The Weird One

"Someone's not the best swimmer of the school anymore ~" Zelan snickered at me, which got him a smack from Miya.

I rolled my eyes and continued digging on my cheesecake.

We were at our favorite cafe near our school.

After all the tournament and "Blue Eyes" thingy I needed my sugar to get my mind back on the right track.

"Yeah and thanks to ' someone ' who burned his damn arm while cooking just before two weeks of the tournament. And also thanks to that particular ' someone ', we had to choose a new swimmer at the last moment.

I mean come on, Who burns their whole arm while cooking Ze?" Miya threw her arms in the air, frustrated.

"The cooking oil splashed on me okay? And I said am sorry." Zelan pouted which again got him a smack from Miya.

"Hey that hurts you know!" he yelped.

"Keep your pouty face to yourself, you dumb!" Miya glared at him.

I chuckled watching them bicker like two parrots.

I, Miya, and Zelan were together for what felt like forever.

We first met at elementary school and became friends on the very first day. How? we don't even remember.

Then we went to the same middle school.

And now the same high school too.

The three of us have very different personalities but we still somehow managed to get along very well.

Miya is the protective and aggressive one. She loved being a bitch to anyone rude to us.

She's a real beauty though. She had long dirty blonde hair that matched perfectly with her brown eyes.

Thanks to her my school life was not miserable as she was always there dealing with the bullies.

Talking about Zelan, he is the cute and extremely caring one. But he is also an asshole sometimes.

Zelan is the type that would knock at your door with medicine even at 3 am if he finds out that you are sick.

Yep, that definitely happened.

He had caramel brown eyes with jet black hair. He's really handsome if you look at him closely.

But most of the time you will find him whining or all cute with a pouty face.

While both Miya and Zelan are the perfect duo of the group, I am the weird one.

Am an introvert with weird humour.

And I also look like a clown while being with them with my white hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin.

I just don't know why I was like this.

Were my parents like this too?

I never got to know because I don't even remember their faces.

I am an orphan and live with my grandma from when I was a baby I guess. She never really talks much about my parents or how she got me. I never complained though. I was totally happy with just her.

The only persons that I trust with my life are the three of them.

They loved me as much I loved them.

And I'm grateful to at least have them in my life.

"Who was that guy anyway?" Ze asked me all of a sudden, nudging me on the side.

"Hmm? Who?" I asked, taking another sip from my iced americano.

"The one you were talking to before I came"

"Oh, that dude? He is the new swimmer that those guys got I guess" I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about that weird guy.

"He's hot though" Miya snickered.

"Yeah go ahead and hit on him if you are so interested." Ze rolled his eyes.

"Nah not my type. He looked serious and am more into the bitches" Miya did her signature hair flip making us laugh.

After a while, we were just talking about some random things with me just listening to them.

All of a sudden I felt a shape nerve-wracking sting on my neck making me grab my neck in pain and clenching my wrists.

"KATE?" Miya and Zelan quickly stood up and held me by the side.

"What's happening? KATE-" but before I could even understand what they are saying, my hearing and vision blurred and I passed out.


"It's starting."

A man sitting on the couch in the middle of a dimly lit room said. His face unrecognizable because of the dark lighting.

"We need to get her before-" he stopped midway, gritting his teeth.

Suddenly, another silhouette of a male made its appearance by the window. His eyes glowing in the dark.

"Am on it,"





I opened my eyes and met with the familiar sight of my bedroom ceiling.

Why am I here?

Then all the memories of what happened today, came flooding to me.

I sighed and looked around, my eyes gradually landing on the person sitting on a chair by my bed.

His head was on the bed and one of his hands holding mine.

He was sleeping.

A smile adorned my lips watching him.

I always felt calm around Ze or just watching him.

Maybe because I always found him with me when I was in a difficult situation or maybe because he always made me feel that he will always be there no matter what.

By the look of it, he was in a deep sleep.

His hair was a mess and looked awfully fluffy. His lips were slightly apart, his crooked teeth showing a bit.

But he also looked really tired.

Suddenly the door opened and grandma walked in with plates in her hand. She gasped seeing me awake and hurried to my side.

"Are you feeling okay sweetie?" she checked my forehead and glanced at me with worried eyes.

"The fever is gone finally" she mumbled.

Zelan also woke up from all the haste grandma made.

"Am fine granny" I smiled at her.

"You are awake?" Zelan asked while rubbing his eyes.

I chuckled, ruffling his messy hair.

"I should be saying that to You Mr.," I said laughing a bit.

He got embarrassed and got up from his seat, asking granny to sit down.

Granny sat and held my hand, "What happened?"

I want to ask the same thing too.

What really happened?

What was that strange and terrible sting all of a sudden?

I looked at grandma and Zelan. They looked worried.

I bit my lips.

I hate this. I hate making them worry.

"Nothing really. I guess all that stress about the tournament took a toll on me." I laughed scratching my neck. That definitely stings a bit even now.

"You should go easy on yourself sweetie. You know how precious you are to me right?" she looked at me with her loving eyes and cherished my cheeks with her palm.

Granny always looked at me with those loving eyes but I always found something sad about them.

"I know granny" I leaned on her hand

"I brought dinner by the way for both of you. Eat before it gets cold." She said and got up from the chair.

She passed me and Zelan the plates and left after pecking me and thanking Ze for looking after me.

Zelan smiled but didn't say anything. He just sat beside me on the bed and started digging on the food right away.

"Damn I love your Granny's food," he said with his mouth full.

"Slow down you chipmunk" I laughed.

"You are really fine right?" Ze asked me after a bit, seeing me dead in the eyes.

I gulped.

I always felt that those damn eyes of his can look right through my soul.

His damn duality.

"I am fine, stupid. Do I look sick to you?"

He eyed me but didn't say anything.

"Where is Miya though and how long have you been here?" I asked changing the topic.

Nope, I don't wanna deal with his arrow-like gaze right now.

"She left a while ago because her mother called and I've been here since you fainted" He shrugged.

"You should have left too you know? Granny is here with me anyways."

"I can't just leave you like that." he rolled his eyes.

I smiled.

Typical Zelan.

By the time we finished our dinner, it was already 10 pm.

"Do you wanna stay over? We have a spare room and you look tired af" I said while he was fixing his hair.

"Am fine and I have morning shift tomorrow, so can't stay" he pouted.

I hummed.

"I'll be leaving now okay? Take care of yourself and don't you dare faint on us like that again." he flicked my forehead and before I could get back at him, he dashed through the door and left before shouting bye from the front door.

This stupid chipmunk.

I finally released a sigh of relief.

So much happened today.

The dream, the tournament, the weird sting, and..those blue eyes.

All of a sudden the face of that guy flashed through my mind making me feel weird again.

Not wanting to think much into it, I got up and decided to just take a cold shower and go to bed right away.

I took my clothes and towel and went into the bathroom.

Looking at myself in the mirror a sighed again.

I looked horrible.

My hair was a mess. I look paler than usual. But what really caught my eyes was the slight redness just below my left ear that seemed to go down my neck.

I hurriedly took off the turtle neck and my eyes widened.