Rage, Anger, Hate.

My now fire hair burst into bright red flames as my pained scream slowly died in my throat, and as it quieted a new more primal roar started to sound! A scream so filled with Raw hate and anger that I was unconsciously breathing a stream of flame more than 2 ft away from me!

Gale quickly dived backward from me as soon as he saw the fire coming from my body. "Magic?? did I just awaken this kids magic?!" gale thought to himself as he was even more surprised when my scream changed from pain to rage! Gale then saw that I had fire coming from my mouth, as well as the fire in my hair now stood a full foot into the air thrashing in anger and hate!

I felt pure rage! All I could see was red my whole view was blocked by a fire burning bright! In that fire, I saw what looked like something stretching out its hand towards me! "Do you want my help child?" Spoke to the entity from within the flame as its arm came into view again right in front of me handheld and a cruel smile on its face. "If it's revenge you want on the man that killed your mother? then take my hand. If it is simply is to burn them all, to kill every last soldier that was part of killing your mother? Then take my hand." it said softly with a manic laugh.

I look down at my hand. Then I look up at the entity in the flame and start to reach my hand out towards its hand. "Please" I barely whisper out loud as I finally grab its hand.

"Good child!" it exclaims in horrific glee "Let me show you what we can do!" it exclaims out loud as I feel my arms raise up and point in front of me. The red in my vision rapidly falls to a bright glow and I can see Gale again but I have no control over my body as if I'm only a passenger in my own body!

I see Gale backing away from me and going towards his men with a look of pure terror on his face! I can feel my arms getting warmer as I can feel the heat flowing from all over my body into my hands that are raised towards Gale and his men.

"BOOM!" both my arms fly backward and the now 2 tiny fireballs race towards the Order of The Grim at incredible speeds! one fireball lands in between Gale and his men forcing Gale to stumble towards me as he could feel the incredible heat coming from where the fireball had exploded into lots of Chaotic flames that spread along the ground! The other fireball flies wide and hits a small group of 3 soldiers at their feet blasting the soldiers back and killing them on the spot by burning down into their lungs as the very air caught on fire!

My body quickly sprints forward towards Gale and I feel heat flow down my right arm as a one-handed short sword quickly forms in my hand as I get closer and closer to Gale! Once I'm within arm's reach of him, my body yells out in pure joy as my fire blade flashes out and bites deeply into Gales left leg causing him to scream and fall to the ground! As he turns around towards me, my body once again lifts its fire blade and slashes downward and into Gale's other leg going all the way through and sticking into the ground so as to make sure he can not escape!

My body reaches for his sword that he lost if grip on when he fell. I can finally move my head and I raise Gale's sword above my head and yell out in absolute rage, anger, and hate before plunging down with the sword as hard as I could into his chest all the way to the hilt going through his heart from his shoulder and down further into his stomach killing Gale the Blooded. The mercenaries, who just as surprised as the guardsmen turn to see what I have become and what I have done to their Captain.

They end up recovering faster than the guardsmen and pull back a few steps before yelling "Retreat!" the mercenaries start to call out as they start to sprint for the burning south gate hoping to get out of the village as they now have to contend with a mage as well as the other guardsmen and bodyguards that are still alive!

The guards are about to chase after the mercenaries when a call for a halt is yelled out by the mayor and his bodyguard! "Stay in line! Henry yells at his men do not get dragged into this thick smoke and be taken apart piecemeal by the mercenaries!

My vision slowly starts to fade to black, all I see is the sword hilt I'm still hanging onto that's in Gale's chest before even that slowly fades to complete blackness.

I awoke a few times as I saw flashes of light or I heard what I thought was half-whispered conversations until finally, I started to become fully awake slowly. The first thing I knew was that I hurt ALOT! It felt like someone had taken a hammer to my whole body tenderizing me like raw meat. "ughhhhhh" I groaned out in pain as I tried to move my hand to my head but barely managed to shift my arm before the pain became so bad that I lost consciousness once again.

"DAD!??... I think he is awake!" I heard a girl's voice ring out from the side of the bed before all became black once again.