012 ※ The Jewelry Store [I]

WHEN I WAS PREPARING MYSELF TO LEAVE, I remembered what I had forgotten to speak with my dad about. Thankfully, I recalled that just in time. After I finished the cup of grape juice, I looked at my cleaned plate without a piece of food left and took four cookies that were in front of me, catching their attention as planned.

Although I was indeed putting the cookies on my plate because I'm still hungry and want to eat them. It's been ages since I ate one of those. Especially being made by Yoostaf, once he also cut ties with our family after Val and my parents died, just like Sir Leon. I just don't know where he went to.

Either way, I took a bite and it was delicious! "You are going to get fat, if you eat like that, Natasha!" Mother pointed in a mean way as if waiting for me to get offended.

"Don't get me wrong, mom," I started when I finished that one, already with another on the way to my mouth. "But the training I undergo makes me able to eat as much as I can without getting fat. Because, you know, I need to stay strong, I can't let myself have a weak body."

Dad agreed, nodding, "I'm also surprised by how much she is eating today, but Tasha's right about that. Her training is as heavy as that of the people under my watch in the army. She indeed needs to maintain her health and strength by eating. Although she didn't use to do that, now she'll probably get even stronger, and her performance will also improve!" He seemed satisfied with that answer, and so were I.

I don't quite remember if dad used to side with me in my past life like he's doing now. Even before Dalilah's got a handle of my control. And that's why I can't help but think if just the fact that I am acting different from my past self, now, already changed something. What can I say? I hope it did!

"If Nat keeps getting stronger, she'll overthrow everybody," Val said as if that statement was nothing. "Just look at how she's already stronger than most people, without even having magic!" He rolled his shoulders, then his navy-blue gaze landed on me, "She just has to make her mind stronger!"

Oh, he was probably shading Dalilah right now. And he is right. At this point in the timeline, at least in the 1st one, my mind was weaker than a goat's. That's why my sister was able to manipulate me so damn easy, and I wasn't able to break free until something extremely traumatic, even more than Val's death, happened to me. Even though that didn't awaken my consciousness, it did make me break free from my sister's string for a little while.

A proof that a strong mind can get out of such a situation in less than a year, is the Emperor… I mean, he's still the Crown Prince here, but back there he was already the ruler of the Empire. Joshua Caspien, the firstborn mysterious son, and it's said that no one, but his father, knows what he looks like. And even if I have never seen his face, at least I don't think I did, I don't know if that's possible, because the Empress may be a bitch but she must remember her son's appearance, no?

But the thing is, back when the world war ended, after Emperor Handrixander died and right when the Crown Prince was going to take over the throne, the heir, Dalilah, by some unknown way, got the opportunity to manipulate his mind. That was probably part of her plans to make her, at that time husband, the new Emperor. And so, under her strings, he started to act like a tyrant, which was horrible because we had just ended the war and there were a lot of casualties, and death was all around. She started acting ruthlessly, making him kill a lot of people and all that shit, so the Caspienian people would hate him.

To her dismay, it only lasted for five months, which was right around the time I killed Octavian, once when he got his control back he murdered the Empress, something I also wanted to do. And then they arrested me, threw me at Dalilah and the 3rd Imperial Prince's dungeon, tortured me… and the last you know about.

So I don't have any idea about what happened to the Emperor. Neither if he was overthrown nor anything like that. The last thing I remember about him is that the people started disobeying him, and their fondness was turned to Dalilah's husband, just as they wanted.

I don't care about it, though. Never saw him, and neither did I want to meet him, anyway. What matters to me is that his mind was light years stronger than mine to be able to break free from my twin's magic in such a small amount of time, compared to the thirteen years I spent on her hands.

Snapping out of it, I focused my eyes on Val again. "You are right, Val. But I'm working on that," for a second he got surprised by my words, but in the instant that followed he acted cool. Probably because of the people who were around us. "Now, dad, there's another thing I wanted to ask you about." His golden eyes met mine and he signed for me to keep going. "I want to promote Kate from my nanny and maid to personal assistant."

"Interesting. Why?"

"You've suggested to me before, that I should get a personal assistant. Both you and mom, Octavian, sister, and little Val all have one," he nods at that. "It should be given to a person we trust, and I kind of like don't trust most people, but I do trust her. That's why I think she would be the best choice."

Mother and the rotten ones stared at me as if just now they were realizing that something might be wrong with me. While Val seemed to pay more attention to his food.

He has his hand on his chin, something he always does when he's pondering something when he spoke again. "That's a very good idea, Tasha. I'll speak with Gordon," dad's P.A. "And he'll handle this matter. Now, you will need to choose another maid to replace her."

That's also what I wanted.

"I already have Laura with me," and she, surprisingly, likes me. "So, I was thinking of choosing Eliza, one of Val's maids. Then we can change Hannah, Octavian's maid, to replace her as Val's new maid," and my older brother seemed to hate the idea. "I don't think it will be a problem, taking into consideration, that brother will be going to the Royal Academy in less than a week."

Why did I do that? Well, Eliza loves Val and she likes neither Dalilah nor Octavian or our mom, once they are a little rude to him, she's neutral about me and I can change that. While Hannah hates Octavian because he mistreats her, Val will sure make her adore him, because of his angel-like personality. That would mean, one more person to my side, seeing how I lack people with me, that might be good.

Val wouldn't mind that either.

"You can't be serious!" Octavian yelled at me, and dad put his hand on his shoulder, stopping him from standing up.

He slowly stared at him, "Are you going to take the maid with you?"

"Of course, not, father. Why would I do something like that? The Royal Academy already has maids that will serve me," look at how this brat talks, ugh. It makes me sick.

"Then you won't mind if we change one of your maids, will you, Tavian? Or are you having a crush on her?" The disgust on his face was laughable.

"Goddess above, dad, don't ever suggest such a disgusting thing again. And no," he clenched his jaw and even though I couldn't see his hands, I bet they were closed in fists. "I won't mind such a thing!"

Dad gave him a slight nod and smiled proudly, making me feel slightly annoyed, "That's my son. You have to make decisions coldly, kid. As the next Grand Duke, you will have a lot of responsibilities, and the only way to handle everything is by not putting your heart to it and acting rationally only." He took a sip of his coffee. "Even though you might get annoyed with what your sister asked me, just think about it without using your emotions. It won't be a problem, would it?"

"No, dad." He seemed calmer now, and I didn't like that. I wanted to rip his face apart, but I could only take a deep breath and try not to lose control.

Then our father turned to me as if he was expecting more requests. "I'll go camping in the next two weeks," this time I wasn't asking. I never asked for something like this, only told him I was going. Val got surprised by it and I made a sign to him, for him to know that I was going to tell him more about it later, he nodded.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. There isn't a reason for me to stay here all the time if I don't go to any social gatherings," this time Dalilah, Octavian, and mom seemed please with it. Dad only nodded in a silent agreement.

After finishing the last cookie and drinking the last sip of my iced tea, I got up and bowed to my parents. "I have to go now, have a good day!" Without waiting for their answer I got out.

Meeting Kate on my way.

"Where now?"

"To get Asher and then to the jewelry store."

"Jewelry store?"

"I'll tell you on our way!"

She only nodded.


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