
The woman scurried away from me as I shifted my face so I could see who was behind me. The blade hadn't come off my neck when I turned, an old man who was in a tight-fitting leather jerkin and hose watching me calmly with his other hand was folded behind him.

At my view, the knife-edge superheated and disintegrated causing the old man to drop the now very hot blade, I was outnumbered and so I did the only thing I could think of, I gathered mana in one of my hands and summoned my full Fire Regalia with complimentary fire spear, I was now prepared to give it my all just as magic of all types shot towards me from the hidden troops that had arrived to back up their leader.

The weaker magic spells headed my way disintegrated once they came into contact with my aura causing mini eruptions of mana. The pair of arrows and a couple of magic icey darts that had made it through my aura and crashed into my chest plate and didn't even manage to scratch it. I let more of my anger leak out causing my aura to pushback even more stopping all spells before they could even get near my body, without saying any spell I started to form my only multi-target spell in the palm of one of my hands.

"STAND DOWN!!! ALL OF YOU!" A yell so loud came from Commander Harriot who had just arrived and flashed in front of the angry woman who had started this whole thing and pushed out her own aura shielding the rude woman. Raw mana was Focusing around the commander's arms menacingly and then she walked between us with the other woman in tow " Bruni STOP!" she yelled at me with a growl before she turned towards the old man "STAND DOWN SEBES!" she roared once again

The old man sputtered at her before snarling out a reply, "He put his hands on her ladyship, and even had the audacity to choke her!" he exclaimed at her.

The Commander turned towards me with a glare. "Is that so? Bruni?" she spoke at a more normal volume now but that just made it more intimidating.

"She yelled at me, she is lucky I burn her to ash!" I spat out before I looked away disinterested in this whole thing any. I started to walk when the mages in the surroundings all aimed at me once again making me snarl around at them! "I WILL BURN DOWN THIS CAMP HUMANS! leave me be or I will turn this outpost into a wasteland!" I Surged my mana forward as I started to walk away, 10 foot lance made of ice flashed towards me before I had even made it 10 steps, it made it all the way through my aura albeit half the size it was when it started and hit the back of my thigh and pierced the armor making it all the way through my leg and out the front of my leg. A yell lauder then even the Commander could make Blasted out of my mouth.

The Commander looked at the mage who had just lanced me in outrage! "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" she yelled before looking fearfully back at a still yelling me. "EVACUATE THE CIVILIANS! She managed to order as a pillar of fire ascended into the sky.

Soldiers were retreating to go evacuate the civilians while the mages stayed and joined Commander Harriot in protecting the now terrified woman. "What is going on Commander? Who really is that boy?" he asked quietly.

"We believe he is an Envoy, probably of some primal god of anger or whatnot, it's hard to tell, but he has a vast amount of mana and has terrible reactions to disrespect of any kind, like getting attacked when he had turned away" she managed to say before I arrived in front of the mage who had lanced me in a flash.

I Cast my Flame steps to increase my speed and before anyone realized what had happened I had slammed my spear entirely through the mage all the way to where my hand was leaving 4 feet of flame forged magic coming out of the poor man's back. It had been instant death, the spear severed the man's spine and roasted his internals to char and he didn't even make a sound.

The Commander almost started to panic seeing the bloodlust in my eyes but stopped as I made no move towards anyone else after I kicked the dead man off my spear. " Does anyone else want to die today?" I spoke out softly making everyone go still as my eyes ran across the group.

"Bruni, enough, you have made your point." the Commander said with a hint of anger.

I just snorted at her before turning and walking away, "You are lucky Commander, I managed to keep control this time if only barely, hehe!" I tittered out as I walked away from the now wary Commander.

When Bruni was far enough away, the old man came up to the Commander before speaking, " That young man is a psychopath! How can you let him run free, he is a danger to everyone and everything here!" he said.

The Commander just looked at the old man before responding, He is a bit unstable at this time, he just endured some of the worst depravity in the Dark ladies Castle before escaping and burning down the entire castle, BY HIMSELF!" she exclaimed before continuing, " Yes he is a psycho, but he is OUR psychopath, he has a deep hatred for the empire and they have also honed him into one of the most dangerous and brutal weapons to have ever come from a living being after they killed his mother in front of his very eyes! So yes I am going to let him walk free to do as he pleases because he did nothing wrong!" She managed to spit out and turned away to go take care of the panic and to stop the evacuation.