
Walking up the stairs filled me with anticipation as I couldn't wait to taste the flesh of my captors. Each step brought me closer to a meal I would never forget....." more....." I muttered slowly as I made steady progress upstairs.

Nothing hindered my progress till I came to the heavy iron-bound door that was at the top of the stairway. Seeing it I didn't even try to open it I was beyond reason, I was being consumed by the power flowing through me, I raised my hand and pushed out a cone of heat in front of me blowing the door from its hinges and burning a few guardsmen that were guarding the top, not realizing the blood bath that had happened downstairs.

Master Hanz was in such a hurry to get back downstairs that he hadn't had time to inform anyone as to me breaking free from the will casting.

The guards went flying as heat and fire burst from the door immediately catching the curtains of a nearby window on fire, I didn't care I wanted the whole castle to burn.

Once I stepped into the hallway I turned and started to follow the only path I knew in this blasted castle, the way to Lady Darks receiving chamber, within moments of me blowing the door from its hinges the alarm was set as loud fire bells started to ring upon seeing the smoke rising from the window in a giant plume.

I wasn't interrupted till a few minutes after I made the surface, 3 guards came running around the corner ahead of me carrying water buckets as they were going to the location of the fire, I formed a spear seeing another meal in front of me and threw it at the leading soldier.

"BOOM'' it flashed past the guards and hit a wall behind them forcing the stunned men towards me as the explosion blew the windows out in both directions from the impact.

All three guards staggered then drew weapons upon seeing a flaming boy covered in flame walking towards them menacingly, "Shit it's the boy!" one guard said as another spoke up"I though master Hanz had him under control!" the guards rushed me as I raised my hand once again and sprayed out liquid fire in a cone drenching the men completely and roasting them within seconds from the heat of my magic.

I walked over the burnt guards as I made my way towards the Ladys room. More guards started to pour into the castle as someone realized something was seriously wrong now, it wasn't just a bad castle fire, it was Bruni and he was pissed!

The hallway I was following came alongside a garden and officers were yelling getting men organized. I stepped onto the grass everyone turned to see the bonfire that had been the source of the alarm. Officers hurriedly started to yell for archers and to form a shield wall.

Sturdy shields were brought into a line at the front of the group of men, they were about 20 ft away when archers started to shoot shaft after shaft at me, the few arrows that made it past the fire coming from me harmlessly bounced off my armor. " HAHA, what's this... I hope your not afraid of a little fire !?" I said as I stepped fully into the garden and sprinted towards the shields.

Earth walls started to rise from the ground in quick succession as I blazed across the garden burning all before me, the grass withered and died, the flowers turned to dust, the trees must into flames at my passing, so great was my rage that nothing could cool me down!

I smashed my fist into the first earthen wall, bursting it apart in a shower of rocks and debris towards the shield wall. I jumped over another wall and smashed into the shield's fist first, the poor man's shield I hit disintegrated at the power behind my punch as my hand continued into the man's chest killing him on the spot.

As I broke through the shield wall something hit me in the back hard, throwing me clear through the soldiers and into a nearby wall.

Looking up I saw a Terra mage arms covered in stone where I had been before the man spoke to me, "You should not be up here Bruni." The castellan spoke to me as he started to make his way towards me.

I clawed my way out of the stone wall and seeing the man who had brought me to that horrible cavern in the first place I roared in rage at the man.

"Return to the cavern Bruni.' he said simply as he raised his arm and the stone all around me started to flow towards me covering my arms and legs.

'I NEED MORE' i thought to myself as I started to draw magic to me. within seconds the rock around my arms and legs started to superheat and turn molten, I easily broke out of the rocky prison and looked with hatred at the man "You will die, human!" I screamed in fury as I rushed towards the stunned Castellan.

"How is he so strong!" the castellan muttered to himself as fear started to creep into his heart, he had never seen such raw power before, it took a tremendous amount of mana to burn rock and the boy did it in seconds!

The soldiers weren't idle either, more men arrived and they began to volley arrows at me, nothing made it through my armor but it still was a distraction.

I rushed towards the castellan and swung a sword I formed down at the man. Spears of stone shot from the ground and blocked the swing before I hit the man, causing the weapon to become stuck in the rock.

I let go of the sword and punched towards the man, just as I was about to hit the man darkness surrounded me and I lost sight of everything as the garden was engulfed in darkness.

"This is your only chance Bruni, stand down or I will be forced to kill you." the Dark Lady spoke as she entered from the edge of the garden.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters!