

The first day of the competition goes by smoothly and we've made it to the final top ten. Tomorrow this stupid quiz is over and I can finally go home to my bed. Putting on my headphones I sink into the chair, studying everyone in the room. Myles: senior, playboy, annoying and he touched my hair so he must die. He's the iron-man of the group and I'm referring to him out of his suit. Nicole a.k.a. Nic: is our resident bad girl and rainbow rider. Quiet and respectfully minds her business except when peed off. In other words, she's the Pepper to our Iron Man without the love. Kevin, Tom and Julian: all three seem to be the muscle where their mates are the brain. However, they're incredibly good at physics and I suppose that's why they excel in their respected sporting circles for their tactical abilities. Captain America, Hulk and Thor, respectfully. And finally, we have Nick Fury and Black Widow, Casey and Julia: though it seems like the others haven't noticed, there seems to be something going on there. Julia's got the brains and beauty thing on lock and Casey, well, he's as silent as am I - roughly - but it's clear that everyone respects him, which is surprising since he doesn't come from a heavy financial background as the rest of them. Maybe they're afraid he kills them with that Chemistry loving brain of his. Stifling my laugh, I sink further into the chair just as an email notification pops up. I doubt they'll realize I'm absent in their conversation. Everyone decided that they wanted to have a party and so we're all gathered in Yuzuki and Jon's room. I'd rather be in my room but Nic insisted I come. "Be social for once" she demanded. But I can't be social. That Mia woman keeps running through my head. Every time I think of her I remember her hands on him and it pisses me the fuck off. But I can't get mad. Father is the reason she's here, plus he's a good looking guy for fucks sakes and older. Of course, he's got women his age fawning over him. Father got her to interview us on purpose. It's either she knows about us or he only hinted. But either way that would mean she knows who I am. Old man, just what are you up too? Sighing, I shuffle my playlist again before returning to the email.

"Atlas. Hey Winters!" Looking up from my phone I see everyone's eyes on me. Oh shit, how long were they staring at me?


"Casey asked how you knew that formula from earlier."

"Which... ah, I read a lot. I just remembered seeing it somewhere." Myles sits up and stares at me hard. "Bullshit. That formula was apparently on the UCL medical examination paper a couple weeks ago, there's no way you could just read that unless you're a Professor or...." He trails off and I look around the room at everyone's eyes on me; their eyes moving from me to my phone.

"Ah... guys..." Before I could shove it in my pocket Myles grabs it staring at the screen.

"You... how did you pass this? Even I failed." He hands the phone to the others and their eyes widened.

"What is it?" Taking my phone, Yuzuki 's eyes widen as he scrolls through.

"Atlas, What is..." he stops, his eyes set on the screen. Shit. He saw his paper.

"I, I can explain okay. A friend sent me the test paper. I didn't steal it or cheat or anything. He knows I'm into Forensic Science and Criminology and thought it'd be a good brain teaser."

"Did you just call the hardest exam I know of, a brain teaser?" Myles stares at me, brows arched and I look at Jackson.

"Sorry. I doubt there's any way I can talk you out of this one Ace." Sighing I sink further into my chair.

"Atlas Winters. Who exactly are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean exactly what I asked. I've read your papers and for the past couple weeks we've been together I've studied you. You're holding back, aren't you? Is Jackson actually number one in your year, or are you?" He looks to Jackson now and he sinks into his chair, his shoulders slumping.

"Jackson?" Toms' voice breaks the silence and Jackson sinks even deeper. God, they'll eat the poor guy alive.

"My name is Atlas Winters and that's all you need to know right now. Leave Jackson alone."

"I'm afraid we can't Atlas. We're here as a team and we deserve to know. Myles may be a man whore but he's smart and if you, a junior, passes a test he's failed and simply calls it a brain teaser, I'm afraid you've piqued my curiosity too." Nic replies, her eyes burning through me. Sighing I look at Jon and Yuzuki and by their expressions, I could tell there's no escaping this.

"Fine. As I said this has nothing to do with Jackson. I'm only telling you this because I know you'll eat Jackson alive. One: I didn't want to be known as the Student Council President, so I made him the VP by keeping my grades low. I thought if the VP was the smartest guy in the year no-one would believe there was a President. Two: technically..." I look at Yuzuki again and he smiles. Sigh.

"And two: technically, you're my juniors. Hello everyone, I'm Atlas Winters, President of the Student Council and I'm nineteen years old." Their eyes all widen at my statement and I see Jon and Yu sit backcrossing their legs. These men are remarkably annoying. I'm about to get lynched and they're looking on like it's a pantomime.

"Y-You're telling us, that you, you Atlas S-Squared Winters, are the phantom Pres?" Kevin speaks up, looking from the others to me.

"Is that so hard to believe."

"Jackson?" Tom arches his brow and Jay smiles, nodding his head. Using the older cousin card on him is seriously unfair, you dick.

"Wait! Wait a goddamn minute!" Casey's' voice puts the room into silence again, "how the hell is that what's most important here? She just said she's nineteen! Nineteen as in a full year older than us and two years to Jackson." I see why he rarely talks. He's got a potty mouth.

"Can I not be nineteen? Or do you just not like that you're my Kohai." I quirk my brow.

"Don't be cheeky." Sighing I get up taking my phone from Yuzuki, kicking his leg not so softly before sitting back down again.

"I am nineteen, twenty next year."

"Did you repeat?" Julian asks. I scowl at him and he grins sheepishly.

"Don't disrespect me like that."

"Repeating would mean she failed two years you idiot. Do you really think the Academy would allow that?" Julia slaps her brother's arm and I smile.

"No. I didn't repeat. I was really sick when I was younger, so I started later than I should've. That's all there is to it. Nothing fancy." They all stare at me for a couple seconds too long and I shift in my chair.

"Okay, guys stop staring." Jon moves to stand behind me placing an arm on my shoulder. "I'm sure telling you all this was hard but remember she wants this to remain a secret."

"Why though. It's not like you're an idiot or anything I don't think anyone would care."

"Maybe you guys won't but I'm sure some people will treat me differently. I just want to be a normal high school loner." Everyone smiles and nods.

"Then Ms. Winters. Your secret is also ours." Myles speaks up, a large grin on his face. Why do I feel like he did this on purpose? I stare at him and he smiles.

"Why do I smell murderous intent in the air?" I say rolling my eyes and I look away which makes him chuckle.

"Well then, if we have trouble with difficult questions tomorrow, I hope you know, you're answering them, Ms. Senior." Myles winks and we all laugh. This guy really knows how to control a crowd.

"Alright, everyone, I think it's time we retire for the night. We start at ten o'clock tomorrow, so please get sufficient rest." Sighing, everyone gets up and starts heading to the door and I follow suit.


"Huh?" Turning around, I realize Jon's already gone.

"A word?"

"Uhhh..." God, I really don't want to be alone with you right now.

"Don't keep her too long sensei." Pushing me back into the room, Jay closes the door and I'm left just, standing. He looks tired. Sighing, I move to sit next to him on the sofa.

"Listen, about uhh, Mia." He looks at me and I arch my brow.

"What about her?"

"Umm. What she said, about us I mean, it's not true. I'd have never come this far with you if I was already engaged. I'm not like that..."

"But?" He looks at me again and smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"But, we did date. We met through my father when I was in uni and before I knew it, I'd somehow started a relationship with her. It was only brief and then she dumped me and, I promise there's nothing going on..." God, he's too cute.

"Yu." He turns to look at me and my palm finds his cheek. The fresh stubble on his chin feels rough beneath my fingers and I study his face.

"You look tired." Getting up, I sit across his lap, hugging him around his neck. He smiles weakly again and I draw shadow kisses along his jaw.

"Atlas?" Placing a gentle kiss on his lips I pull away to look at him, my hands taking his hair out of the band holding them in place.

"Do you really think I'd believe that woman? You are many things, but I choose to believe you're not capable of two-timing." I smile and he exhales, the tension in his shoulders subsiding.

"Thank God. But, why did you look mad?"

"Because that annoying woman kept touching you. She looked at me and continued to touch you." I frown and he chuckles, kissing me.

"I see my girl is as protective of me as I am of her."

"Well, I wouldn't be your girl if I wasn't, would I?" Sticking my tongue out he laughs and draws me in for another hug.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Being my Atlas." Why do I feel a pun in there somewhere? He nestles his head in the curve of my neck, his warm breath reaching my skin even through my jumper. I return his hug, running my hands through his hair.

"I really like your hair." I breathe in his shampoo scent before kissing his hair.

"Is that the only thing you like about me?" I pull away and grin at him, his eyebrows arching.

"Nope," I trace kisses along his brows, eyes, nose, ears, jaw, stop, "I also like these. Very much." Taking his lips with mine, I devour him. The sweet after taste of his cocktail from earlier still lingering in his mouth. His arms tighten around me and he deepens the kiss, a moan of surprise escaping me. We kiss, and just kiss. God knows I could survive just of this man's lips, but my body doesn't seem too fond of that thought.

"You make a man want to devour this beautiful being that you are Atlas. I don't think I can hold back." His tongue snakes into my mouth and he picks me up without breaking us apart.

"Hmm." I feel his lips curl into a grin as he positions himself between my legs, one arm keeping him up, the other sneaking its way under the fabric of my jumper. Responding to the cold touch of his fingers, I arch, and our cores meet. The heat radiating from them, melting each other.

"Atlas." My name, a soft, breathless sigh from his lips. His mouth moves from my lips to my neck, his hand moving from beneath my jumper to pull at the neck exposing my collar bone making way for his tongue.

"Yu..." His name leaves my mouth and I bite my lip muting another moan. This guy knows Jon is right next-door right.

"Hey," he moves to look at me, his hand caressing my cheek, it's then I realize I'm shaking, "don't worry. I won't do anything. I missed you but not enough to share your beautiful sounds with that idiot next door." He chuckles, kissing my forehead. Fixing my jumper, he rolls over, taking me with him. Tucking my head under his chin, I breathe him in. God, I could get drunk on this man's scent alone.

"Hey. What cologne do you wear?"

"Hmm, why?"

"You smell really nice."

"Then I'm not telling you."

"What? Why?"

"I'm afraid you'll get bored with me if you find out. Plus, what if you find some other guy just for his scent?"

"You idiot." He chuckles and I punch his chest.

"You know, I'm really proud of you."

"Huh? Why?"

"Well, for one, you proved just how smart and capable you were today during the quiz. And, two, how you handled everything earlier."

"Ah." I smile and snuggle closer to him. "You know, don't you?"

"I do."

"Aren't you going to ask or say anything?"


"Why?" I move away slightly to look up at him and he smiles warmly back at me, his hands tracing along my jaw.

"Because it doesn't matter to me whose daughter you are. You're my Atlas. The cute little thing I met ten years ago. And the beautiful woman you are. Yesterday, today and tomorrow." He kisses my forehead before sitting us up.

"You really are strange."

"By the way, did you find your answer in my paper?"

"I didn't."

"Really? I guess I fail then."

"You didn't. I got my answer the first time we met."

"You know, I never did ask you what your question for your mom was. Was it about how or why she died?"

"No." Getting up, I kiss his forehead and make my way to the door.

"Wait, what was your question then?"

"I wanted to know why the word love always felt numb. And if I could ever love."

"Then what were the answers you found that day?"

"I was only able to understand it after. I found that, because the people around me who were meant to care for me always pushed me away, the word would be numb to me."

"Your father?"

"And August."

"And the last question?"

"Hmm. I suppose I owe you a batch of fresh cookies when we get home because I'll skip this question." He frowns at me and I smile. How can I possibly tell you, I found out what love was the moment I met you, Yuzuki Sakamoto? And that I could indeed love.

"I hate this cookie deal now."

"I'll tell you if you're still around when this game crashes." Without waiting for his response I leave the room and head back to my room. I'll unquestionably tell you someday Yu-San. I love you.