Slow Death

"You want me to kill him with my h-hands?" I managed to stutter out while looking at Master Hanz in horror.

"Yes, he is unable to move from his position, I want you to strangle him." Master Hanz said simply as the pain started to pour into my body when I refused to budge from a step towards the man.

The pain built causing me to yell out and only started to recede when I took the first step towards the man, tears were flowing from my eyes because the pain was so great as I took another step without realizing it, all is wanted was to get away from the pain and to do that I had to kill this man,

'How could I kill this man! Why would I even consider'.... just as I started to refuse pain once again flooded my body making me take another step towards the man as rage started to take over my helpless body, I couldn't stand the pain, it was driving me wild so I took the last few steps towards the man in a rush to get rid of the ever-building pain inside me, my hand reached out and grasped the kneeling man who was crying and begging for mercy and all I could do was grab his neck.

When the man looked up into my eyes as I grabbed his neck he didn't see young man at all, murderous rage took over my body as my primal instincts to get away from pain took over leaving the rational part of me locked behind anger at the injustice of this situation of doing this against my will and of who was forcing me to kill this man with my bare hands.

The wilder I got the more my eyes glowed, my mana was so potent that a small amount bypassed the collar and ran down my arm to my hand enhancing my strength allowing me to pick that man up as my hand started to close off the struggling man's airway.

The man tried to reach up to my hands but the chains that were connecting his hands to his feet stopped his hands just out of reach as his face started to turn blue. an audible "CRACK" sound came and the mans struggling came to an end as his neck bent at an unnatural angle.

I dropped the dead man as the pain receded immediately after I had down what I was ordered... after I had strangled the poor bastard to death I realized what I had done as the pain disappeared allowing me to think and comprehend what I had done.

"Haha, I knew you could do it, Bruni!" Master Hanz said as I Fell to my knees as guilt overtook my thoughts.

'Why did he force me to kill the man?' I thought to myself as Hanz clapped a hand on my shoulder and raised my head so I could see the extremely pleased look on his face.

"You did well for your first innocent. we will do this again tomorrow....." Hanz said as he picked up the corpse and dragged it out of the cavern.

Tomorrow? was he going to force me to kill again tomorrow!!? I shuddered as I cried for a man I had killed myself against my will.

Lady Dark sat at her desk and smiled at the light image of me snarling as I broke the man neck with my bare hands, Master Hanz brought her the image as proof that his instructions were working. "see he will do just about anything if reluctantly sometimes, but still willing to do it to get away from pain." he said to her as she studied my look.

"Excellent work Hanz, I want him to start training to use his magic as soon as possible, He will be a terror on the battlefield when we direct his energy, I want a field test of his powers in a month. that's when our forces will go over the border again for raiding one last time before winter takes over the passes." The Dark lady ordered as she looked back at the light image and looked at the beautiful anger on my face, "such a beautiful emotion...." she whispered out after Hanz was dismissed.

Hanz came back to the cavern and ordered me to a side room where a bed, desk, and washstand were located and told me to get some sleep.

The next morning Hanz walked in and ordered me to go to the rings I was standing once again, as soon as I arrived another man was brought forth, and dread crept inside me again as he walked up and took my collar off.

"I want you to try to gather your mana in your hand again, this time I want you to consciously do this and when that's complete I want you to try to form a fireball and throw it at the man when it gets about fist size, any bigger would be way overkill for a single person." Master Hanz said as he stepped beside me.

Once again I tried to fight the order but I succumbed after a few moments of pain before I lifted my hand palm up in front of me as I tried to gather mana as he said. Slowly a small ball of fire started to form in my hand as the mana flowed faster and faster into my hand. within seconds I had gathered fire into a ball before I drew back and threw the ball at the man just like I had done in my village those months ago.

The fireball missed the man's body but landed beside him blowing the man's arm off at the elbow and throwing him a dozen feet to the side, he started to scream in agony as he tried to grab the stump of his arm. Seeing this Hanz laughed maniacally before commanding me to do it once again.

Tears were pouring down my face as I prepared another fireball in my hand just as big as last time and threw it at the man who was clutching his elbow, this time I hit him in the chest and he disappeared a blazing ball of fire before what remained of his body fell to the ground in a gruesome heap as blood marred the whole area behind where the man had been screaming before.

Hanz was laughing so hard that he had his hands on his knees as he was bent over trying to catch his breath, "That....haha, that had to hurt!" he said before he made me cast more fireballs at the corpse, before long all that was left was blood on the ground and a burning metallic scent in the air.


y P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters! THANKS ALL!