
"Wow, isn't she just a peach?" I said sarcastically as I wiped the saliva off my hand. Was she my bodyguard, or was she my jailor? With an attitude like that from the start, I could see that dealing with her on a daily basis would be a huge pain in the ass, I sighed before looking at Kace questioningly."What old man?" I asked after he had kept quiet even after my question.

"I was just watching your thoughts flash across your face when talking to Drit, you seem very calm on the surface but only because you are actively filtering your emotions, I'm sure you both will get along perfectly, won't you Bruni?" he said as he finally spoke.

Bruni just snorted before looking away, "yes Sir" I said casually as I closed the door and went back to bed.

I awoke in time for supper so I got some clean clothes on and headed once again to the nearest kitchen, upon arrival I saw that The twins were eating by themselves at a table in the corner. They both looked up at me and nodded as we made eye contact, I went and grabbed some food before joining them at the table.

"I see you are as talkative as before, glad nothing has changed," I said after a few minutes of eating in silence.

The twins smirked at my comment but stayed silent at the end of the meal they indicated that they were going to the field and questioningly motioned to see if I would like to join them. I joined them in their walk towards the field, when we got closer we heard the sounds of a magical spar and our pace increased slightly as we wanted to see who was fighting this close to night time.

Hazel was going full-out against an armor-clad woman but she wasn't the one using magic, Hazel was only using her sword while she was facing a Water Mage that looked like she had exceptional agility and spatial awareness because she was flipping and adding a lot of moves that made it hard to follow her with my eyes.

What was more surprising was that Hazel was able to fend off the attacks if only barely, The water mage was using her hand to form magic while jumping, this allowed her to change directions mid-air, making the fight high paced and hard to keep up with.

We stood there watching Hazel being repeatedly pushed to the edge of her skill during the spar, I could see that the armored woman was actually holding back as she was teaching Hazel.

I went and sat on a nearby bench to wait for the training to be over, a few times the armored women spoke a word or 2 but it was too quiet for us to hear but every time she spoke Hazel stopped attacking, and then combat resumed slightly different from before.

The twins followed me over and were just as captivated with her fight as I was, the movements were so unique that it drew the eye back to it no matter how many different ways she dodged an attack or twisted her body to get out of a tricky situation.

An hour after we arrived the 2 women stopped sparring and came over to join us. "So you are that kid then"? she asked.

I lowered my hood that I always wore revealing my eyes, "Am I that obvious?" I asked sarcastically back at the middle-aged armored woman.

"Hmmph, seems the new generations care nothing about respect towards their elders anymore," she said with disdain in her voice before she stepped back suddenly from me.

Anger surged out of me at her words, it created a dangerous aura that had caught the woman off guard for a second. "Respect is earned, not given," I said before I retracted my aura and spoke to Hazel, "Training?" I asked now completely ignoring the older woman.

Hazel looked at me with wide eyes as she looked between her trainer and me as if she expected a fight to break out at any moment. She looked at me before simply saying "Yes" and turned away as her teacher walked back up to me with a fire in her eyes, spoiling for a fight.

"You DARE speak to me that way! Do you know who I am?!" she yelled at me in outrage at my disrespect and rudeness.

Fire creeped out of my skull and took over my hair as my anger started to slip out of my control, my hands tightened into fists and an ugly look crossed my face, my arm snapped out in a flash and grabbed the woman by her throat before she could react.

I pulled her closer to my face while she went wild in my grip, her arms struck out at my hand and arm but it didn't even move, she tried to use her legs to kick my body and still I didn't not move, only when she formed a dagger out of ice and plunge it towards my neck did I move, I put my hand in the way of the knife, an inch from my hand the blade melted instantly too steam as I used my mana to counter the weapon.

Panic crossed the woman's face but before it could escalate any further I felt a blade on my neck from behind, "Drop her or die" a tight voice spoke close to my ear.

I didn't even sense the new attackers, I felt multiple people coming closer and knew I had no choice but to obey. I dropped the now Whitefaced woman before glancing at the person behind the blade.