Altered Perceptions

Days went by while I was casting my magic on civilians in that dark and terrible cavern under. Every day Hanz had me cast my magic in different ways to brutal effect.

The smell of burning hair made me throw up at first but after the days blended into weeks into a couple of months, I became more proficient with how to control my magic. Some weeks in Hanz taught me how continuously poor my mana out in a cone but much to his amazement I could make a cone of death and destruction much greater than a Spark normally could this early into my training.

After the first week, the killing became second nature as I kept thinking 'better them than the pain'. The pain kept getting worse whenever I hesitated so I learned that to hesitate was to bring pain and with it, anger.

I would use the anger to fuel my spells after the first month, the anger at these people for forcing me to kill them, at Hanz for bringing the innocents, and rage at what the lady was doing to me.

So much innocent blood was on my hands than in my dreams that's all I saw, me sitting and laughing as blood slowly dried on my hands while I was sitting on a mound of corpses.

Hanz kept a close eye on me so that he wouldn't break me completely, a mad mage was of no use but a damaged one was useful, it was a fine line but one that Hanz was used to following over the course of his years of training powerful Pyromancers.

Hanz was in a meeting this particular day so he chained up today's targets against a wall and told me to practice my raining fire spell. This spell took a massive amount of control and mana to use as I had to focus my mana above who I wished to cast against and I had to liquefy it so it fell as little drops of burning destruction.

Today was the first time that a woman was chained to the wall and this brought me out of my mind haze a little. it wasn't the woman that caught my attention it was the little girl that was about 5 years old that was chained to her that she was holding in her arms protectively that caught me off guard.

This was too cruel I thought to myself as I walked as slow as I could to the casting point the woman was begging for what I assumed was her child life but I couldn't hear it, I blocked out almost all noise except for the sound that my mana made when it was gathering usually. The cries of desperation slowly made it through my damaged mind as I made eye contact with the woman.

"Please don't hurt my daughter! I will do anything just don't hurt my daughter she is all I have left!" she begged.

"Daughter?" I asked in confusion then I looked in her arms and seen the little girl's terrified face and it jumped my mind a bit back to reality causing me to really see what I was doing and what I was going to do.

"NO!" I cried out as I tried to restrain my arm that was moving as if it had a will of its own, as soon as I tried, the pain started to fill me faster then ever before as if it was being controlled to be terrible this time.

I fought as hard as I could and the pain built to an almost unbearable level, then the world went white as an ethereal voice spoke in my mind once again "You called?" it asked with a laugh.

"W-what is going on!" I asked as it approached me from the side so I couldn't see any of its distinguishing features.

"I have sped up your consciousness so that we could have this little chat, your antics have been pretty fun as of late but I must step in before you are completely lost." The voice said as it came from behind and set hands on each of my shoulders. "Do you want to be free from this compulsion boy? This training has excelled you down the path of destruction nicely but I think it might be time for a new path for you. What do you think?" it said as I started to shudder at the thing's voice.

"You can free me from this pain? from having to kill these people?" I asked with hope in my voice as the hands squeezed my shoulders slightly.

"I can, but remember there is a price Bruni, for power doesn't come cheap, are you really certain you want to lose some of your humanity for this boy?" it asked as I started to shake in anticipation

"GLADLY!" I roared out loud as I was thrust back into real-time, the pain disappeared, and as soon as it was gone anger and rage started to build inside me and the women that had begged me for her daughter's life started to shuffle to the side as much as her chains aloud as she saw the rage start to build in my eyes.

Like 2 enormous furnaces, my eyes blazed with fire and a cloak of flame descended my back as thick but light Fireplate covered my chest and legs. I had never been able to make Fireplate this thick before but seeing it a crazed smile appeared on my face as I turned away from the now thoroughly terrified people in front of me and started to the door that left this dreadful place.

Before I took a second step 5 people entered the cavern, 4 guards surrounded Master Hanz who was rushing back to the cavern when he felt his mana that was inside me snap making the normally calm man panic, as it would take a truly large amount of power from me to be able to break a WIll casting that had been in place for so long. seeing me completely on fire and walking towards him scared the mana a little as he had never seen full-body flame with his own eyes, only descriptions written done in texts from ages past.

When I saw Hanz, a Crazy smile appeared on my face as I spoke "YOU WILL FUCKING DIE!" I proclaimed as I took another step towards the approaching men.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters! THANKS ALL!