Blue eyes

"Momma won't let anything happen to you, okay?"

"Momma will protect you ."

I woke up with a start.

The same dream again...

I stayed on my bed for a while in a daze, eyes wide open, sweating, and mind blank.

Until a ray of sunlight that somehow slipped through the blinds, fell on my pale face.

I turned my head and stared blankly at the sipping ray of light that somehow made my hazel eyes shimmer.

A sudden ringing sound from my phone brought me back from my blank trance and I absent-mindedly picked up the call, putting it on speaker.



Well and that's what it took for me to head rush from my bed, running towards the bathroom, hitting my head in the process, mumbling a few profanities, and tumbling inside the bathroom.


I could literally hear her from the bathroom with the amount she was screaming.


I Shouted back and rushed through my shower.

It took me about 15 minutes to get ready, pack my things, toss a toast in my mouth, and run towards my school..which was like 5 minutes away from my home.

Midway through my marathon I stopped, turned, and ran back home again.

I hurriedly opened the front door and shouted, "GRANDMA AM LEAVING".

I slammed the door without hearing her answer back and ran to my school... again.

As soon as I reached the school, I rushed to the changing room, changed into my swimsuit, and ran to the pool stadium.

There was a huge crowd. All seats were taken by the audience and the swimmers were getting to their positions.

I barely spotted my team and ran towards them.

"God you are Just in time Kate" Miya grabbed me as soon as she saw me.

"I know. Am sorry" I barely mumbled to her while catching my breath.

" Now quickly get to your position.

It's starting soon." she pushed me towards my position.

Today was the final swimming tournament of the year.

And as I was the best swimmer in the school,(am not bragging, my trophies do. Thank you) my coach always made me participate.

I got to my position and finally took a good look at what's really going on around me.

The audience were loud as usual. Our coach was giving instruction to our team.. which I didn't bother listening to.

Then there was the opponent team, our rival.

We were the top two teams of our school. Both of us being equally competitive, which most of the time ended in a tie.


I turned my head already knowing who it was.

"Am rooting for You!" Miya Shouted right next to my ear.

"Shees Miya! Am right here so stop screaming im my ear" I whisper yelled at her.

"Yeah yeah!" she rolled her eyes.

I wonder if her eyes ever get tired from all the rolling it does..

"Anyways I heard they got a new teammate and he is pretty beware!"

New teammate huh?

I looked at other the team to see if I could spot the " new one" and soon enough my eyes caught a pair of deep blue eyes that were staring right back at me.

And somehow I couldn't just stop staring.

"You heard what I said?"

"Kate?" Miya grabbed me and shook me gently.

"Huh? what?" I looked at her confused.

"I said, I heard he is pretty good and experienced. Not like he can surpass my Kate though hmph" Miya huffed while folding her arms.

I chuckled.

"Where is Ze anyways? Did you check on him today?" I asked her while scanning the stadium again.

"I told him to just rest at home today but he is coming anyways I guess" Miya sighed.

"Swimmers get ready" the couch announced through a mic.

"I'll be going to my position now. Good luck." Miya said before running to her position.

I nodded and took a deep breath.

Ok now let's get over with this quickly.

The coach blew the whistle and immediately loud splashing sound filled the whole stadium.

The swimmers were competing aggressively. There was a huge tension in the air.

Guess they are really getting into it this time huh?

Soon it was my turn and I dived right into the pool.

Ok, let's get this for my team this time.

I smirked to myself and swam with my full potential. And within a few minutes, I finished my turn.

I got it, right?

....but, Why is no one cheering?

Suddenly someone stretched their long veiny hands towards me which made me to look up.

...Blue eyes?

"Nice competing with you...Katlyn" he smiled.

Huh? what's happening?

My hand unconsciously reached to his and he grabbed it firmly before pulling me up.

All this time his blue eyes boring at mine.

There was something about him that I couldn't really pinpoint.

His wet brown hair was pushed back, exposing his forehead. A white towel was around his neck. And his abs were on full display.

"Earth to Miss" a chuckle from him made me look at his face again. He was smirking.

Shit.. was I Just checking him out?? What is wrong with me??

Suddenly he leaned close to my ear and whispered," I'll look forward to meeting you again."

He looked at my eyes once again and walked away.

His hot breath was still lingering on my neck, sending shivers through my body.

The heck just happened...

Suddenly someone wrapped my body in a towel and hugged me from behind.

"I am sorry I couldn't make it on time" a voice I know all too well whispered to me.

I smiled to myself.

I turned and faced him, meeting his brown caramel eyes.

"It's fine Ze." I ruffled his soft hair.

"You really didn't need to come, you know?You need rest."

"Am fine and I came cause I wanted to." he gave me his famous You-know-am-gonna-do it-anyways smile.

"And don't get upset for losing this time. We will show them the real thing next time okay?"

I blinked.

Wait... What?

"We LOST?" I shrieked.

And yeah the whole universe heard me.

Some were laughing, some were sighing, but there was one person who was silently smiling to himself and another one who was unsure of his own will.


Who would have thought that day was the beginning of our unavoidable destiny planned by Fate itself.

Who would have thought that day marked the beginning of our misery, our pain.

Because the Future our stars planned on that day, We were not ready for it.