
After all of us had made it to the Training yard, we all went back into our formation once again, The teams that lost were quietly crying or were muttering in anger as more people would be going hungry once again.

Once again Kevin went up to the podium, "Tomorrow will be more of the same, get some sleep and for those that are aloud, get some food as well."

In the field, a trainee yelled out " Why are you doing this?! What part of this is training? It's more like torture!" a male voice was yelling from somewhere in the middle of the formation.

As the boy called out, everyone near him turned to him in shock making it easy to see who had questioned Staff Sergeant Kevin's training regime. Sergeants marched in and hauled the boy before the podium so that Kevin could speak directly to the insolent boy.

"Food is one of the greatest motivators. You would not believe what people would do for food when it gets scarce boy." he didn't explain any further before looking at the rest of us " this boys team will also not have food tonight. Does anyone else have any questions? Good." he said as he headed down the couple steps and left the Sergeants to lead us once again to the kitchens.

We got cold stew once again this time it didn't even have meat it only had fatty chunks with vegetables and a lot of water. After running all day and the fights we had been in, it was hardly enough, my shoulder still hurt a lot and Richard was limping as well now from blisters on his heels.

Once we finished our food we got escorted by a silent Kace back to our bunkhouse, no matter how much we asked Kace questions he ignored us and said we should focus on our "training".

Bell was the savior for the whole group, she knew a little healing magic but could only fix external injury's that were skin deep and couldn't do much else about deep tissue damage. She came to me first and after I pulled my shirt out of the clot on my shoulder, she only managed to get the blood to clot to stop the bleeding she couldn't do much else and she was sweating profusely after just that little bit, she had just tried to use what little energy she had left after running an extremely brutal marathon and it showed up as exhaustion but that didn't stop her as she went over all of us and made sure to heal the small amount she was able.

Bell went up to Richard last and demanded he takes his boot off for her to use what she had left to see if she could help it in any way, Richard just complied with hope and thanks written on his face and after Bell had managed to take a small amount of pain away from the blisters he said " Thank you Bell," to her back as Hazel dragged her into the female part of the dorm for some much-needed sleep.

The next morning Sergeant Kace came in and woke us up an hour before dawn and told us that from now on we had to be at the training field by the second breakfast bell starting today.

We all got up, bleary-eyed and too tired to question the changes in meeting time we went to breakfast as soon as all of us were ready, we went and got the gruel and beans today before we all went back to the dorm.

I went to the training field immediately after I finished changing my clothes for the clean ones that had been washed while we were running yesterday by the camp Laundry washers.

I stood at rest once again in my assigned spot and waited for assembly to start. Not long after I arrived a few more individuals arrived before larger groups started to filter in till all trainees had arrived with no latecomers this time.

Staff Sergeant Kevin went to the podium to address us once again, "you did well yesterday and I hope for even better performance today." That was all he said before descending the podium once again before yelling out loudly once again, "Get them running Sergeants!"

Today Richard stayed with us and the other groups wised up a little and stayed together as best they could, the faster people complained and berated the slower group members before hustling them on with words and shoves if the individual was particularly slow.

We made it to the creek a couple of hours before midday as we got an earlier start. once we had all drunk our fill we moved back to our groups and all waited for the food that the Sergeants would throw out to us.

Today more fights broke out, strong trainees overpowered the weaker ones but most groups didn't try to steal any other group's food, they would fight together to ward off would-be thiefs not willing to lose a single one of the 5 packets provided. Most groups would rather split the food evenly.

Still, some groups attacked other groups for all of the packets they had been given, much to their frustration the Sergeants just watched emotionlessly as if they didn't care that the kids were getting more savage towards one another.

The reason they didn't care was that they had to break all the kids mentally before building them back up, but we wouldn't learn this for a few months. This was the first year this training was implemented as they just didn't have time to train them normally and if they wanted the kids to survive in the coming war with less training, than they had to teach them to be more cunning, vicious, and brutal then the enemies were.


I set up a P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me!