A light in The Darkness

Darkness surrounded me I could only see a few feet in all directions because my mana was pushing the darkness back slightly when I heard "This is your only chance Bruni, stand down or I will be forced to kill you." an imperious voice commanded me.

I knew this voice I thought to myself as I thought back to the meeting I had when I came to this castle. "Just the person I was looking for!" I laughed maniacally as I struggled to see anything but I heard the direction the voice came and summoned a fireball to my hand and throwing it in that general direction.

BOOM... men screamed as I hit the soldiers that stood in front of the noble lady. "Tsk tsk I missed, this darkness is rather annoying," I muttered to myself as I forced my mana out in front of me pushing the darkness back a ways but not completely.

"Very well Bruni, you have clearly gone mana crazy, I will have to put you down like the cur you are!" The Lady proclaimed as darkness surged back towards me even stronger than before as darkness flowed across the ground and up my legs.

As the darkness came into contact with my body its couldn't hold its form due to the heat I was generating and so it dissipated before it could do anything to me, "Is that all you got bitch!" I yelled out as I summoned another spear and tossed it in the direction of the voice once again.

The spear flashed out of the globe of darkness the Lady had concentrated around me and struck the center of the already tattered shield wall protecting the lady. The soldier who had bin struck stared dumbly at the spear that pierced his shield arm and stopped before it could penetrate the man's breastplate before he started to scream as the spear was burning the man where it was stuck through his arm.

Hearing the screams I chuckled with feral delight as I sprinted towards the screaming man hoping to catch the lady before she could play any more tricks on me, I was already tired of not being able to see, and if I gave her any more time to prepare then it could only get worse for me.

I made it out of the globe of darkness to see the castellan's fist slamming into my chest hurling me back into the darkness once again.

"Don't let him out of the darkness, he will weaken the longer he is inside! Terra mages focus on pushing the demon back if he comes your way! Spearmen push forward you have the reach on the bastard, light mages heal the wounded!" the castellan was yelling order after order as the Dark lady used her entire focus on keeping the globe in place hoping that its Ability to rob my mana of its full potential could wear me down while her soldiers got reorganized and could kill me with numbers.

Being punched didn't even hurt, I was beyond feeling at this point all I wanted was to kill and this darkness was really starting to piss me off, with a flare of my mana I pushed the darkness away from in front of me as I made my way to back to the edge of the globe once again.

Stepping out of the darkness and 3 spears jab into my Fireplate and a fourth goes for me once again protected face.

I staggered back a step into the globe as the 3 spearheads glanced off my armor and to the side, the one that went for my face created a scratch that ran down one side of the mask, "HOW DARE YOU!!" I roared in fury as I grabbed the spear and stepped back into the dark globe pulling the stunned guard in with me when he forgot to let go.

The man stumbled a few feet in where I was waiting, I grabbed him by the neck lifting him as I formed a sword in my other hand and slashed his armor to ribbons before throwing the man back out of the globe at where I figured the other three soldiers still were.

A boy came flying out fast and smashed into the closest spearman, bowling him over and throwing him back 10 feet into a heap.

The last 2 guards started to step back as The castellan sped past them and blowing me back into the globe before I could fully emerge.

Falling into the darkness my light was slightly dimmer than before, seeing this, I jumped as fast as I could to the opposite side right into another Terra mage that hab been put in charge of that area, I slashed down into the man's arm that he raised at my sudden attack, The stone armor only slowed down my sword as the heat from it was forced into the rock, heating them rapidly as the man jumped back in surprise while pushing 2 spikes of earth into my midsection launching me to the side but not into the globe.

I barely missed crashing into more soldiers but landed beside them. Getting up quickly I was getting angrier and angrier! they couldn't really hurt me but they could weaken me and using this much mana was starting to take a serious toll on my body as blood started to dribble out of one of my nostrils in a steady patter.

I jumped towards the still recovering terra mage and thrust out with a small fireball into his face as I smashed him into the ground explosively instantly killing the man upon impacting his head into the rock.

Seeing the brutal way I had just killed a very strong Terra mage, the soldiers nearest me froze before I ask out loud mockingly "Whos next!" I laughed


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters! THANKS ALL!