Up Close and Personal

i jumped down the few feet to the ground and took off running, I completely ignored the calls behind be from everyone, my entire focus was on the incoming soldiers whose line had broken apart from the sprint and from my attacks on the flank giving me an opening I was fully intending on taking advantage of.

2 soldiers in the front tried to shield bash me but I enhanced my physical power and punched out with both fists, the left solders own shield bashed into his face from the force of my fist colliding with the top edge intentionally, the shield on the right failed completely as my arm when straight through the wood and into the throat of the unlucky man killing him on the spot.

I snapped out a kick at the first man who was still trying to recover from having his nose broken badly by the steel rim of his shield and didn't see my foot flash into the side of the man's knee, crippling the man into uselessness.

an arrow plunged into my unprotected thigh making me remember that i wasn't dealing with panicked soldiers from a sudden attack, these men were sent to attack and kill us. I drew my mana to me before any more arrows could hit me I summoned my Fireplate to my body and my crown grew down my face making a terrifying faceplate.

Kace watched as I flashed and instantly knew what I summoned, the Envoys Regalia it was called, and as it grew across my body a heatwave extended from me momentarily pushing back a few more soldiers who were about to make it to me. In a flash, I was now completely armored in the mythical armor once again. Mana gathered around my feet as if summoned in preparation for the violence to be had.

I jumped at the nearest man and jammed a formed spear into his face as ran past him towards my next victim. A dagger formed into my other hand and I plunged it through the next in lines chest straight into his lungs before letting go and pushing off the dying man into a third man who raised his shield just in time to intercept me stopping my forward momentum surprisingly.

Multiple thin Rock spikes flew into the armor at my stomach impacting with great force throwing me in the direction I had come by a few meters. I had found one of the enemy Terra mage's much to my surprise as the man pounced in my direction hoping to take advantage of his surprise attack.

Just before the man swung down with his short sword all the way down I grabbed the incoming blade in my hand stopping the attack cold as I firmly grasped the blade. The heat started to pour from me making the Terra mage back off a few steps leaving the sword behind as arrows flashed towards me in his retreat.

One arrow hit me mid-chest but didn't penetrate my armor, the second arrow hit my faceplate making my head snap backward. The repeated hits were keeping me off balance and I finally had enough of these pests, I gathered mana into my hand as I dropped the sword quickly forming a fireball before crushing it in my hand creating a wave of fire rush towards the nearby attackers pushing them back just enough for me to stand up and start to run towards the retreating Terra mage. Faster then the man could follow I kicked him flat in the chest sending him flying backward while I stabbed a soldier in his side as I passed with a small Fireblade making the man cry out in agony as I cauterized the wound before my knife exited his side.

The Terra mage only lived from my kick because he had summoned up stone mana to make himself more resilient to physical attacks but that still didn't stop me from deforming the man's armor as I made contact leaving a permanent boot print a few centimeters deep in the center of the breastplate.

Seeing I had only non-magical attacks headed my way I didn't try to dodge but grabbed a man by his neck ignoring all the attacks as I crushed his windpipe before heaving him to one of his fellows as I slashed with my knife into a leg of the man coming at me from the side. I left the blade in the leg as an arrow that kicked like a mule smashed into my helm knocking me to the side.

The shield wall had halted so as not to push past me. I laughed as I took a few steps forward but the soldiers I moved towards panicked and stepped back away from me. I jumped towards a couple of other men that were to the side of me catching them by surprise as I savagely punched one man's helm and knocking him into the ground before stomping in his head to kill him instantly.

I used the brutal display to put fear into the hearts of the others nearby. It worked for no one would approach me even if they outnumbered me 10 to 1 they still couldn't harm me in any real way. I roared out in glee as I could feel the terror coming from the men, "How many more will I welcome to this feast!" I yelled as I started to gather mana in both my hands in large amounts.

"Retreat! Fall back the terra mage yelled in fear as he saw the insane look in my eyes as 2 massive balls of fire formed in my hands larger then he had ever seen before, with that much mana the boy could level a city market square easily, still the fireballs grew until they were the size of a bag of flour each!

"HAHAHA," I cackled madly as the soldiers tried their best to get away from me but to little avail, as I turned my upraised palms upside down dropping the balls of fire at my own feet. The fire expanded into 2 giant spheres, engulfing and instantly burning all of those inside the radius to the bone killing all but the fastest scouts.

I felt like I was in a warm bath or sunbathing on a beach as I turned my head upwards and listened to the raging inferno and the screams of those that survived at the fringes, it was like music to my ears and it calmed the rage that was constantly inside me for but a moment but it was worth it as when I opened my eyes a few seconds later the few remaining archers that had survived and the Terra mage I had brutally kicked were retreating as fast as they could to the horses that had been left down the hill aways.

I ignored everything else and basked in the death and destruction I caused it was glorious and I wanted this to last forever but a few minutes after the last of the enemy disappeared over the next rise back towards the border, Kace approached cautiously before asking with a small laugh seeing me unharmed by the explosions, "Glad you're on our side right?" he asked as he laughed slightly.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters! THANKS ALL!