
"Water realm"

When the king reached the court, all of his General and advisors were present there. Waiting for His Highness to arrive.

"So should we start the discussion, your Highness?" The head general asked the king after everyone has taken a seat.

The king nodded.

"So first of all I want to hear your ideas on increasing the protection barriers of our realm.

Our barriers aren't strong enough for the Fenixs.

Each time they somehow manage to break through it and sneak into our realm. Don't forget how strong they are. Even though they have wings of fire they still have the power to come underwater. That's how much power God gave them.

But instead of using their powers for good cause, they became arrogant." The king sighed.

"Your Highness, we have already asked the barrier protectors to increase the protection spell and they are already working on it.

We know very well that with the princess being born, those Fenixs would try every trick that they have to enter our realm.

And we will not let that happen.

Our Princess is our savior and pride and we will try our best to protect her"

Listening to his Advisors, the king smiled as their loyalty was clearly showing in their eyes.

"Your Highness!"

Suddenly one of the royal guards came running to the court panting heavily.

"T-they " he stuttered.

"The Queen and the Princess..they are gone!"

He dashed.

The King, without thinking any other thing, dashed.

He swam to their room as fast as he could.

But when he got there, he got hit by reality.

His son, Kail was on the floor, blood bleeding from his head, unconscious.

And there was no sign of his wife and daughter.

As soon as the king saw him, he swam to him and held his son in his arms.. he was breathing.

"Call the herbalists and take him to his bed" the King shouted.

He can't lose hope.

"We need to find the Queen and the Princess Now!!"

He can't.





Jade was swimming as fast as she could with Katlyn in her arms.

She watched Him knocking out her son in front of her eyes and she couldn't do anything.

But as He was approaching her daughter, she somehow managed to cast a spell and escaped with her daughter.

She knew there was no way she can fight Him, with how weak she was at that moment.

But she needed to save Katlyn.

She is the last hope that her realm has and she needs to protect her at all cost.

"You know very well that you can't hide from me.. don't you lil sis?"

She knew that voice all too well and when she turned around she found exactly the person she was hoping to never encounter again.

Because in front of her was her Brother.

The person who always doted on her, the person she used to look up to.

But now to her, he was only the  Cruel and heartless king of the fire realm.

"Won't you let your big brother see his beloved niece? I heard she is as beautiful as my traitor sister?" He laughed.

Jade starting backing away as slowly as she could.

"Brother please don't do this.

I am the one who left the fire realm. I am the one who left her Fenix self but it has nothing to do with my child.

Please brother don't hurt her." Tears started streaming from her eyes.

She never thought the person she loved the most would one day become a threat to her own children.

She never wanted things to turn out like this.

"Am sorry Jade" she saw a bit of remorse in his eyes... but then it turned to a cold smirk "..but she needs to DIE!!"

And before she could even blink she found him charging a yellow spell towards her baby.

"Brother NO! " Jade yelled and covered her baby with her body as fast as she could, and the spell hit her.

As soon she got hit, she slowly started turning pale. From her hair to her tail.

It was a power-absorbing spell. And slowly she was losing all her power as well as her life.

But she was glad that it was her who got hit and not her baby.

But when she looked at her baby in her arms, her heart shattered to a million pieces.

Katlyn was turning pale too.

The spell affected her too as she was in Jade's arms.

"Baby no! N-nothing will happen to you okay? Momma won't let anything happen to you!" She held her close to her chest tightly even though she was losing her strength.

She once again looked at her daughter's face. Her eyes already turned hazel. There was no hint of blue in them.

"Momma will protect you." Jade whispered to her baby and kissed her on the forehead before slowly letting her go.

As soon as Jade let her go, a barrier formed around the baby and suddenly she disappeared.

The king of Fenixs didn't do anything else. He was just there watching the show in front of him.

After all, what he wanted already happened.



Fin was searching frantically for his wife and daughter. Hoping and praying that they were safe.

But when he finally found them. He knew he was too late.

He saw Jade letting go of Katlyn and how Katlyn disappeared soon after.

After that Jade's body gave up too.

"Jade!" he marched towards her and held her in his arms.

"Jade.." he whispered.

The love of his life was slowly fading away in front of his eyes.

"Jade please don't leave me!" He whispered again, tears welling up in his eyes.

He held her tight in his arms and hoped that somehow ...anyhow a miracle would happen and everything would be fine again.

"Fin" she managed the words even though her consciousness was slowly fading.

"Please protect our children" she whispered.

"And always remember that I have loved you even in my last moments and will keep loving you even after being gone." she smiled, tears slipping from her now hazel eyes.

And with that she finally let her soul rest.

"Jade!" He screamed.

Everything, every single ray of light was taken away from his life on that night.

His love, his baby, his smile, and his sanity.