

"Ugh, why is it so loud in here?" I couldn't help the smile that sneaks across my face at the girl mumbling beside me.

"Well, it is a room filled with teenagers and overexcited parents."

"And that explains the noise, how?" I arch my brow and look from the crowd surrounding us to the girl at my side. It couldn't be? Right?

"Have you never attended one of these before?"

"Why would I willingly come to a place like this?" Is she for real?

"Okay. Have you ever gone to a theatre, cinema, shopping mall or... I don't know, marketplace?" Her brows quirk at me, as I stare at her in disbelief.

"What?!" The word leaves my mouth louder than I intended, causing everyone to turn around and look at us.

"What, sir?" Kevin asks, shock and confusion written across his face.

"Ah, n-nothing. Just thinking out loud." Rubbing my neck, I clear my throat making my way to the front falling in step with Jon.

"So, you found out your girl's an extreme loner and house bear huh?"

"Has she done anything group or school related... ever?"

"I don't think so. She's never gone on any of the trips since I've been here. And she never comes in on community days and such." He says with a shrug, perfectly punctuating his response. How in the holy of holies does one have such a closed-off life, to the point where even school events look alien? Where even a normal teen life is unapproachable?

"I suppose you can't blame her. Her fathers' game is important to her, so I'm pretty sure the only outings she does are with adults at her meetings and what not... I suppose forcing yourself to grow up means losing out on all the things that actually make you young."

"Is that what I looked like?"

"You mean an antisocial, bookworm who didn't even know how to order coffee or lunch from the campus canteen?"

"... Yes..."

"Or the awkward guy who didn't even know how to respond when he somehow magically got a girlfriend and then got dumped by said girlfriend?"


"Then yes, that's how sad you were." He laughs punching my arm.

"I swear..." placing my hand on his shoulder, I squeeze, and he bites his lips groaning trying to break free.

"I'm sorry. I love you." Laughing we get to the registration desk.

"Hello. Jon Wilson and Jason Fairchild, with The Academy." Silence. The ladies sitting behind the desk just looked up staring at us with wide eyes.

"Uhh, sir, why is everyone staring at you guys?" Jackson asks moving to stand next too us.

"Huh?" Looking around I realize Jackson's right. Why is everyone staring at us?

"I mean I know we're hot, but it's too much..." Jon says mimicking a hair flip that's meant to be funny and I roll my eyes inwardly.

"Really Jon?"

"Actually, Mr. Wilson, I think they're all staring at Mr. Fairchild." Without warning a shriek, echoes through the auditorium.

"Jason!" Turning around, a body slams into me and I take a few steps back to steady myself. I know this sweet perfume. Dear God. Please let it not be…

"Mia. What are you doing here?" I asked, frowning down at her.

"Sweetheart! I'm the reporter doing your interview, silly. Wait, or is it journalists? Hehe. " I look to Jon and he shrugs before my eyes catch hers. Looking down I realize Mia is still holding onto me and I push her away softly. So, she's why everyone was staring. I cringe at everything she must've been saying before we got here.

"Didn't you go to America? When did you get back?"

"Mother heard from daddy that Chairman Ingram said you were a teacher at his school and I just had to see from myself. How can a woman give up the chance of seeing her fiancé being a responsible father-like figure? Plus, I heard you got yourself a little girlfriend, so I just had to come and see. Let her know you're already spoken for." What the fuck is she on?

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask practically glowering at her and I could feel my eye twitch. This woman. Oh, this woman annoys me.

"Yeah, do we look like children to you? Or that, this, could be our dad." Thanks, Myles. Hurts, but thanks.

"I don't know if I should cry or not at them helping me." I mumble and Jon beside me laughs.

"Sensei, we didn't know you were..."

"We are not engaged!" I step away, looking straight at her, "I told you to stop saying that didn't I." This woman has the audacity to look hurt. Pinching my temple, I walk away heading backstage.

"Awe, honey. I'm sorry I upset you. Please don't be mad!" she shrieks, her footsteps carrying after me. Stopping, I call for everyone to follow as we find our station backstage.

"So, Mia, long time no see." I frown at Jon and he shrugs.

"Oh, hello Jon." She replies dryly still clinging to my side.

"So, are you doing this interview today or tomorrow."

"Well, I'm going to be doing group shots today and then another after the competition as normal, and individuals during the competition. One recording and then two articles."

"Ah, so the standard interview routine."

"Precisely. Though, I did hear that you have a rather peculiar student on your team. Two, if I'm correct."

"Ah, you must mean Jackson and Atlas." Kevin speaks up pointing at the two of them sat in the far corner. One reading through his notes, the other in her own world, headphones on. As though sensing everyone's eyes on her, her eyes open locking with mine. Swallowing hard, I smile softly and she returns it before turning to face the others.

"So, you must be Ms. Winters and Mr. Hughes."

"Yes, but please just call me Jackson and she prefers Atlas." He smiles warmly at her and she returns it without speaking, looking from him to Mia and nodding. Ugh, there relationship annoys the hell out of me. And now I'm being pathetic, being jealous of a kid. Sigh.

"I'm Mia. Mia Du-…"

"I know who you are Ms. DuBois. I've read your articles in Genius magazine before." She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes and I hold back my smile. She's mad. Too cute.

"I'm glad that you enjoy my work."

"Well I read them..." her sentence trails off and Jackson snorts covering his mouth muffling his laughter. She must've said something utterly Atlas.

"I hope you don't mind if we start our interview now. There's a lot of things I'd love to ask, you all." What is she up too? Why is she being so passive aggressive? Looking at Jon I realize he's noticed it too and I sigh, shrugging at his arched brow.

"We don't mind. As long as you're quick. We've got another interview in fifteen minutes and we start in thirty." I retort looking down at my watch.

"Sure, sure. It's just basic questions."

"Alrighty then." Ten minutes of personal questions in, I realize she's barely asked Atlas any question. What is she up to? She looks at her frequently but doesn't ask her any questions. On one too many occasions I catch the shadow of a smirk before she looks at me grinning. I know her. She's up to something. An assistant comes not long after asking for the group to go to their second interview and they leave.

"So, Mia. How was America?"

"Oh, darling. It was absolutely fantastic." She moves to sit next to me, and I shift away slightly, catching Jon's amused eyes making me stare at him hard.

"I didn't know your dad and the Chairman were friends, when did that happen?"

"Oh, not that long. They met at the golf club a few weeks ago I believe." A few weeks? I look to Jon again and he nods. The old man actually went through all that just to get us to cross paths again. I'm pretty sure he didn't plan for it to be today, but he instigated everything. He must've planned for her to show up at the Academy. More eyes. Witnesses. Atlas would've definitely gotten mad at that.

"Miss DuBois, your next interviewees are waiting."

"Coming." Smiling she gets up moving to kiss my cheek.

"I don't think that's wise, Miss DuBois." She stares at me before smirking.

"Hmmm, seems like the old owl was right. You do have someone."

"My love life is none of your concern, Ms. Dubois." Straightening herself, she leaves and I sigh as she disappears through the door.

"That woman really grinds my gears."

"Well, exes tend to do that, my friend." Sighing, I cross my legs and sink into the chair.

"So, my father was responsible." I look up to see her standing perched against the doorway.

"And that's my queue to leave." Getting up, he heads towards the stage.

"It seems that he really is coming after me."

"I did warn you. First, your ex shows up. Second, he'll try getting to your people. Third, if the first two fail he'll come straight for us… for you. Meaning you lose your job or worse."

"Seems like you know your father pretty well."

"I don't. I only know what he wants and what he'll do to get it."

"I'm not going anywhere A-Chan so don't worry. And Mia is just an ex."

"I'm not worried about any of those things. I'm worried that he's going to block your path in doing something you enjoy." She looks away, crossing her arms before shifting in the doorway. She's been thinking about something like that all this time? God, she's too cute. Ugh, why did we have to be in public right now?

Getting up, I move towards her. She shifts again, stepping back into the hall bumping into a crew member, falling over.

"S-Sorry." She bows slightly looking up at me as I take her hand pulling her up. Placing my hand on the small of her back I pull her close.

"I told you I don't like you touching other guys Miss Winters." I tighten my grip around her, her breath hitching and she coughs stepping away. I smirk as she straightens her blazer, brushing off her trousers. My eyes follow her hands. The close fit of the material on her thighs, the curve of her ass, the way the blazer hugs her breast. My dick twitches and I look away, coughing. She really is too good at stirring me up. Looking up at me now she stares for a moment, her eyes travelling the length of me. Her eyebrow quirks slightly, a small smirk playing along the corner of her mouth.

"Yu-San, I think you should readjust." She winks before turning to head back to the stage and looking down I realize my bulge. Groaning, I button down my coat, heading to the stage as the announcer starts talking. Standing next to Jon, we shoot everyone a thumbs up as the questions start.

"Want a cold drink, bro?"


"You're practically radiating heat right now." He smirks, giving me a knowing look and I moan shoving my hands in my pocket.

"Fuck you, Jon." He laughs and we continue watching in silence. Good luck Atlas. Ganbarou.