
I felt alien mana circulating through my body as I just kneeled on the ground after master Hanz and the other 2 left me once they took the collar off me once again and Hanz told me to stay and wait for further instructions. At first, I tried to disobey the order and get up but once again pain exploded along my skin causing me to immediately stop trying to get up, the pain still flared whenever I thought of getting up but went away if I didn't think about it.

It took a long time for me to not think about disobeying, it felt like days but time felt endless in this ever dim cavern it was only marked when food was delivered to me, they delivered food to me 43 times without saying a word a. The pain that also happened from time to time when I would slip became an old friend in that timeless place, my rage was impotent, my emotions were slowly being overwhelmed bit by bit I had to give way to the compulsion flowing inside me.

Steps slowly started to towards me, and then stopped a few steps in front of me, "Up Boy," was all Master Hanz said.

With a moment of hesitation, pain flared as hot as a furnace before calming down when I quickly stood.

"Hmm still a bit of fight left in you yet, but it matters little," He said to me as he slowly started to walk around me before he spoke again, "You have been influenced by my will for 13 days, soon enough you won't even hesitate for a second to follow my commands." the man chuckled wickedly.

Hearing the man words I really wanted to strike out at him but I kept it inside, as long as I didn't think about disobeying a direct order then the pain wouldn't flare up, so I could hate the man as much as I wanted and it wouldn't hurt me if anything it made my rage all the more potent. It was always slowly building never getting the chance for release, it was starting to affect me mentally.

Both of my eyes eye now orange, both of them had a perpetual orange glow behind them as if slowly, mana was taking over the true color of my eyes. Master Hanz stared at me, seeing the anger and hate inside me he laughed as I just stood my rage clear to see as my eyes lit up ever so slightly more for a moment till I took a deep breath to try to not lose control.

Master Hanz stood quietly watching me for a bit before he beckoned me to follow him to a circle on the other side of the cavern. The circle was about 15 meters wide and he told me to stand in the center.

You have never even been shown how to gather your power have you?" he asked and I shook my head. "Good so you haven't developed any bad habits yet good. I am going to instruct you so that you may be useful to us," he said to me.

I was a little surprised at his words, only because I thought they would go the same way about training me as the Kingdom did, physical training then on to magic but Hanz had other ideas about my training it seemed.

Hanz stood in front of me before he started his instruction "I know you can feel your mana, I want you to draw it into your finger," he said as he raised his own pointer finger and caused a small blaze about an inch to appear.

I immediately complied with what he said as my pain was just hovering close as soon as he uttered the words so I tried as hard as I could to draw the mana to my fingertip, instead of a small fire a spout of flame a few feet in length erupted from my fingertip.

Seeing this Hanz became disgusted," wasteful, I already know you have a high talent, but what you need now is control. Do it again but control your mana! We will keep at this till you can control the mana down to a few inches!" He said and true to his word we practiced it for hours, in the end, I managed to get it down to half a foot but that's all I could muster before I ran out of mana so we stopped for a few hours for my mana to regen, he threw me some food and I sat down to eat.

"Control is important, you are a young man with great potential and I plan to make full use of it, have you ever killed someone consciously?" Hanz asked.

I had to think back on the last months. It had been one hell of a ride but no I didn't consciously kill someone I answered Hanz best I could after a moment of thought "No sir" I spoke hoarsely

"Excellent, then we shall rectify that immediately!" he exclaimed as he looked at a person standing by one of the doors in the cavern and went inside to get a man that was past his prime but looked strong enough still to kill a bear unarmed. "This man used to a Reeve from one of lady Darks estates, but he fell behind on his rents and couldn't pay tribute so he has been commanded to pay with his life," he said simply as the man was made to kneel in an open section of the floor.

"W-what do you want me to do sir?" I asked as Master Hanz slowly led me over to the kneeling man

"I want you to kill him, haven't you been paying attention? I want you to know what it's like to kill a relatively innocent person with your bare hands" he said callously as horror crept across my face and fear made its way across the man's face who kneeling a bit away.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters! THANKS ALL!