

Walking into the office, I adjust my tie as I make my way to my desk. Good mornings echoing from all the female teachers I pass by and some male ones. Dear lord. Sitting down I power up my computer, printing the materials for my lessons today. I can still smell her on me. No matter how much I showered, her scent seems to have been embedded onto me. I can still feel her enveloped warmth, ghost touches - everything...

"Good morning honey." Annoyance must've shown across my face because he laughs before planting his ass on my desk.

"Morning Jon." I know better than to look at him knowing he'd see right through me.

"So, how's my star pupil?" I could taste his smirk in the air without even looking up. I really hate this man.

"She's fine. Preparing for her meeting tomorrow. She'll be back on Thursday."

"That's good then." I could tell he wanted more.

"The quiz is part of a business deal. She has to place first for the other party to seal the deal."

"I figured it was something like that." He sighs and I knew he felt the same way I did. Worried.

"She believes we can win Jon." I say finally looking at him and he smiles at me.

"And do you believe her?"

"I am worried," and it was the truth but, "I believe in her."

"Then that's all that matters..." he says patting my shoulder, "They must've chosen the quiz thinking she'd fail." Sinking into my chair I sigh.

"She believes so too." I sigh again pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Whoever that geezer is, he's a sly one." I could tell there was more to his statement than he let on..


"But," He smiles, "he shouldn't have underestimated my girl." I frown at his last words and he laughs.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because. She's smart. Smarter than she's letting on."


"You see it in the way she writes. Speaks. There's more to her than she lets on."

"Hmm, you think she's not performing at her best on purpose?" I knew that too but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"I do. But it's more of she's staying at her Personal Best on purpose. So, now let's see what happens next." Getting up from my table he goes to the printer returning with my lesson sheets.

"Let's." I smile taking them and heading to my classroom. I suppose it's let the games begin from here. I say to myself smiling as my day of rowdy teenagers began - and ended in record time.

Walking towards the office I'm once again blessed with Jon's presence.

"Hey, did you by any chance mention the papers you've written in your CV when applying here? Or to anyone here but me for that matter?"

"No. I wrote them under my Japanese name, so I didn't. Why?" He traces his fingers across the stumbles forming across his chin.

"Just curious."

"No shit Sherlock." I arch my brow and he smiles boyishly.

"I was grading papers from a couple weeks ago and I thought one of my students seemed to have quoted something I think you wrote. I may be wrong. But I'm reading it again and... it's weird."

"A couple weeks?"

"Yeah. They were reviewed and then given back to them to clean up."

"Ah, yeah you must've been mistaken then. I wrote those papers over four years ago."

"Hmm. Can you check still just in case?"

"Sure." When we get to the office, he finds the essay and hands it to me. Wait. I know this handwriting.

The name wasn't on the paper, but I knew it was hers.

"This is Atlas'."

"Yes." Turning to the marked page I read the entry, my eyes widening.

"What is this? When did she write this?"

"That's coursework she started before you came to this school, Senpai." Looking up from the paper I stare at him.


"You heard what I said." Sighing he sits on his desk, his brows creased.

"How does she know about my paper, enough to quote me."

"Frankly speaking I don't think she knows it's you mate."

"How could she not?"

"The way she writes. It's natural, like it's something she's read multiple times. Plus, she only knows your Japanese given name because it's on your CV right."

"I suppose..." staring at the paper again I sigh, "You're probably right. If she really knew who I was she wouldn't have..." The memories of this morning filled my head again and I could feel the start of an annoying itch. It pisses me off finding out she wasn't a virgin but at the same time, I couldn't help but be confused and question what she said. I mean she said last time that I was her first kiss... or was she simply referring to the type? What I do know is that whoever that guy was, he could count himself a lucky one, but she was mine now.

"Wouldn't have what?" He arches his brows, eyes burning into me. The only thing that concerned me was how close I was to actually doing it raw. God, what is she doing to me? I've never been that out of control… ever… I mean she explained her being on the pill as it helps with her irregular period but still...

"N-Nothing." Clearing my throat, I hand the paper back to him, turning away. I could feel him smiling.

"So. Want to grab a bite at the pub?"

"I could do with a drink and food." As if in agreement my stomach growls, and he laughed at me.

"Hungry much."

"Do you have your car today, or do you need a ride?"

"Ride. My car's in the garage."

"What the hell did you hit this time?" I ask laughing as we packed up our desk getting ready to leave.

"I never hit anything. They hit me." He replies laughing.

"Right. Of course, they do."

"Let's go." Leaving the office, we shout our goodbyes making our way to the parking lot. He seems to have let it slide all day, but I could feel his eyes burning holes into me again.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Hmm. Nothing." Grinning he puts on the spare helmet sitting himself down as I geared up.

"And I thought you were a good liar. So where are we drinking tonight?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Twenty. Hatter's going to be packed because of the Rugby game tonight."

"Alrighty. Hold on."

The entire ride there although calm was riddled with awkward silence. My mind on the essay and I knew he was dying to ask about Atlas, but I also knew he wouldn't push until I gave in to his penetrating stares. Ordering our usual we sat down in our usual spot at the back corner.

"Ask." He visibly lights up and he takes a swing from his beer. His eyes burning into mine.

"What happened? You've been quieter than usual and not in a bad way. Practically glowing. Bouncing."

"Is it weird that the guy who rarely talks was quiet?"

"Did you sleep with her?" The abruptness of his question makes me choke on my beer and he stares at me intently before bursting into a fit of laughter. For fuck sake. I knew he'd ask but not this straight up. The question brought up emotions and desires I'd put to sleep earlier and now thoughts of her filled my mind again, making me hard and I shift in my seat slightly.

"Shut up!" I could feel my face heating up and a few of the customers turned to stare at us.

"Oh, you sly dog you." Groaning I bury my face in my hands knowing I'd never heard the end of this.

"Please shut up." My voice now a whisper. I don't regret anything that happened and truthfully if I could I'd do it all again the exact same way. I know if anyone found out I'd lose my job and never be able to teach again. The thought of not being able to teach again scares me but I'd already made up my mind. I would worry about that bridge when it's time to cross. If it meant I could be with her, that's a risk I don't mind taking. Part of me is wishing Jon understands me but the greater part feels like he'll be disappointed. I could already read the script he'd throw my way. He'll allow the flirting and everything else but sleeping with a student I'm more than sure that's where he draws the line.

"The great Jason Fairchild. Lover of science and Women..." He leans over the table, "if I had to give you to anyone, it would be her." There it is... Wait, what! My head snaps up and his annoying smirk was now a warm innocent smile.


"You thought I'd give you the: this is wrong, think about her future and yours blah blah blah speech?" He smiles even brighter before taking another swig of his beer as our food arrived.

"Y-Yes." The shock must be written all over my face because his smile drops a bit before he puts down his glass leaning over the table again his expression more serious that I've ever seen him before.

"Listen. I'm not going to preach to you cause I'm no better. You know what a mess I was while we were in uni. Yet you and only you remained by my side. You alone stayed by my friend after I told everyone that I liked guys."

"Well, you're a good cook I wasn't going to let you go that easily." At that, he chuckles before sitting back.

"I've also seen you around women and I've never seen you this interested in another human as I've mentioned before. You were always nose deep in books and research. You've written articles for Scientific Journals for fuck sake and you're barely thirty. Emphasis on articles, plural. I mean the field you wrote on was grim but still rather impressive. You tackled so much but women have always seemed to remain alien to you. I thought if you came out here, I'd be able to get you out of your head. And it seems Atlas has beaten me to it."

His words wrap themselves around me in a way they've always done. Since uni, he's always been by my side. Whenever I got dumped, he'd take me out for drinks even though I wasn't sad or heartbroken. Maybe that's why he took me out now that I think about it. He complained I wasn't human, yet he always stood next to me. When he came out and everyone sort of drifted away, I stayed and that was probably one of the best decisions I'd ever made. We did get the gay remarks and it did suck but then we created Get Help to fuck with everyone and even after he left the city and moved out here, we talked constantly. He knows more about me than anyone else and knows me better than I do. The thought made me smile and knowing he accepted me at this moment, my heart left slightly lighter.

"I feel like you just confessed to me, Jon." He laughed hard at that and I couldn't hold back either.

"You're not my type." He says winking finishing his beer and I roll my eyes in response.

"Is that why you've stayed near me for so long?" He grins setting his glass down.

"I stayed near you because you'd work yourself into a ditch or coma or worse you idiot," he replies rolling his eyes, "I'm happy for you Jason. Atlas isn't a child so she knows what she's doing. You're also a responsible adult so I trust you too..." He hesitates before his concerned eyes fixed on mines.


"But there are people around her who could use you as a way of getting to her. I'm sure snakes have already shown themselves to you without you realizing so be mindful. You have to protect and help her in any way that you can. And I mean anyway way Yuzuki." By the look in his eyes, I knew exactly what he meant and I couldn't help but smile.

"I will."

"I know. So?" He arches his brows staring at me.

"So, what?" I frown not looking away, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Is she good, because you've been practically glowing all day bro." I stare at him hard before relaxing. He's bi but I know he wouldn't go for her cause he's into older women. Thank God.

"That's for me to know and for you to not even think about." I reply winking at him. Taking up a fry from the tray he chucks it at me. Laughing I pick it up from my lap, eating it.

"You can't do that. Details. I always give you details."

"Details I never ask for. So, I have no obligation of sharing with you." Grinning at him, we laugh as I finish my beer. He's the only person I've ever let see this side of me. Everyone else sees me as closed off and cold and that's the way I like it. We never get to close, and no one expects too much, either that's me or them it doesn't matter. Chatting, we stayed at the pub for another hour before calling it a night and of course I had to take him home. Maybe I should get 'TAXI' written on my jacket.