Power Overwhelming

Hanz Came to a sudden stop at my words as he fully came to realize that I had truly escaped his will and I was mad... really really mad.

Fire flashed into my hand as a spear 6 feet long formed, I raised it above my head and threw it at the men. It flashed across the gap and struck one of the guards in the front on his breastplate, piercing all the way through as if the steel was made of butter, it halted the man's advance as the spear stuck into the impossibly hard cavern floor.

Hanz stepped in front of his men as fire also started to surround his body forming armor around his head and chest and a hand of fire came up in a defensive posture as he gathered flames into his hands to protect against any more sudden attacks.

I started to laugh hearing the guard screaming in agony as the burning hot spear was burning the man's insides where it made contact with his spear. "BURNN" I yelled out as I grabbed formed another spear and raised it and threw it at Hanz who was standing in front.

Hanz saw the supper speed of the thrown spear and dodged out of the way allowing the spear to catch another guard's leg pinning him to the floor as well. He infused mana into his body and sprinted to me as fast as he could, hoping that closing the gap would put him at an advantage when he brought the full might of fire enhanced sword style to grips.

Seeing the man sprinting towards me I couldn't care less as I brought a hand to my face and formed a mask of Fireplate, I made it conform to my face but I didn't realize that when I formed the plate that I had also added a jagged crown on top of my head that was sharp and full of ever-shifting colors, oranges and reds swirled making me look like an absolute monster.

Hanz swung his steel sword at an upwards angle when he got to me to which I didn't dodge but just grabbed with my fire gauntleted hands. when It made contact with my arm it didn't even budge from the momentum but the sword stopped as if it had hit a wall and then started to melted in my grip after a few seconds.

Hanz seeing this, let go of a sword and tried to punch my Fireplate before he jumped out of reach. As his punch made contact it didn't damage my armor but pushed me back a step.

I just sneered at the pathetic display, months ago that punch would have sent me flying but now it barely made me move. "YOU ARE NOTHING" I roared as I threw the fireball I had been gathering in my hand since I last speared the second guard. The fireball sailed at the last 2 guards who were almost to me and it impacted the ground between them.

two completely burned bodies flew away from the explosion as Hanz just stared in astonishment, 'that was a tiny fireball but it packed that much destruction??!' he thought to himself as I turned my attention to him. "what are you?" he muttered out as I took my first step towards him.

Hanz now seeing that I had truly gone mad and that he couldn't control me started to look for a way to escape this demon. He quickly decided retreat would be best in this situation, he needed to get reinforcements from up above ground or else all would be lost.

I could see the fear in Master Hanz's face and saw his eyes flick towards the exit, I smiled as I stepped into his view of the door. "where do you think you are going 'master'?" I asked the now terrified man, "I'm not done with you 'master" I laughed as a massive sword of fire formed in my outstretched hand and I swung it down.

Hanz tried to block with one arm but that afforded little protection against the fury coursing through my body.

My sword went through his arm and managed to penetrate the Fireplate that he had created on his chest damaging the vulnerable flesh from his shoulder to hip across his body. It flashed seared the flesh as it parted the man's skin and muscle causing Hanz to scream in pain as his arm was cut off halfway to the elbow.

I burst into a peal of crazed laughter as I saw Hanz screaming and rolling on the ground at my feet. I looked at the last guard alive, the one that was pinned through the leg with a spear, and saw fear in his face at the crazy nature showing through my emotions.

Seeing another target to vent my anger on, I created the fire rain I had been ordered to before I broke loose of Master Hanz's control. I poured a lot of mana into this one.

The man's clothes caught fire first starting up the screams of agony as it started to superheat the man's armor burning him everywhere that metal touched his skin, it was a slow death but one that all people of the Dark Lady deserved.

My focus turned back to Hanz who was trying to crawl away from me so I walked to the man and flipped him onto his back and with my hand, I reached down with claws I formed on my hand and grasped his heart before savagely ripping it from its meaty cradle and lifted it in supplication as if it was a ritual.

After I lifted it I brought it to my mouth and unsummoned my mask as I took a bite of the raw flesh! Now, this was power! and I wanted more, good thing an entire castle was above me I thought as I left the terrified people that just witnessed something truly horrifying behind.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters! THANKS ALL!