Fleet Of Foot

Kace was left with the aftermath of me burning out of control, the boy was truly blessed, or cursed depending on how you looked at it, he thought as he let go of his own mana and headed to Bruni to check on the boy, "If I used that much mana I would be dead," he muttered as he approached my unconscious form.

The group also came out of the smoldering walls of the camp to where sergeant Kace was with pale faces on each of their faces, Richard couldn't help himself but whisper ''monster'' as he got closer to where I lay.

The twins just held each other's hand at seeing the brutality and power of an out of control mageling.

Bell stayed behind Hazel as they all approached me when Kace started to wave them all forward with his hand.

When they were all close to where the dead body of the man they saw the hole in his chest and looked at the heart I still grasped in my hand, Bell was the first one to ask "why did he lose control sir" she asked the sergeant.

"The Order of the Grim killed the boy's mother in front of him not more then 20 paces, he saw the sword exit from his mom's chest as she still looked at him, I'm sure that if the only person you loved was murdered in front of you and you couldn't do anything about it, that you would also be very very angry," he explained as he pried my hand opens and the savaged organ away before throwing me over a shoulder.

"We need to move now! Those two were definitely not the only ones sent to this forest, the woman I was fighting with surly go get more reinforcements now that their target has been found.

Hazel just nodded at that then said "Yes, I heard that Bruni is the target, the man said it was for killing the leader's son?" she asked with interest.

Kace looked at her with a slight widening of his eyes before responding, " Well that explains why The Order of The Grim is here, Lady Fang of The Order is not one to just let her son die without revenge..... this complicates things greatly." he said before jogging with me over his shoulder in the direction of the stream after he waved the others to follow him.

Richard had to ask where they were heading to which Sergeant Kace had said that there was safety in numbers and the fact that another group was known to them in that direction made it clear as to where they were going for the others.

Everyone just nodded at the explanations as they made good time even with me slowing down Kace slightly.

They followed the stream and the landmarks I had told them about when I last explained where I had found the group but it was also easy to tell when they got close as the smell of a regular campfire was in the air.

Kace followed the game trail to the camp and started to call out as his group approached the walls. this Caused the sergeant and his group to come outside to see why they were being hailed.

The other sergeant seen the looks of battle on Kace and immediately started to look around as our pace hurried up towards the group before he told his group to "stand down something has happened!' he hissed and they made way for us.

Kace's face lit up as he saw it was Sergeant Volk, one of the few wind users in the training division! Kace dropped me gently on the ground inside the walls of this camp before turning to the sergeant and explained what had happened.

"well that is unexpected, but I assume you want me to use my wind communication spell to get ahold of command?" Volk asked after Kace explained all that had happened.

"Please old friend, I know it takes a lot out of you, but Commander Harriot needs to be informed of this development. The order is after one of our tactical assets," he said before glancing down at me then returning his gaze up to Volk.

Volk followed his gaze and finally looked at me with renewed interest, "This is the willing we found yes?" he asked Kace.

Kace didn't hesitate to relay the details of how the boy had cut halfway through a stone wall with a sword of fire. "He is truly exceptional, when he is trained to not be wasteful with his mana he will be a real terror on the battlefield," Kace replied honestly before asking Volk once again if he would send the message to HQ.

Volk agreed after that and started to gather his mana around him, he was enveloped in a thin grey sheen as it moved to his lips and Volk started to mutter to it as more and more mana gathered each passing second, the mana suddenly took off like an arrow that had been fired in the direction of the communications hub at Mount Spire where more Wind mages were gathered to receive wind messages that were sent to that important training hub.

Volk was a bit exhausted after sending the message so he sat down and started to ask about the plan now that "hunters" were in the field. "That took a lot out of me Kace, I'm not as young as I used to be and that was a long message I just sent, I need water and rest," he said as sweat poured down the man's face.

"I will look after this group for a few hours but we need to leave after that to return to Mount Spire" Kase responded as Volk just nodded and was taking deep breaths to try and get air back into his lungs.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me!