke. (Daybian)
Well I would but you seem like you have bigger problems behind you.( Gaurd)
Wheen I turned around I saw a crowd running towards me.
Hey my name is Malcom by the way. Nice seeing you again kid.. (Gaurd)
Yeah ok .(Daybian)
I started running again.