Crazed Firemage

I smashed right through the wall in an explosion of fire and heat. I stumbled for a sec before I felt a hand grab my shoulder and a voice emanating from my mind as the world stopped around me, "Do you want to kill these two my child?" the voice asked in curiosity.

"Yes, I do want to kill them! I want to kill all of them. I said to the ethereal being in my head.

"We can do that child, we can make them all pay for taking away your mother, but power has a cost boy, are you ready to pay for the power I will bestow upon you?" the voice asked

I didn't even have to think before responding, "Yes! I will gladly pay any price to kill all the bastards that were involved in the death of my mom I yelled at the voice with hope.

"very well boy, the cost is a small thing," it said before continuing to explain the price "every time you invoke my power I will take a small part of your humanity away until all that is left is anger and pain boy, do you understand? Are you willing to pay the price?" it said as a figure of fire appeared in front of me.

I couldn't see what the thing was but it had a vaguely humanoid outline that was blurred by the fire that made up the being but it held out its hand waiting for an answer, so I reached out and shook its hand in the agreement of our deal.

"Thus the pact is made, forevermore you may call upon my power!" the voice said before pain as I have never felt before flowed up my hand, into my arm, and into the center of my chest where it felt like molten rock had been poured directly into my heart and through it to the rest of my body.

As the hand let go time sped back up and I was lost to pain and rage towards The Order Of the Grim.

The man rushing towards the wall suddenly stopped as I came bursting through like a comet and within moments, even more, the fire began to pour from my body as if I was the embodiment of flame and destruction.

I saw the man stop and reached a hand towards him as I started to scream in agony and rage at the pain that was flowing through my body at the amount of mana I was consuming. I took a step towards the man and in my hand, a sword made of fire began to grow and become solid like it had when I killed Gale the blooded in my village. the Sword grew to a length of 5 ft and yet it moved easily as it weighed nothing but was just as solid as the ground.

Fire infused my legs and I burst forward as I left a burning trail where I had stepped. I swung the sword at the man who now had a look of fear on his face.

Just before my sword struck, the man called forth a wall of stone in front of him to block my attack. My blade bit 2 feet into the side of the wall before it stopped much to the man's amazement who had just barely gotten the wall up in time. "How the fuck did he cut through stone with fire?!" he exclaimed as he came out the other side of the wall from where my sword had sliced and cut at my face hoping to kill me in one stroke.

My hand flashed out to the side wreathed in the fire as I caught the man's blade and held it firm as the man tried to pull it back seeing his attack fail. I held fast to the blade and chopped down with the Hard Fire construct and loped off the mans arm.

The man started to scream as my blade cut through flesh and seared the meat behind. He collapsed to his knees in shock as I reached forward, grabbed his shirt and it burned away so I continued with my hand as claws of fire started to form on my fingers and I dug into the man's chest towards his beating heart and with the savagery of a feral beast I ripped out the man's heart to everyone's amazement.

I held the man's heart as it sizzled in my hand and I roared in fury at the sky like a mad animal, I was completely lost to the fire, I was wholly consumed by the power and had no control, I just wanted to burn and kill everyone and everything

Seeing this the woman attacking Kace took some steps back to get some distance before seeing that her chance to capture the firemage had failed this time and with a wind-enhanced body, took off at great speed towards the forest.

I didn't even notice the woman leaving, I just held the heart up to the sky as if in offering before I collapsed to the ground as the fire coming from me extinguished in an instant and I fell into unconsciousness once again.

Sergeant Kace seeing that the enemy had retreated looked towards me and the camp behind me to see our group mates staring at my passed-out body in the grass in open shock and not a little bit of fear.

No one had seen such a powerful use of magic before, not even Hazel had seen something so wild, so primal and powerful, she knew that Bruni was powerful but now she knew why her mother was so interested in the boy. 'He was a monster... he ripped the man's heart out! and what was with that sword of fire! I have never seen that before!' she thought to herself as they just stared at me in shock.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me!