Lady Dark's Castle

When the last day had come, I was whipped in the morning this day, the man had complained that he wouldn't be able to as they would reach Lady Darks castle this afternoon so he was extra savage with the whip this time.

Thank the gods I had blacked out on the first crack of the whip this time, my body just couldn't handle the constant pain and healing that it had received during this trip. The guards had thrown my unconscious body back into the cage in the wagon.

They were training me to fear the whip, my day revolved around pain now, much different than before where it was just exhaustion in the military.

I woke up just as we turned off the main road and the whole collum was walking to a castle surrounded by high walls 40ft tall at the least, the gate was a massive two-story gatehouse with a wooden drawbridge that went over a moat that was at least 15 ft across at the gate. The big castle had a beautiful outer bailey that we all stopped in and the soldiers were moving cargo to a warehouse off to one side and started to unload, my cage was opened and I was dragged out as I was moving to slow for the guards liking, as he touched my back I screamed as it was so sensitive that I almost blacked out from a light touch.

Soldiers that were around me looked up at the pathetic scream that came out of me as I fell to the ground after the soldier lost his grip on me and I was too weak to hold myself up.

The soldier cursed at me and kicked me a few times till the big man who had been doing my nightly whipping came over and grabbed me by the dirty collar of my shirt before he started to haul me towards the inner bailey.

We had to pass through another gate before entering the inner bailey. after this wall was the massive keep looming over us. the inner bailey was a huge area that had an immaculately manicured lawn, they must have had a small army of ground keepers to keep up with the space, a stable was situated to the right of the keep aways and what looked like a blacksmith was on the left of the keep a fair distance as to not disturb the keep but to be protected by roving patrols of guards that were seen occasionally.

Now, this was a fortress, it was nothing like the shitty little outpost I had been training in before, I hardly noticed any of it as I was dragged inside the castle quickly by the large man, and after a few stops our trip was halted by a shrewd looking man who I later found out was the castellan of this massive castle.

The castellan looked average compared to my captor, he had brown hair and stood a bit shorter then average but looked somewhat handsome if seen in the right light, he stopped us and looked at my pitiful state with a smile before talking to the large man.

"This is the boy? he doesn't look like he could kill someone of rank now does he?" he asked while looking at me.

"He also killed an earth mage by himself when we first tried to apprehend him, he ripped out the man's heart while he was still alive with his bare hand. This is the boy," he said simply.

This left the castellan with a surprised look as he saw me in a new light in his eyes while he smiled down creepily at me, "Excellent work." he said before tossing a heavy sac at the large man, it was the bounty that The Dark Lady had put on my capture I assumed but kept my head low, I was still in pain so I just focused on not making any noise and tried to just follow every shove or push I had gotten as quickly as possible so that he didn't touch my back as that would just send me to the floor screaming in pain if he did so.

After the man had been paid the castellan led had a guard take me to a bathroom so that the maids could clean me up for a meeting with the Lady.

An older maid took charge of me as soon as I entered the bathroom, after she received her instructions as to make me look presentable she had warm water brought up into a wooden tub as she started to forcefully stripped me out of my shirt and trousers followed quickly by my boots, but she became a little more gentle with me after she saw the fresh scars of hundreds of whip marks that covered almost my entire back, she saw that they were very fresh and were Mage healed by an amateur Lightmage, as an experienced light mage could heal a wound without leaving a scar.

She carefully bathed me as a few maids that were only a bit older than me came in with a new set of sturdy clothes, a white button-up shirt with some brown linen leggings. They weren't the finest cut but they were hundreds of times better than my extremely dirty traveling clothes I had on before the bath so I didn't complain as the older maid dressed me slowly after she scrubbed me so that not a spec of dirt was left and a clean boy emerged from the bath.

The old maid didn't say a word to me she just led me from the bathroom to where the Castellan was waiting for me, as soon as he saw me he quickly finished with the piece of parchment he was reading before getting up and coming over to me. "We are going to see the Dark Lady in a moment, you will speak only when spoken too, do I make myself clear?" he asked as I just nodded dumbly at the man.

"Good, I hope you do understand, the last person who spoke in her presence without being asked to lost his tongue." the castellan said with a subtle threat before leading me out of the room with one hand on my shoulder.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters! THANKS ALL!