The Call Of Mana

It was glorious, I wanted the inferno to rage forever but alas the fuel in the conflagration was too little for a full symphony of sounds to be completed.

Kace's question made me lose the sound so I opened my eyes and glared balefully at the man, "What do you want sir?" I asked in anger.

"Are you truly the same Bruni?" he asked making me blink at him.

"Mortal you know what we are, we can see it clearly from the way you keep looking at us," I responded with a voice that had a slight ethereal tinge to it.

Kace nodded and looked me in the eye, "Bruni you have been through a lot these last few months, but this is still the ultimate sacrifice, you will die well before your time Bruni keep this in mind going forth." he said before turning back towards the hillock to get us back on the move before more soldiers could attack.

Everyone once again gave me a wide berth when I got back, I had singlehandedly killed and maimed the entire attacking force by myself. Kace's words did make me think as to the price had to pay for this power, The orange light shining from my eyes slightly was already more noticeable than before the battle.

The Fireplate turned to dusk as I let the mana go, I meant to my horse and leaned over promptly falling fast asleep. When my eyes were closed and you forgot what I could do I was less threatening it seamed as someone came and attached a lead line to my horse's halter before we all fled further into the Southlands back towards the border of the kingdom. I slept the rest of the last hour of daylight away and then some and still, they continued at night putting lots of distance between the battle and ourselves for any potential counter-attacks.

I awoke to sunlight on my face as we stopped at a small stream in a nameless scrubs of bush dotted along the landscape. Everyone was exhausted, it was a long night after yesterday and I still felt like a wet boot so I closed my eyes and groaned unprofessionally making Hes and Fes giggle from nearby as they led me last night. "So he is human," a soft whispered out soft as a feather. "Only a human groans like that brother." An identical voice whispered out from slightly to the side of where the voice came from originally, I realized who was talking and cracked an eye at the two making them look away hurriedly when they noticed I heard them.

Quickly the twins called out in unison for Sergeant Volk to come over." Boy, I have informed commander Harriot that you are safe and secure and that a mighty blow has been brought down upon The dark Lady as well so the mission was not s failure!" he laughed as he got close making me wince as his loud and excited voice made my sensitive head hurt. I had poured a lot of man through my body so no wonder it felt like all my nerves were on fire causing constant pain.

"Please for all that is holy be quiet sir!" I snapped at the man stunning him as he saw just how much his loud words had hurt me. I was shaking and covering my ears as it felt like lightning erupted from my ears and flowing into my chest. Instantly Volk stopped moving even and just watched as I suffered from the extreme sensitivity.

"What do you want sir" I whispered out softly after a few minutes after I had gotten the pain down.

Volk looked at the shape I was in and knew that I was in no shape to lead my own horse yet again. "sorry Bruni I was going to see what type of shape you are in after that display but it's obvious you feel like shit." he whispered out.

"How could you tell?" I softly asked sarcastically back. While I sat up as best I could.

"You look half dead with where the blood-stained your face from when it was pouring from your eyes," he responded seriously.

I reached up and drew my hand under my eyes pulling back with dried blood on m fingers. the memory of me basking in flames came to me once again like an echo making me wish for more. As soon as I even tried to reach for the mana it felt like someone poured magma onto my hands. once again I went down in pain as Volk stood and watched helplessly from the side.

"Shouldn't have done that boy, you have taxed your mana channels pretty severely causing you to be in the state you are in right now, it's common with new mages but you are anything but new or a common mage.". he whispered out before taking a few steps back " will have food delivered to you, if you need anything ask but we will lead your horse still, it's one last thing you have to worry about," he spoke out softly

I just nodded and drifted off to sleep until the food arrived at me causing me once again to groan as I sat up and grabbed the bowl of soup that the cook had prepared at one of our rest periods. I ate quietly as everyone guarding me tried to be quiet as well.

I laughed out softly before speaking "You guys are the quietist loud people I have ever had the privilege of riding with," as 8 people on horseback cantering through the hillside could only get soo quiet, they all knew and laughed soft and quiet chuckles at my words easing some of the tension of being around an unstable mage that is basically in the equivalent condition as having a massive hangover from to many spirits. It's the sugar I was once told that makes it worse.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters! THANKS ALL!