
The first few days of travel through the Southlands I was kept in my cage and was only let out at the end of the day or during a stop. Bruising had formed on my wrists from me struggling to get them a little looser while trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

Every day was the same, no one talked to me anymore as I was just cargo to be delivered, only given just enough food so that hunger stayed away but not much else.

On the 4rth day after being captured, a large man walked up to check and make sure one of the guards that constantly kept an eye on me, were keeping me alive if a bit hungry, his face was level with mine as he started to talk to me, " So boy, how were you able to kill my brother, Gale the blooded?" he asked

At this, my face went pale, "b-brother??" I asked as terror seized my heart at what the man had just said.

"Yes brothers but not in the traditional sense, all the captains of The Order are brought into Lady Darks 'Family' we are bound to her by magic, we are the ones that keep the other mercenaries in check so she...Binds our magic to hers." the man explained

Bound by magic, that didn't sound very good but I was curious "she binds your magic?" I asked in a small voice as we

The man didn't answer he just looked at me and grinned as he motioned for the guards to haul me out of my cage. After I was roughly removed the man motioned for my bindings to be loosened.

I was rubbing my wrists trying to get circulation when 2 guards each grabbed my arms at the mans motioning as he stepped closer to me and whispered in my ear, "I have received instructions as to how you are to be treated From Lady Dark herself, she wants you to pay for taking one of her precious 'Children' away from her." The man chuckled softly

My face went ashen at those words. 'What was he going to do to me?' i repeatedly asked in my mind as panic gripped my heart and my imagination went wild thinking of all the things that could happen to me.

"She wanted me to let you know that she destroyed the village you were from and that you were to be given 10 lashes every night, you will be healed afterward by a light mage so that your wounds don't get infected but from now on you will be whipped for your transgressions!" the man was roaring out at me by the time he was done talking as the guards hauled me to a tree and tied me with my arms wrapped around it in a hug.

The man unfurled a long whip before he spoke out, "I'm going to enjoy this way more then you will boy," he said crazily as he swung out quick and it felt like lightning blazed across my back as pain more terrible than could be imagined made me convulse but I couldn't fall down in agony, all I could do was lean against this tree that had me trapped as another bolt of what felt like lighting lit my back up from my shoulder across my back all the way to my hip, I screamed out at the second hit, as pain consumed me another lash came and lit up the other side of my back.

"That's three" the man chuckled out as he raised the whip on struck me for the fourth time.

I passed out and only woke up when the guards roughly threw me back into my cage after a light mage had healed my back.

Every day continued like that, I was let out only to be whipped, no matter how much I begged to not feel the agony of the whip the man came back every night and whipped me before having me healed and thrown back in my cage without food.

I dreaded stopping because all it meant was pain and suffering to me, the whippings continued for what felt like an eternity but really only 10 days had passed after it started, we finally changed direction and headed north towards what I later came to know was the border between the Southlands and The Empire of Slate.

The whippings didn't stop the only thing that was different was that I was tied to large boulders once we got into the mountains as trees were scarce this high up in the pass. The days blended into one long one as all I knew and all I felt was pain, even a light mage couldn't heal all the damage that the whippings were causing and so it left my nerves raw and extremely sensitive, magnifying the pain that came from the whip.

I begged, yelled, and demanded it to stop, I pleaded with the man every time he came to my cage to not whip me but he did it each night with glee on his face, I even tried to use my mana but to no avail. Tonight was a little different, the man actually started off by talking to me before whipping me, "Only two more days Bruni, that's all the time we will have together before we reach our base" He informed me as the guards tied me up to a large rock once again.

I didn't react at all to the man's statement, I was in so much pain that my mind was consumed by it, nothing else mattered to me other than getting away from the pain.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters! THANKS ALL!