Hate So Deep It Hurts

Gale The blooded grabs my mums' arm and starts to drag her to the front of his men while the still-fresh blood drips down his big meat cleaver before he stops and stares at the stunned guards. They were still trying to recover from the ruthless act of violence right before their eyes all because of a simple order to stop.

"Oh, Mr. Mayor sir I don't think you are in any place to tell Me, Gale the Blooded what to do!" as he pulls my mom up by her arm in front of him. Gale brings up his cleaver up to my mums' neck but before he could do anything, we heard Mr. Henry the mayor calls out.

"Please stop! Don't do this! Why are you doing this?! What have we ever done to you for you to attack the village?" Mr. Henrey asks out loud.

"Well, you see Mr. Mayor sir," Gale says as he pushes my mother into the men at his side and sheaths his cleaver and sword into his carriers at his side as he begins to take off his black cloak and hood to reveal what looked to be a military uniform of Black scaled armor with a dark green and gold Emblazoned Dragon atop his breastplate over his heart. He could be none other than a Captain of the Order of the Grim. "You sit at an important crossroad near the border between the kingdom of Endif and the Empire of Slate!"

The Order of the grim was a mostly massive mercenary group that had well over 3000 members. They were the ruthless kind of mercenaries that kingdoms would employ if they had some unsavory work to be done, like destroying villages along the border between neighbors that weren't technically at war, sorta like the kingdom of Endif that the village was part of, and the Empire of Slate that always had bin ambitious!

"But we aren't at war!" sputtered the mayor in disbelief.

"Oh? I believe we are Mr. Mayor, my orders instruct me to destroy this village and any other I come across for the next while" gale said with a wry smile as he grabbed my mother from his men and held her in front of him again. "I'm going to have to inform you that we are currently at war!" he said as he drew his short-sword again and held it behind my mothers back

My mum had a brave face on as she tried to not look at the headless body of Davin the tailor that was not more than 5 ft behind her. She looked scared now, and that's when she noticed me hiding against the row of stalls along the road behind Gales men, she met my eyes and I could feel the love and warmth coming from her before she cried and yelled "RUN" as loud as she could at me and tried to free herself from Gales grip.

"well enough of this!" Gale said as he firmly shoved the short sword all the way through my yelling mother's back. The tip came out a full 8 inches blood started to flow across her chest and down to the ground as Gale, the Blooded removed his sword from my mother and dropped her on the ground as you would with the waste meat off a fresh kill to feed the dogs.

"kill them all!" gale commanded as he turned to where he had seen my mother yelling at. much to his and my surprise I was running towards the man that had just killed my mother before my very eyes!

"NOOOO!!!!! MOOOOMMM" I screamed as I charged toward the man with my practice sword held in an attack stance, but before I could even swing at the man, Gales short sword flashed down and took the wooden blade off at the hilt before he kicked me in the side with what felt like an anvil but was only the man's leg. I flew to the side and sprawled on the road in a heap as the man calmly walked up to me and nudged me with his boot

"Ohh, you must be that women's little brat eh?" he said as he looked down at me with glee. "How do you feel boy? How does it feel to lose the thing you love most in this world!" he said as he nudged me with his boot again as I rolled onto my side and looked at my mother.

Her eyes were wide open staring in my direction. Her Beautiful black hair was in the dirt of the road as a bright red pool formed under her, growing in an ever-expanding circle of death and finality!

Gale bent down and grabbed my face to force me to look into his sadistic cruel eyes. "Well boy, I asked you a question! HOW. DO. YOU FEEL!?" he yelled as he held me tightly.

I looked at him with hate, agony, and RAGE in my eyes. I couldn't see that my dead grey eyes had started to flicker with an inner light. I looked up at Gale who startled away and dropped me as he noticed it himself. The inner light finally burst from my eyes in Orange Pain as I have never felt before. It felt like molten glass was poured into my open eyes as I started to scream in pain, in loss, in absolute FURY! The orange light traveled to my open palms and then all of a sudden my pitch-black hair started to change color, from the roots out to the tips with an ethereal orange and red glow like it had turned into living flame dancing in the slightest breezes!