011 ※ Next Steps [VII]

"OH, THAT'S TRUE. I DID CHOOSE HIM ALREADY, but I think everyone knows about that," Octavian rolled his eyes and Val nodded.

"It's that annoying boy that dad and the Captain took under their wing, Isn't it? So predictable," he spoke full of sarcasm.

"Asher is a great kid, very skilled for his age, and one of the youngest kids to become a Knight in the Empire's history," father spoke with a proud smile. "I and Thorin both taught him well," now he's overestimating himself.

Ash was taught by almost Sir Thorin alone. My father just gave him protection by announcing that he was his apprentice. But if he never had enough time for his children, imagine for his apprentice.

"You should be more like him, Tavian," brother got bright red in anger and both me and Val smiled at his reaction. "He always takes his duties seriously, is clever and skilled." Dad turned to meet his eyes, making it impossible for him to look away. "Maybe if you had spent more time with him, you would be as skillful in fighting as Tasha is."

Octavian's angry gaze turned to me and I rolled my eyes, unbothered. "Don't say that dad," I began, "brother spends too much time training his fire magic, to be as strong as mom using it. He doesn't get to spend as much time training how to fight with swords or his martial skills, nor does his brain. While I don't have magic so all I have are my physical skills. It's not worth comparing me to him," because I'm light years better.

What I mean was: How can you expect anything more than magic skills from such a dumb boy like him, dad? You can't even compare him to me, because that would be an offense! He doesn't have the aptitude or the brain needed for retaining such intelligence as me. Moreover, not even in his dreams, he would be able to reach my level.

And by how both he and mom stared at me, they were clever enough to get the message. Val laughed just with that I could tell he also understood me. Dalilah probably did too, because she isn't stupid like he is, but maintained her façade and didn't seem slightly fazed.

"You are right again, Tasha. It's no good to compare any of my children with each other, nor with other people," yes, keep agreeing with me, so they will get even more pissed. "Let's talk about another thing!"

That's my cue.

I finish my pancake with honey and prepared myself to speak, "Dad, can I talk to you about something?" He nodded, curious. "I want to change my wardrobe and buy new clothes because I don't like anything I have anymore. And I also want to change the decoration of my bedroom, I'm annoyed with it because it looks like an extension of my hair," he gasped at my last words.

"Finally, you decided to change that. I personally never liked it, but your mom did. And about your clothes, I'll give you the money and you can go buy everything today or ask the stylist you chose to make them, and for the time being, you can use Lilah's clothes, once you are twins, her clothes must fit you!" She must be so pissed.

"But dad," Dalilah shouted, annoyed.

"Is there any problem, Lilah?" Dad stared at her and she gulped, looking away from his gaze, trying to ask mom to do something with her eyes. "And nothing will change my mind on this matter. Moreover, it won't take much time for her clothes to be ready, right, Tasha?"


"Then it's decided," Dalilah clenched her jaw, trying to hide her anger, letting a fake expression take over her face.

"It's okay with me then," only my dad can fall for that, for Mikla's sake. How was this girl able to fool everyone for so fucking long? "I'll be glad to let my sister borrow my clothes. I have an amazing taste, she'll look better with them than with the ones she has," she gave me a sweet smile, but this time that didn't fool me a bit. I can almost see her poison dripping from here.

"That's my little Princess. I knew you wouldn't mind it, darling." See? Look at how he treats this wrench. Oh, come on, this is so annoying. "What else can I help you with, Tasha?" His attention was now on me. "It's a surprise that you are finally deciding to spend money on something you like. Especially because you used to only spend it on Lerian and Lilah."

Ugh- There's no need to remember such a thing. How embarrassing. I'll never spend my money on that girl again. "Actually," I began, "there is something."

"You can ask me anything and I'll do it," I don't think you would ever have the guts to do what I want. "As one of my kids, you can have whatever you want!" Even two of your children and your wife's head?

Throwing those thoughts away, I put the fork and the knife in my hands down and I gave my father all of my attention, "I want to start learning archery, dad. You know well how I've already mastered both the sword and the daggers, so I want to try this out. Can you find a good tutor for me?" An excited smile took over my dad's features making him even more handsome.

It's not for nothing that he's considered to be the hottest guy in the Empire, only second to Emperor Hendrixander Caspien himself. Which doesn't count as much, once he has that spot thanks to his magic that hides his true features from everyone and makes us see him as to how we would imagine the most handsome guy to look like, which is a personal opinion and so it makes him the most handsome men around. Regardless, dad is the epitome of beauty and I gladly took after him.

Because of that, it doesn't matter how much my enemies hate me, they can't ever say I'm ugly, because that would be a fat lie.

"I'm so glad you took the initiative for that, Tasha. Honestly, I was starting to consider it. It's good to know that you also thought about it. And yes! I'll find the best archer in the Empire to teach you everything. When do you want to start?" Damn, he seems to be more anxious than me.

"Tomorrow is okay?"

"Of course! The sooner, the better!" He sounded so proud that I couldn't help but smile at him. "Want to go find the tutor with me?" My smile disappeared.

I disagreed with my head, "I don't think that would be a good idea, dad, sorry. Moreover, I have a place to go right when I finish breakfast," Val made a surprised sound on my side and I looked at him.

"Can I go with you?" Oh, I missed my little kid, but he can't go with me this time.

"You have to attend your swordsmanship classes, little boy, so not this time," he didn't like that and made a sad face. "I'll take you with me next time!"

"Furthermore," dad started, "we don't know how long Tasha will take. And you will have to get ready for tonight's ball!" Ball? "I believe you don't want to go to this one either, right, Tasha?" No, thank you.

Since my 8th birthday, I stopped going to any social gatherings, because I was tired of being mistreated and listening to everybody say how I shouldn't be there and how crazy I was for saying that I had been born with magic. My words were taken as lies. I couldn't handle any of that anymore, so I stopped and focused on sharpening my skills because that was something that would help me in my future. At least, I could run away until my late debut on High Society.

"You won't be able to run away from society forever, Natasha!" My mother exclaimed with disdain.

"As we agreed before, she still has until she turns seventeen to act freely like this," my father remembered. "But she will have to debut before she turns eighteen!" I took a deep breath.

"I know, father. Don't worry, when the time comes I won't hide from it!" Dad was satisfied with my answer, while my mother got annoyed by it.

After deciding my next steps, ignoring everyone again, I got back to eating my precious food. Not letting their stares bother me. And let me tell you, it was delicious!


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