Meeting him Again

After father left us, everything changed. We almost forgot what is the true meaning of happiness and family. Mom changed and so do I. I don't even know if this is still me, I lost the happy-go-lucky me because of what happened to my family but everything changed when I knew him. Every time I look his pictures and videos on social media I feel like I was in cloud nine, staring at his pictures and hearing his voice became my energizer. Everything about him makes me happy.

" Ohhh! WHY? Just WHY? Why can't I dream about you?" I whine in annoyance because he didn't appear in my dreams for almost two nights. Every time before I go to bed I always stares at his picture nor watch his music videos because mother told me that...the last thing or person you think in night will appear in your dreams but I guess, it's just hilarious belief because nothing happened.

I guess, I'm a bubbleheaded because out of desperation I still did what mother told me. Doing the same thing again and again made me tired because I don't have a proper sleep at night thinking about him. I already have dark circles and I'm also stressed-out in my work.

Before heading to bed I stand infront of the standee I bought few days ago. I touch it and hug it like it's real. Since the day I saw him on my social media's newsfeed I promise to myself to set-aside relationship until I meet him in person. Even though it's impossible to happen I'd like to try because I want to thank him for being my inspiration of chasing my dream.

" Will the day come for us to meet? I know it's imposible for us to meet because we have different worlds. You're like a star in the night sky that I adore so much that is hard to reach." I release a deep sigh and went to my bed. I stare him for a bit.

" Good night. See you soon. In God's well." I close my eyes as I lay down. My eyes can't take the tiredness anymore. I doze-off to sleep.

I wake up from the calm noise of the chirping birds and river's stream. The fresh air that ripples the leaves of the tress that surrounds me is a beautiful scenery.

Wait! Where am I? Am I abducted? I was just sleeping in my room, how did I end up lying on this cold bermuda grass on the ground? Grass? Trees? Chirping birds? Lake? Green scenery?

I roam my eyes and witness the jaw-dropping picturesque forest. It feels like I'm the modern generation of Eve wearing a nightgown like a lost princess in the forest but where's my modernize Adan or shall I say my prince?

I stand up and went near the lake, the water is so clear that I almost mistaken it as a mirror. I raise the edge of the nightgown and went to the lake, I gasp as my feet touch the surface of the water. I quiver by the coldness of the water that finally touch the lower half parts of my body. As I enjoy playing with water I heard a small noise of footsteps towards my direction. I hurriedly get out of the lake and hide behind the big tree near the lake.

He really looks like a prince charming riding on the horse wearing a vest over a white longsleeve polo and a trouser with the sunlight kissing half of his face, revealing his perfect profile. He gentlemanly get down from the horse and went directly to the tree where I am hiding.

" Show yourself." he said it with authoritative voice. I feel sudden palpitation after hearing his cold and deep voice again. For unknown reason, my feet walks on her own.

" H-Hi, long time no see." I smile with shyness on it.

" Sorry for the rudeness but who are you?" my heart turn into broken pieces like a shattered glass. A hot water stream down on my cheek. I wipe it and ask myself.

"Silly girl, why are crying? Obviously, he doesn't know you because he never meet you since the day you were born. He knows you as a fan but not as who you are so stop crying."

He went nearer and I'm so dumbfounded of what he did. My tears suddenly stops rolling down. He hug me so tightly that I almost can't breathe. I feel his warm breathe on my neck, his embrace that I've been longing for and his scent that I'd love to smell every minute and every hour everything is real. Finally, I'm with the man I adore for so long.

" I thought you'd never come back. I thought you already forgotten me. I've waited for so long to be with you again. Finally, you're here. Don't leave me again. Please stay by my side forever." I release a loud sobs after hearing him due to overjoy. I can't believe that what I dream before is real. My dream is real. He is real. Everything is real.

He wipe my tears away and hold my nape, his soft and natural pinkish lips landed on my forehead. He rest his forehead on mine and smile sweetly at me.

" Thank you for coming back. Please, don't leave me again." I smile at him and nod as an answer to his request. Even if he won't ask for it, I will gladly stay with him forever because that's what I always wanted to do ever since I saw him.