
The next day I was summoned to the Commander's office early in the morning, I was rushed up to see her when I arrived after breakfast, "Bruni, I can't keep you in this outpost, frankly you are a danger to most people and a threat to the rest... I'm graduating you from Military Mage training and sending you to the field, you will be of much more use to me on the frontline than you are now" she said before I could even ask her what was going on.

I stood there stunned, I know I'm a danger to those around me, all it would take is for me to snap for real to cause vast amounts of death and destruction in this camp so I just nod at her words not bothering to reply, 'it's about time' i though at myself before I made eye contact waiting for further information.

"You will be assigned to Kace and Volk, you will be undertaking a new mission this time. This time you will go straight to the border and from there you will receive new orders," she said before handing me a stack of papers for my transfer and graduation. "Go find Kace and coordinate with him on when you will be leaving," she said as she dismissed me.

It was all rushed as if she couldn't stand to be rid of me for a bit even if only a few months, I was a massive head-ache and pain in the ass to deal with, I was a powderkeg ready to go off to boot but still, 'I wonder if she is facing backlash from me threatening the woman from yesterday'

I found Kace in his office looking a little worse for wear, dark bags were under his eyes as if he pulled an all-nighter. "Bruni! do you know how much shit you are in boy!" he managed to say quietly as he glared at me from the other side of his desk, "Because of you, I had to stay up and plan a "Sudden trip" as the Commander called it! You just had to grab that woman's neck didn't you!" he grumbled out almost incoherently from the rage pouring out as he was talking at me.

I just smirked at him before giving a little bit of anger out flashing my eyes a shade brighter, "Maybe that woman shouldn't have been rude to me then huh?" I say with utter disdain for the stupid woman as I try to forget her.

Kace just put his face into his palms, he looked like he was about to go on a rampage before he shuddered and got a grip on himself, he looked up at me and snarled out that I was to report to Volk to help with the preparations to leave in a few days with the whole squad that had helped me get back to the kingdom and a few others.

Later that week a group of over 200 men and horses, a few wagons filled with supplies, and all the surviving mages from the training group with a few senior mages to keep the young sparks in line and to teach them were ridding out of the outpost on the month-long journey to the border.

We followed the road to the outer edge of the country near the border with the empire before arriving at what looked like a new military camp, more than 3000 men and woman were in this camp it looked like, people and carts were going to and from everywhere in organized chaos, if you looked closely you could see the pattern and the one-way paths that threaded through the camps for cats and riders, we made it to the edge of camp before being stopped and our papers thoroughly inspected before we were directed towards the Generals Aids tents, it was the main hub of information for all units, it was the nerve center of the camp.

The tent was large with 6 orderly lines stretching from people seated behind a large table that was in a mess but still the attendants knew what information was stored were for the running of camp needed an army of paper pushers just to walk somewhere, and this is the place we ended up learning where we were being stationed and who was our Team Lead.

Kace still led our unit it's just we now had a personal paper pusher of our own named Don, he was a serious person that took his job a bit too seriously but that story is for another time. He was assigned to use to relay orders from HQ about deployments and he was also in charge of distributing all known information about topics asked by the team leader if he had the clearance for it. Don wasn't in charge of making any plans, he was just a middle man so that the people with real combat experience could make the most efficient and tactically sound plan to deal with said missions.

our troop of men stayed in the Large camp for the night and Kace called us into a meeting before we all headed off to rest for the night, " Our orders are to hold a valley to the northeast a few days ride from here, we are to hold the valley as long as we can if we get attacked and we are to hold the pass if the valley cannot be saved, we can call on reinforcements from the nearby teams and from Hq if needed and we can hold out for a few days, once a week we will get supplied with rations and necessities so we need to plan accordingly any questions?" he said before asking.

I raised my hand to which everyone groaned, I chuckled at everyone's discontent, "Are we there yet?" I asked as the room that we were all gathered in erupted in laughter as this wasn't the first time I had asked this question.

Kace's face went dark red in anger before calming himself down and roaring out loud "DISMISSED!"