

Exiting the elevator of my apartment building, I make my way to the entrance where Assistant Hugh escorts me to the car waiting outside. He's quieter than normal today so I can tell he's nervous. Stopping as he opens the door for me, I turn to face him, patting his shoulder.

"You can stop worrying." I offer him a reassuring smile and he hesitates before returning it, his adam's apple bobbing nervously.

"Of course, Young Master, I just..." Stepping towards him, I squeeze his shoulders softly.

"We've come this far Hugh, let's just finish this."


"I know. I'll be fine, so let's kick his ass for Irving shall we?" His slumped shoulders straighten a bit and he nods decisively.

"Let's." Smiling we get into the car.

"Let's stop by to see Monroe first."

"Of course. Also, these are the documents you asked the Vice Head for last night."

"Ah, thank you."

"We still don't have enough shares to counterattack anything he..."

"It doesn't matter at this point. He already put the Academy under my name. Decisions to do with it are solely my responsibility, therefore he won't intervene or his motives will be visible. He simply uses people. He's a coward. Fighting from the shadows is all he's capable of, so we simply need to cut off his limbs."

"May I ask why you chose to partner with Kojo Designers and Touji Tailors?"

"Calvin took over the business after his brother almost let it go bankrupt, so Touji Tailors needs me more than I need them. Since most of his shareholders pulled out and his stocks dropped my continued investments means I basically own the company. Meaning, producing and distributing our new uniforms will be cheaper, despite the increase in demand."

"I see. And Kojo? She's a new interior designer and I've heard he's quite arrogant."

"Oh, she is. Too arrogant for my liking but that means she has confidence in her work and I know she'll step up to the challenges father will no doubt throw her way. Plus, she's going after Price and since he's in charge of construction and she's designing, she'll get him to herself. After all she approached me, how could I not say yes?"

"Playing match-maker?"

"Not really. I'm just making sure he's too occupied to disturb me." I sigh, rolling my eyes and he laughs, the driver joining him with a soft chuckle.

"I see. Anyways the documents…?"

"Ahh, They're a 'thank you' gift of sorts from the Hughes family for helping Ian. I never planned on accepting their money but desperate times and whatnot. That and Jay wouldn't give me a break since he knows I was short on cash."

"He really cares about."

"Eh. More like we both keep on owing each other favours."

"If that's the case then, if you don't mind me asking, why haven't you agreed to Mr. Fairchild's offer? With his help advertising..."

"Would be cheaper and easier. I know. But..." Jason and I just started dating, there's no way I could just accept his brother's help and not feel weird. It's like...

"If you're worried about it being inappropriate then Young Master, you're mixing personal feelings with business and that's not like you." Sighing, I look up from the documents in my hand to see him staring at me over the tablet in his hand.

"I suppose you're right. What do you think Emil? Do you think I should accept his help?" His eyes meet mine through the rear-view mirror and a small smile forms across his mouth, as he nods his reply. Silent as ever I see.

"So that's a yes. I suppose I lose. Alright, call and set up a meeting within the next two days, since I'm going to have quite a lot of free time from school starting in a few minutes." I could feel Hugh's eyes on me, but I couldn't look up. I know he hates my decision but at this point, it's the only way. He's also not the only one who's going to be mad when they find out; I am however, scared of one of them. The car slows to a stop and Emil exits, walking around to my side and opening the door. Taking his hand, I step out and he bows slightly, a wide grin on his face.

"What?" I quirk my brows and he chuckles softly before closing the door as Hugh steps out.

"He thinks you look pretty."

"Bro, way to sell me out." We laugh, entering the Clinic before heading to the private rooms. Having a satellite Clinic for Kings Medical School in the academy was a wise choice. Each of the five buildings has a nurses room but the clinic was a good call for VIPs and teachers. Well done mom. I've always hated hospitals so avoiding them was quite easy with the clinic, though this place smells too. As we entered, I could tell something was different.

"Why is everyone staring?"

"Because you look absolutely stunning." Getting into the elevator, Hugh presses the button to Monroe's ward and as he moves to stand beside me, my reflection greets me and even I'm somewhat surprised by the woman that stares back at me. I look like mom. My normally loose and messy hair was neatly tied up showing off my face and the length of my neck. Red turtle printed frames. A silver stud in one ear, and a silver chain drop earring in the other. I barely wore make-up, so I'd just opted for a subtle lip tint and nude eyeshadow. White longline blouse, with one side tucked into the blue checked trousers that reached just above my ankle, covered with a tan, printed sleeve jacket and a pair of nude heels that hugged my feet. For all my past meetings I'd always worn simple pants or skirt suits but today was different. Today I looked like the role I'd been playing. Today I looked battle ready. Fucking fierce. Thanks mon and Ms. YouTube make-up lady for your help.

"I suppose I am." I say mockingly, mimicking a hair flip, making Emil and Hugh laughs as we enter Monroe's room, my eyes immediately finding him still lying there the same way I'd left him yesterday; he looks so peaceful as though simply asleep.

"Morning old man." Moving to sit next to him, I take his hand in mine, feeling his palms slightly cold to the touch I take it to my lips gently blowing on his fingers.

"Please wake up soon. I know you're going to be mad at what I'm about to do but please forgive me when you wake up. I'll still be able to do what I promised you but for now, it seems I'll have to put a pause on it. Sorry old man but I have no choice." We sit in silence for what seems like hours until Hugh's hands rest on my shoulders.

"It's time Atlas." I smile warily as I stand up, releasing his hand and tucking it under the blanket.

"That's the first time you've ever called me by my name."

"Because at this point in time, I'm no longer simply your employee and subordinate. I'm your friend first and foremost, Ms. Winters." I chuckle, patting his arm.

"You're so bad at being casual but you tried. Now, shall we." Emil moves to stand next to him, determination, written clearly in their eyes.

"Let's, Young Master." Exiting the clinic, we get into the car and head to the main building.

"As requested the Vice Head has gathered all the seniors and extended students, as well as the teachers. Lower year students have been given tasks to complete in their teacher's absence and will be monitored regularly to ensure they're not misbehaving."

"And the press?"

"A few as requested, including Ms. Dubois."


"Mr. Fairchild also sent some of his people..." he pauses briefly, eyes searching for my reaction. I could tell he was trying to figure out how to word his next statement properly.

"And you let them in."

"Yes, Young Master." He smiles sheepishly, clearing his throat before returning his gaze to his tablet.

"You don't have to look so scared you know." I laugh softly and he looks at me again.

"Knowing father, I'm pretty sure he'd have already gotten to some of the outlets with his own story, so having a non-biased group amongst the mix is a good thing." He visibly relaxes and continues calling out the names of the investors who were able to attend or their representatives. This wasn't just some simple press conference. Father may hold a lot of the student body's parents under his belt but not all of them. Especially not the ones I've been associated with. Single handedly calling them out would only pinpoint where he needs to attack next but having the entire senior body in one room, good luck.

Thinking about the people all gathered in that room my mind automatically goes to Yuzuki. Since I had to leave unexpectedly yesterday, I haven't spoken to him yet. He's sent me messages to make sure that I'm alright, but I haven't been able to reply knowing I'd only get distracted. He probably knows too since he hasn't called. How do you still miss someone you see pretty much every day? As the car turns onto the road leading to the main entrance my eyes scan the small crowd stood outside, security guards forming a small path through them leading to the door.

"Are you ready?" The car comes to a stop and Hugh's exits as Emil goes around but doesn't open the door. He studies me instead. They're as nervous as I am right now, but showing it right now is something I can't afford. Smiling warmly up at Emil, he opens the door and I step out. A few seconds of silence greets me before everyone recovers and questions are loudly and randomly thrown my way. Ignoring them all, I make my way down the path. There's no turning back now. I could feel Hugh's eyes burning through the back of my head and, his hand landing on the small of my back.

"Let's go kick that old man's ass." Hiding my laugh behind my palm by fake clearing my throat we enter the auditorium, a collective of gasps welcoming us as I head to the stage. There's definitely no turning back now. Old man, you pissed me off for the last time. I am my mother's daughter, or have you forgotten.

Settling in my seat next to the Vice Head Ms. Tang, I scan the crowd, my eyes meeting Jays and he smiles softly, giving me a knowing nod. Returning it I continue to scan. I could tell they were all confused as to why I was sat up here. Who wouldn't be? I mean the smartest delinquent of the school was sitting on the stage and participating in the instalment of the new Chairman. May catches my eyes and she scowls at me before rolling her eyes and looking away. No, I'm not sat up here because my daddy kissed the Chairman's ass.

Ignoring her, I catch the confused faces of the seniors. They must be even more confused seeing as the last time they saw me, I was running to the exit at the quiz competition. We won but that definitely doesn't make them forget the questions they no doubt have for me. I give each of them a small smile as Assistant Hugh finishes his welcome speech and Ms. Tang stands to say her bit. Hugh sits next to me but my attention remains on the man standing at the back, behind everyone; even the press. I couldn't see his eyes, but I knew he was staring at me by the smirk that lined his lips. Why do I suddenly feel like prey? He grins and my breathing becomes faster and hard. Fuck. That's cheating. Clearing my throat softly I look away, fixing my gaze on Ms. Tang. Not cool Yu-Chan. Not cool. Especially after the way I had to leave yesterday.

"As most of you may know by now, Mr. Monroe has been hospitalized due to bad health. Some of you may remember this happening a few years ago, so let us pray for his steady recovery and safe return. I'd like to also congratulate the Science team for their marvellous win this weekend, so let's all put our hands together for them." The crowd roars into a chorus of cheers and weird whistle noises and it takes everything in me to not physically wince and cover my ears. Clapping along briefly, she lets them celebrate briefly before silencing them by the raising of her hand.

"Now, let's go straight to our main purpose for today's gathering. As you all know the Chairman was previously rather very hands-on with the ins and outs of the Academy's everyday life but of recent years, he's barely been present. That is because, Mr. Bradley Ingram, has sadly stepped down and is no longer the Chairman. He has however, passed it on to his Heir..." at this everyone's heads start moving around as they no doubt start searching for August. Sorry to disappoint I guess, "...who is here with us today. Today Young Master Ingram is here to formally greet you all and explain to you the changes that will be occurring within the next year. Now if you'd please welcome our new Chairman of The Academy, Young Master Nolan Ingram," at that the entire room goes silent, their eyes following my every move as I stand and make my way to the podium.

Is it that I'm standing and moving to the podium or that my name is somehow different? That my daddy doesn't kiss the Chairman's ass but is the was him all along. Is that why their eyes are all so cartoonish right now. Oh, how fun.

Shaking Ms. Tang's hand, I returned her warm smile, "I've been waiting for this day young lady. Do your dear mother and I proud, sweetheart." Her eyes soften at the mention of my mother and I squeeze her hand softly.

"I will, Ms. Tang." As I turn towards the silent crowd before me, the calm is broken by a wave of flashes. Thank god my glasses are tinted so I don't have to squint.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Aattending members of the press partaking in today's conference, as well as my teachers and to my fellow students, good morning. Before I get into anything, I'd also like to congratulate my fellow quiz mates on our glorious win over the weekend and apologize for having left so abruptly. As you can see, there were rather important matters to attend to suddenly, so please forgive my late congratulations." Scanning the crowd I give each of them a warm smile, chuckling slightly at the confusion on each of their faces.

"I'd also like to invite Mr. Jackson Hughes to the stage as he plays a significant role in the changes that are going to be occurring in the Academy shortly." Looking at him directly, I nod and he gets up heading to the stage, sitting in my chair next to Hughes. A short echo of applause follows him, and I could tell he was blushing from embarrassment. That's me thanking you Jay, I hope it helps.

"Now," I exhale returning my gaze to everyone again, "as Ms. Tang mentioned earlier, my name is Nolan Ingram and as of today, I am officially announcing that I am the acting Chairman of The Academy, under the instructions of my father Mr. Bradley Ingram. Two years ago, due to illness and my brothers' absence, The Academy has been left in my care and I hope my fellow students appreciate the changes that have happened so far and that they impacted positively on you all in your studies and your everyday academic life. All of this would've been quite difficult without the help of your reliable Counsel Vice President Jackson Hughes, who has worked closely with myself and Mr. Monroe to ensure you all have the ideal schooling experience." I'm about to continue when Myles starts clapping and everyone joins in. Meeting his eyes, he grins slyly winking at me and I smile softly at him. Leave it to him to get a crowd going; this social butterfly.

"Thank you. As of last year, we have been working towards opening The Academy to the local schools, as well as national and international entries. In no way will our standard and expectations drop but it does mean that our Academy will become the home to a new wave of change, where one's potential is not based on one's parents or their background but their academic stance. My team and I believe that opening to a wider range of students, will help and allow us to achieve the maximum potential of this Academy and as of this weekend that has been taken care of and from this July construction into expansions will be underway," looking to the senior students, I smile warmly as I continue.

"Although most of you will be leaving before everything is completed, the Alumni Associations will allow you to complete work experience either here at our Academy or at any of our other affiliate companies, so although you are no longer with us you will still be taken care of. As of September, a new wave of faces will be joining our highers and I hope you welcome everyone warmly. Lastly, as we seemingly must celebrate our Science teams victory, a Charity banquet will be held after all exams are over to not only raise money in order to support our new extended family but to congratulate our science quiz members on their marvellous win. This event will also be a good opportunity for those of you who intend to go into the world of Business and Entertainment, as there will be many prominent figures in attendance. Seniors do not worry your prom won't be touched and will still occur on its set date so those of you scowling because you've already ordered your suits and dresses please don't get any ideas," An echo of chuckles ring through the room and my gazed lands on the man standing at the back. He nods knowingly and I exhale softly, "Now then, I'll be accepting questions now. From both Press and Academy goers."

"Excuse me?" Breaking our eye contact, I meet the stern eyes of the reporter with her hands extended, sighing in annoyance.


"Is it true that you undermined your brother to take his place as the heir?" Straight to the catch. My fist clenched at her question and I could feel everyone staring at me again. This fucking woman. Not that I'm surprised by her attack.

"As I said before, in the absence of my brother, Father signed it over to my name, temporarily. There was no foul play and I have the paperwork to prove it."

"It's your mother..."

"Please do not talk about my mother. She left nothing to do with The Academy in my name, it's all my brothers and when he returns, I'll hand it 'all' over to him. Is that all, Ms. Dubios." I ask, arching my brow.

"I also..."

"May I ask why you were posing as a student Ms. Ingram?" Another reporter cuts her off, but I continue to stare at her as she shifts her step uncomfortably before sitting down.

"I wasn't pretending to be a student. Up until today, I was officially a student."

"But you are older than your fellow classmates are you not? Wouldn't that put your classmates at a disadvantage? Did the Chairman and Head not..."

"I am indeed older, by two years if you want figures. That is no secret to some of the students who I've gotten close to, if anything I'd say most of them are going to use it to their own advantage," saying that, I give each of the Science team members, especially Myles, a knowing look and they grin in response, "Before starting High School I became unwell and wasn't fit enough to attend classes normally and so upon my return, Mr. Monroe allowed me to start in a lower grade, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't tarnish his reputation or The Academys, as there was no foul or power play. That being said, if you wish, I am more than happy to share my medical history with you and everyone else here. As for the students who attend The Academy, please don't underestimate their potential. My age does not, in any way affect their learning." There's an awkward pause as some of the students chuckle and the reporter shifts nervously in his seat.

"Then why did you change your name to Atlas Winters?"

"After I moved in with my grandmother, she changed it thinking I'd be able to start again and not be bombarded by the pressure of the business world my father was in. I also wished I could've done so but it seems The Academy wasn't done with me yet and here I am."

"What about your future? You mentioned you were a student until today, please elaborate."

"With Mr. Monroe being the Head, my task was easier and I could also focus on being a student but now without him, everything lands to me. I'm afraid, although I'm capable, I am not that great to juggle being Chairman, Head and student. However, after this is all settled I do intend to continue my education." He chuckles slightly at my sarcasm, and I smile warmly.

"Excuse me, Ms. Ingram..."

"Yes." Turning away from him I meet the steady gaze of another reporter.

"Are you saying that for the entire time you've been a student here you've also been acting as Chairman?"

"Not the entire time here but yes, for the majority of it."

"Does this justify why you have been absent from school life so frequently?" Another reporter questions and I sneer knowingly at his question.

"It does. However, that has done nothing to affect my academic performance. The teachers here are excellent at their jobs and very helpful so I was able to stay on top of my studies."

"I must say, you are a rather impressive young lady, Ms. Ingram." Another reporter retorts and I chuckle lightly.

"On the contrary. I just want to keep my mother's hard work going and make her proud. When my brother returns, I hope to also make him proud of what I've done."

"And do you know when..."

"Unfortunately, no. We lost contact some time ago, but I know he's studying hard in order to return." I cut her off, replying to her predictable question. Ms. Dubois, you really are persistent.

"Thank you." She smiles tightly, the curves not reaching her eyes as they burn through me and I ignore her, scanning the crowd.

"Any more questions?"

"Is it true that your relationship with your brother is strained and the reason he went aboard has to do with his sexuality?" Wow dad, your henchmen are so persistent.

"First of all, my brother's sexual orientation is his business and his business alone. Ask another inappropriate question and I'll ask you to leave, Sir." He clears his throat, shifting nervously under my gaze. I'm not even surprised that he tried to bring August's sexuality into this. Conniving old man.

"As for our relationship, it's not strained. He is and always will be my big brother. It's just that by the time I'd moved back he had become somewhat of a stranger to me because I was isolated from him for so long." A few more questions are thrown my way and I answer them all calmly, yet I couldn't help but feel nervous. But not because of the questions but because I could tell he was mad and staring at me. He knew I had to compromise but not this much. I'm Sorry Yu.

"Hey, I've got a question?" I roll my eyes as the smug Myles stands staring me dead in the eye.

"Do I call you Atlas or Nolan?"

"Atlas will always be my name."

"Good, cause I prefer it to Nolan. Second question..."


"Oh come on." Everyone's looking from him to me and I shift slightly. From the corner of my eyes, I see Yuzuki disappear through the side door. Shit, he's heading this way.

"Fine. Myles. What is your question?"

"Will you be too busy from now on to go on a date with me?" Everyone erupts into a fit of laughter and I clear my throat embarrassingly, fighting back my want to murder him.

"Is that seriously your question?"

"It is. Unless you've already..."

"Sorry, but I don't think..."

"Thank you for your question, Myles." I freeze at the sound of his voice behind me. When did he...

"Now, thank you, everyone, for being here today but the conference ends here. Ms. Ingram will answer any questions the press has for her over email or phone call and students you may all return to your classes. As I'm sure you won't be paying attention today, all seniors are appointed self-study. Thank you," His hands fall to the small of my back, his heat soaking through my clothes, "Follow me." His stern voice resonating from behind me, his warm breath tickling my ear.

"Yes, thank you." Bowing slightly. I follow his soft push towards the door, catching the nervous looks on both Hugh's and Jay's face. He must look as mad as he sounds. As we head to the entrance, we walk into the first wave of students leaving the hall, their whispered conversations not so soft as they gossip. Returning a few smiles and nods I follow him out the door, but he doesn't get into the car. Walking past, he heads to his bike handing me a helmet before getting on, still not meeting my gaze.

"Get on." Shit, he's mad. Turning around I see the reporters coming out.

"I don't care if anyone sees us, so unless you wanna stay here and talk, get on." Putting on the helmet, I get on and without waiting for me to hold on he starts the bike and drives off. He's really mad. Holding his waist, I lean into his back and he stiffens slightly before relaxing, heaving a soft sigh as he pats my clasped hands around his waist. I'm so sorry Yu.