
Once again I was in a resting routine, regardless of what happened I had still been stabbed in the chest, a wound most would consider fatal, and here I was merely extremely exhausted. I was laying in a hammock I had picked up in the couple of days following the assessment with Commander Harriot, when I heard a knock at the door I didn't even shift before calling out "Come in!"

Sergeant Kace popped open the door and seen the state Bruni was in before he spoke "I knew you were hurt, but you look half dead right now was it that bad?"

"Ha, Sir that's a funny question ..... you do remember me healing the gaping wound in my chest don't you?" I asked angrily as I was in a bad mood from being woken up.

Kace let out a bark of laughter before he controlled himself once again, "yes I remember your recovery, I just didn't realize it would have this bad of a drawback." he said with a laugh at my discomfort.

"I have felt worse, when I was done destroying the last castle I had the great idea to then go kill everyone pursuing us. I felt way worse at that time than I do now." I managed to mumble out as I start to extract myself from my bed. "What can I do for you, today Sergeant?" I ask as I finally leave the confines of the hammock.

"New orders Bruni, we are being deployed immediately. We don't have time for the gentle integration of you into my unit so we are going to use the hammer and nail method." Sergeant Kace said as a smirk crossed his face.

"The hammer and nail method?" I asked with concern as I knew how stubborn the Sergeant could be when he set his mind to something.

"You are the nail my crew is the wood and me... I am the hammer. It is my task to help in the integration of any new elements into our unit." Sergeant Kace laughed out as sweat started to bead across my forehead!

I knew Kace was half-joking but only half. He really did have to make sure I integrated properly or it could be a disaster and he came here to re-establish the chain of command in a nice way instead of in front of everyone tomorrow. "yes sir you can count on me to not be any more of a hassle then I have been before." I said sincerely.

Sergeant Kace didn't laugh at my words he squinted at me before saying "I was afraid that was going to be your answer". he said with a sigh as he shook his head in mock concern.

"Oh ho a joke from the Sergeant himself! Yea so what if I can be a handful, I haven't done anything too bad yet!" I laughed out as a huge grin crested my face.

"You effectively burned down a castle... by yourself.... while being a CAPTIVE! How is someone capable of doing that able to be called a HANDFUL!" Kace erupted into Fits of laughing after responding, he was laughing so hard he had to hold his sides to stop them from hurting.

Bruni just "hmppd" before looking away and saying "whatever Old Man, get your laughs in while you can."

After all the laughing was finished Kace told Bruni about what his role would be in the unit. He would be the weapon best kept hidden till needed so I wouldn't engage in combat if the group could handle the situation. I was basically the insurance that the job would get done, it wouldn't be done the way the military wanted if I was used but at least the objective would be destroyed.

I was in charge of a group of soldiers but no mages as I would fill the magic core roll of my little group. I was introduced to the officer in charge of the day-to-day needs of the men under my care. Her name was Drit, she was a small woman who wielded a dagger in each hand as her main armament and also had a few pouches on her waist and a peculiarly large crossbow across her back. She had a mean aura about her as if she expected violence at all times and was calmly ready to return it in a greater quantity. Kace Introduced us before he gave me advice, " She will be in charge of your general protection out in the field, so make no mistake if she says run, dodge, swim, or even cry, I want you to obey immediately, she is specialized in Group defense tactics. we figured this would pair well with your long-range offensive capabilities making them even more potent when you don't have to focus on defending yourself."

His words made me look at the woman again as I nodded in agreement with my assignment, she looked like she could rip my throat out with her teeth alone! Her crossbow was massive compared to her, it looked like a siege crossbow, and her daggers were at the perfect draw angle to quickly slash someone in close quarters. You only need one word to describe her, Lethal. "I will be relying on you for my personal safety, Lieutenant Drit." I said as I held out my hand in greeting.

She looked at my hand in suspicion before bringing her hand up to her face as she spat in it before she took my hand, " Same, I'm holding you responsible if any of us die from magic, I have been also been cross-trained in the Mage killer specialization so do not think my threats are empty." she said before she let go and walked away leaving me in stunned silence.