Food Fight

Sergeant Kace's announcement had stopped all of our fights but now it was back into full swing. The girl that had been pounding me into the ground had stopped at the sergeants yell, just before she started to continue bashing my face I went for the cheap move and throat punched her.

It may be a cheap shot but boy did it work. I needed her to stop hitting me or I was going to lose control, that gave me very little options so yes, I throat punched a girl.

The girl stopped trying to keep me pinned so I pushed her off as she was trying to get air down her bruised throat. I grabbed the food and rushed back to my group who were all standing near each other looking at the chaos that was going on everywhere.

Kids who hadn't been fighting before were now savagely attacking other kids from behind as the only thing stopping them from taking more food was they didn't know the rules to this food fight.

I noticed Richard was being attacked by 2 girls that had rushed him as he was sitting alone. One did a jump kick into his chest as the other one grabbed the half-eaten food pack out of his hands.

I made my way back to my group who had all clustered together besides Richard. After I handed Bell a food pack for the second time that day, I rushed to Richard's side and started to pry the girl who had attached herself to the arm that Richard was using to keep hold of his food pack.

At this, the girl who looked only slightly bigger than me this time turned her attention to me and let go of his arm as I was now the bigger threat. She looked half-feral at this point with eyes large and angry almost as if she would do anything to get the food, turns out the 2 girls were part of the teams that didn't get food last night.

The girl jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist before I could do anything, she had one of my arms trapped between our bodies and she used that to her advantage as she bit into my shoulder so hard that I started to bleed even through my shirt!

My group came to my rescue at that point, Hazel just punched the girl in the side of the head causing her to drop like a sack of potatoes unconscious.

After I managed to extricate myself from the angry girl, Bell helped me up as the others kept watch on all the other fights happening around us. Richard had managed to gain his feet and join us since he was only dealing with one girl he had been able to fend her off pretty easily.

He nodded at me in thanks for giving him a helping hand. We all stood together with a unified front, as other groups started to do the same the fighting started to die down. We could see a few Sergeants with light magic going and healing some of the badly wounded, but only enough to stop any bleeding and wake up the unconscious. Anything that wasn't physically rehabilitating or life-threatening wasn't healed.

My Shoulder had stopped bleeding but with my shirt in the blood clot, I knew it was going to suck to take out once we got back to camp... if we got back to camp, a lot of kids were bleeding or limping back to groups.

That had been the most savage fight I had ever seen, and that wasn't even the worst part. We were still in a race, the last 2 teams to make it back to camp would go without food.

That was in all our minds as all at once the sergeants yelled and said that we could all head back now. The sergeants weren't driving us this time, there wasn't a need, they were using the threat of going hungry to get us moving.

Our whole group left together and kept pace with one another, Sergeant Kace kept pace with us but he didn't use his stave as we were going at a decent pace so he just followed us as we started to pass other smaller groups that had been left behind by faster members or were quite hurt from all the lunchtime fights and couldn't keep up.

We made good time on our way back and came in 4th place even though over 100 boys and girls made it back before us, but because their full groups hadn't arrived we still came in the position we did.

Kids were yelling at the sergeants that were keeping track of the incomplete groups and whining about how it was unfair to which the Sergeants said nothing but threatened to make their teams last place if they continued to bitch and moan about their own stupidity.

Some just sat and cried on the edge of the field as more and more groups were counted in. After it was all said and done the 2 last teams had been two groups that had split up and fast individuals and the slower ones leaving the teams at half strength or less.

Turns out, fighting had broken out in the back ranks of the trainees running on the road, no one wanted to go without food so some slower groups had attacked and tried to slow other groups that were closer to being last so that they had a greater chance of eating, eliminating the competition as it were.

Sergeants let it all happen but they always intervened when things were about to go too far, as blood ran hot and emotions burned furiously rules meant less and less.


I set up a P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me! Thanks so much!!