
Master Hanz was just trying to get me angry so I would lose control. Unfortunately, it worked, after the weeks of being whipped, bound, and my magical power suppressed I didn't try to fight the anger or control it even for a second.

As usual, when I lost control of my mana my hair turned to the color of fire and light started to shine brightly from both eyes once again. However, this time was a little different as instead of the fire covering my arms it instead flowed down my chest before turning solid as I jumped at the man who would dare insult, my mother.

At the fire chest piece formed Master Hanz's face went cold as he realized he underestimated the boy's power. It was still within his means to stop this boy but it would definitely require a lot more effort than first assumed to control and teach, care would have to be taken he thought to himself as he prepared to receive my attack.

I first kicked out at the man's chest when I landed in front of him hoping to catch him off guard, just as my foot was about to contact him I was pushed ever so slightly out of line by one of Master Hanz palms so I missed my first kick causing me to overextend to the side of the man as Hanz's other palm hit me in the chest. I was already unbalanced so when the palm strike hit I was sent skidding across the floor away from the man.

The man didn't even use any mana that I could see but he managed to put cracks in the Fireplate armor that covered my chest. Like a wild animal, I jumped at the man with my hands stretched out as hard claws formed of fire elongated from the tips of my fingers as I slashed down at Hanz.

Hanz shifted his body to the side just enough so I would miss him completely but my side would be wide open for another counter-attack from him. He didn't hesitate and this time swung with his fist not just his palm, sending me for another table across the hard stone floor.

The Fireplate chest piece turned completely to dust at the impact that sent me flying into a heap.

Hanz saw me struggling to get up as the punch wasn't ordinary, just before impact he had added just a flash of fire in front of his hand magnifying the damage by a substantial amount.

Still angry and ready to fight I got up. The Punch had made me come to my senses a little so I didn't attack instantly but went into an attacking low guard stance, I bent my knees a bit and crouched low as if I was going to spring up but instead, I gathered mana in both my hands before running low to the ground with both hands pooling fire.

Just before I got to Hanz, the man looked at my lack of control of magic and with one hand summoned my fire that I had been gathering into his own hand before he smashed the ball into my chest once again causing an explosive shockwave sending me to the ground some 5 meters away.

"Pathetic boy, you really think you can use free mana against a Pyromancer?!" Master Hanz said as he approached my still downed form on the ground, " You may be powerful but you are an untrained boy! I could take your mana from you all day, you haven't infused your will into your attacks. All you are doing is gathering wild mana and using its natural affinity for destruction to do the work for you!" the man said as he got close enough and kicked me in the stomach sending me rolling across the stone floor.

I tried to punch out at the man but he didn't let me, he just kept kicking me till the fire disappeared from me but stopped before I lost consciousness.

"I'm going to have to discipline you boy, I was a little surprised that you could make Fireplate Armor as that is a very rare talent indeed but it's so weak that after 2 hits it crumbled to dust, Your attacks are wild and unimaginative." the man emotionlessly said as he picked me up and threw the collar that he had picked back up during the fight around my neck and snapped it in place, completely restricting the mana inside me once again.

Once I was restrained he dragged me over to a chain that was attached to a wall and attached it to a clip that I hadn't seen on the collar before. "You must be taught to obey before you can learn magic."

Hanz stood in front of me as fire mana started to come from the man and flowed into my skin. I started to scream in pure agony as it felt someone was pushing crushed glass into every exposed part of my skin that the man's mana touched. What felt like an eternity later he stopped and waited for me to catch my breath before he spoke again, "That was for attacking me, I'm now going to place a spell in you that will cause the same amount of pain every time you even think about disobeying me, child."

At those words, 2 people came out of a side room with books and placed them in front of Hanz before they stepped back slightly as to not get in the Pyromancers way.

"This is called infusion," Hanz said before his two assistance started to push out raw fire mana that Hanz took control of and added to a spell formation that appeared in front of the two books. "I will be infusing my will into the mana, and forcing it to enter your body to surround your own Mana Core, after this process is done you will no longer be able to disobey me as the Will I will have infused into your Mana core will cause pain when you even think about disobeying me!" the man exclaimed as the process completed.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters! THANKS ALL!