

Parking in my apartment blocks underground lot I make my way to the elevators. I know I'm not crazy, but I feel like I'm being watched again. Ever since I first took Atlas home, I've had this uncomfortable feeling of being watched. My mind goes to what Jon said at the pub tonight and I get into the elevator pressing the floor beneath my flat and walking up to my floor. Stopping before the doors to the stairs close, I hear the other elevator doors ding open and a man steps out looking around frantically. So, Jon was right. Just who are you Atlas Winters? Closing the door with a soft click I make my way to my apartment, double locking it and putting on the chain. As much as I want a repeat of this morning, I had a feeling we'd have to be more careful. Well until she finishes her exams at least. Sighing I slump into the sofa sending her a quick message.

"Are you sleeping?"


"How's your body feeling...?"

"... I'm feeling alright YuSan ;)"

"That's good (^~^)"

"You're so cute xx"

"Heh! Aren't I just! How's the presentation going?"

"Finished it."


"Yeah. I'd done most it, last night before you came."

"I see. And what are you doing now?"

"About to head to the train station."

"What time does your meeting kick off tomorrow?"

"10 am, but I've got some things to take care of before so I'm heading over tonight."

"Wait for me. I'll take you to the station."

"You're going to come even if I say no, aren't you?"

Smiling, I reply yes and quickly change before heading back to the parking lot.

"Goodnight Ms. Winters." Exiting my car, I take her travel bag, placing it on the back seat before opening her door.

"I see chivalry isn't dead." She says smiling as she enters. God, she smells good.

"No it has not." Twenty minutes into the drive I notice the same car following close behind. Wait? That car...

"You noticed it too." Looking from the rear-view mirror, our eyes meet and she shrugs.

"Fathers henchmen."

"He has people following you?" She shrugs again.

"He'd stopped for a while, but he started back a few days after you started working at the Academy."

"Hmmm. I think that guy's been following me too."

"Won't be surprised. He's the definition of a lap dog. Puppy if you wish to be kind." She retorts looking out of the side mirror.

"Yuzuki," she pauses, eyes still glued to the mirror, "if you want, you could stop. Father knows you're important to me and he'll do anything to break that. So, if at any point you want to stop..."

"What are you doing Atlas?" Sighing. she looks at me, a scowl playing across her face.

"Giving you a choice. A chance to walk away now. Father will do anything and I mean anything and you're the one person I don't want him to hurt or get his claws into." She's sincere. Her eyes spoke volumes. Smiling I place my free hand on top of hers.

"If that's the case then the safest place is by your side A-Chan." Her eyes widened briefly before she finally sighs, taking my hand in hers.

"I was right. You are weird, Sensei. Weird and annoying."

"So, do you want me to shake this guy." She arches her brow and I remove my hand from hers placing it onto the gear stick.

"No point. I'm tired of hiding." She says before falling silent.



"If you ever need my help, with anything, and I mean anything. Come to me whenever okay? I'm here for you, always. And so is Jon. So, when you get back let's prepare to win that trophy and everything else."

"You want to help me?" It's cute how she genuinely seems surprised at that fact.

"Yes. Although I don't know what this game is, I still want to help. In any way that I can. You have exams soon and I don't want you working too hard. And when you enter your final year, you'll be even more..."

"Yu-San," unbuckling her seat belt, she leans over placing her lips onto my cheek. Heat ripples through me and I grip the wheel to stop myself from reaching for her. I want her. I didn't want to care about where we were, but I had to, sigh, "Thank you." Her voice was soft as she sat down again.

"Huh? What for?"

"Just thank you." She says shrugging again.

"Atlas," Silence...

"Atlas, please look at me." Parking the car near the stations' entrance. I lean over taking her face in my hands making her look at me. "I know you're scared of whatever the old man will do to me but please don't be. Just as you have your secrets, so do I. I can protect myself, and you, so believe in me." Giving me a soft smile, she nods, and I sigh inwardly.

I haven't felt the need to protect anyone other than family in years and it baffles me that she's the one I chose. I was going to ask about the quote in her essay, but I don't think now's the right time. I'm counting on your instincts. Helping her with her bags, I walk with her into the station..

"What time is your train by the way?" I ask looking up at the board.

"Nine o'clock. So, it should be allowing passengers on now." She said pointing at train just beyond the fourth gate. Placing the travel bag on the floor I take her hand pulling her into a hug.

"Where are you staying?"

"The Jade... why?" Ignoring her question, I hugged her tighter.

"Please be safe and hurry home."


"Yes, home. Your apartment." I replied quickly before kissing her forehead, tilting her chin so she's looking at me. "I'll be waiting."

"You really are annoying Sensei." She smiles rolling her eyes.

"And that's why you keep me around." I mock, pinching her cheek and she pokes my side making me laugh, catching the eyes of a couple passengers.

"Don't turn my apartment into your own while I'm gone or I'll kill you." She says poking me again and I jump back hugging my sides.

"Stop tormenting me." I frown and she smiles.

"You baby." She says laughing softly and before I knew it, I was kissing her. Her soft lips warm against my own, her taste filling me. Her hands, flat against my chest burning holes through the fabric of my t-shirt. Breaking the kiss for my sanity only I place my hands on her shoulders.

"Break a leg."

"His or mine?" She asks, arching her brow, a mischievous grin dancing across her face.

"God, you scare me sometimes." Her eyes shoot behind me quickly and as I turn to look she stops me with another kiss. Deeper. Hungrier than before.

"See you on Thursday."

"As if," I said rolling my eyes, "I'll be picking you up when you get back tomorrow, for...?" She seems to search my eyes before sighing and picking up her suitcase a ghost of a smile flashing across her lips before disappearing completely.

"My train comes in at 8:05." With one last kiss, she turns and leaves, waving before she disappears onto the train. Staying frozen in my spot I don't move until her train is out of sight. Making my way back to my car, I notice the other car parked a couple spaces behind. The window was tinted but I knew he was there. Taking out a cigarette and lighting it I walk up to the car, knocking on the window. After one too many seconds it slides down and I'm greeted by a pre-teen looking guy, not a day over twenty-three by the look in his eyes. The camera clearly visible on the passenger seat, his hands gripping the wheel making his knuckles go slightly pale.

"Goodnight mate."

"G-Goodnight." I see what she meant with the puppy comment. He's practically shaking, not even looking at me. This is going to be fun.

"I couldn't help but notice you were..." his grip on the wheel tightened and I fight back the urge to laugh, "your front light seems to be broken." His eyes shot to mine and I smile coyly.


"Your front light seems to be broken. I'd advise you fix it before you get pulled over by the cops, or worse."

"Worse?" Grinning I lean further into the car, blowing out my smoke and he shifts away from me fanning it, coughing slightly. Now that's a good boy.

"Yes. Worse. You could get killed in a sudden... accident. You know, because you can't see ahead of you." He swallows, his Adam's apple bobbing nervously. Winking I pull back, straightening up and patting the top of the car.

"Have a goodnight now." I can't believe her old man has a punk like that following her. The hell is his problem? Well, I suppose you'll find out soon enough, won't you? He knows he's been caught let's see your next move mister puppet and your master. Sighing, I get in my car and head home.

"No tail this time I see." I hope I didn't make him cry. Too much. Walking into my apartment I take out my phone.

"Good night, Sakamoto-San. How can I help you?"

"There's a young lady booking into the hotel tonight in about two hours. A Miss Winters?"

"Ah, yes sir."

"Her schedule in the morning?"

"She's attending a meeting with a Mister Steven Price tomorrow morning, sir." Why the hell is she meeting with that asshole. Sighing I rub my temple.

"Their meeting will be taking place in the hotel, yes?"

"Yes, sir. They've booked one of the conference rooms."

"I see. Please upgrade them to the Grand room and have someone look after her and keep her safe."

"Of course, sir."

"And Manager David..."

"Yes, sir?"

"If anything happens to her call me right away, understood?"

"Yes, sir." Ending the call, I drop onto the sofa. What exactly have I gotten myself into?