

Her soft steps echo through the empty hallway as I lead the way to her apartment. Since leaving the Academy, we haven't spoken a word to each other and the awkward silence between us has only gotten heavier. The feeling of not being trusted enough resonates through my entire body, my every step feeling as though I was walking through quicksand. I understand she had her reasons for her choice but I hated the bitter feeling I felt at the way she handled it, knowing that it left me in a difficult position and I'd have no choice but to accept. I never thought I'd feel like this ever again. Why didn't she tell me? A life-altering decision and like everyone else I hear it through a mic surrounded by strangers? I knew she had to do something to combat her fathers' plan and I respected her decision to fight him head-on but why couldn't she tell me? Recalling her conversation with Hughes on Friday, I know that's when she made her decision.

The entire weekend and she told me, nothing. As we get to her door I step aside as she moves to unlock it, and I follow her inside. Making our way to the living room we sit opposite each other, the heavy silence still surrounding us. She shifts slightly, opening her mouth as though to speak but shuts it avoiding eye contact. Fine. Sitting back in my chair I break the silence.

"So, Ms. Nolan Ingram huh?" She smiles wryly, a barely audible rumble escaping her throat.

"Please, just continue to call me Atlas." Her fingers tangled tightly on her lap; her nails digging into her skin.

"Why? The Atlas I know tells me everything. Why would I call you by her name?" She sighs deeply before meeting my eyes now, my hurt mirrored in her gaze. It killed me to see that look in her eyes. The feeling like I contributed to that hurt drummed a symphony in my heart. But I held myself back.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"Hmm, sorry? For what exactly?"

"Yes! I'm sorry okay! I knew if I..."

"If you told me I'd tell you not to make such a rash decision? I'd tell you to fight him some other way? One that didn't affect you so greatly? Yeah. Yeah, I definitely would have." She looks at me, confusion knitted tightly in her brow at my response.

"Then why are you mad?" I could tell she was genuinely confused and that hurt me even more. For someone who acts as mature and strong as she does, I'd forgotten one simple fact. At the end of the day, she was still young and naive. Our relationship until this point fell to the pit of my stomach and I felt sick.

"Why? Because at least I would've had a fucking chance to speak against it. I would've had a choice! Time to accept your decision, scold you against doing what you just did… but eventually work with you. That choice would've been mine. I thought you trusted me enough to allow me at least that. Not rope me in like some oblivious bystander. Like everyone else in that damn room who now simply has to suddenly accept what you just told the world, Atlas!"

"Yu..." She pinches the bridge of her nose, no doubt holding back her frustration.

"Do you know how that makes me feel, A-Kun? Calling myself yours and you mine... asking you to trust me and then you make such a huge decision... without me? And you expect me to not be pissed? Then you not only lied to me but everyone else sat in that room. I know you don't have the funds you claimed to have, even with the Hughes investment there's no way you have enough. That bluff aimed at your father could end up hurting you in the end... did you even think about that?! About me?!" I stare at her and her bewildered look pierces me deeply. I want nothing but to embrace her right now but if I do, I know I'll forgive her right away.

"Listen. I get it okay. I fucked up but what was I supposed to do. I can't juggle everything that's landed on my shoulders so suddenly. Asking you... telling you would've made me waver. I do apologize for not telling you in advance and for how you found out but I'm not a child Yuzuki. Making those decisions is something I had to do, on my own. And I would've had to make it eventually." At her words, I couldn't help but frown.

"True. This battle started with just you and your father. I respect that. But, I'm here now. I stand with you. Trust. Atlas. That's where you faulted. It's not that you thought you had to make this decision yourself, you didn't trust me enough to support you."

"Yuzuki-San! You know that's not true! I-I…"

"You hesitated. You knew I'd try and stop you so you thought you'd just go for it. That way I'd have no choice but simply accept it." I say straight-forwardly and she's unable to retort. This is the type of decision I hate the most. I really hate when people selfishly make decisions claiming it's for my own benefit while knowing it only benefits their goals.

"I-I… Yes. But, it's really not because I don't trust you." The way her eyes fixate on me sends shivers down my spine and I sigh.

"What happens if you don't find Ms. Bright?"

"Huh…?" Her eyes widening briefly at my sudden change of topic.

"Does this game end? Do you get your life back?"

"...Yes. It would give me the advantage over the Board of Directors."

"I see."

"Yu…" Her brows frown as she studies me.

"Apart from Assistant Hugh's, who else knew of your decision?" I gaze at her sternly and she physically flinches, shifting nervously in her seat.

"Umm… Emil and…"

"Jackson." I say cutting her off and she gulps nervously, scratching behind her ear awkwardly.


"I see. So forth place huh." Covering the sneer on my lips with my hand, I sigh annoyed.


"Did you set up a meeting with Wil?"

"Eh? Yes."

"Good. Accept his help. Hey, Atlas. I'm really pathetic you know. I've been running away for so long that I thought I could do so forever and now…" As much as I want to be mad at her I couldn't bring myself to do so. Disappointed, yes. Mad, I could never. After all, I'm probably going to hurt her more than she did me today pretty soon. Another chuckle leaves my lips and I run palm across my face defeated. Getting up, I'm about to leave but she moves blocking my way.

"Hey! Where are you going?!"

"Leaving. I need to talk to..."

"You can't be serious?! You suddenly drag me here, tell me off and then you just wanna leave without even resolving this?!" She shouts, cutting me off. I stand in place silently staring at her. Her worried eyes searching mines, her brows frowned. She's no doubt trying to figure out how to pacify me.

"Do you know what position you're in right now? Because of that bluff, you could lose the very thing you're fighting to protect." I question.

"So… are you still mad…?" At her question, I subconsciously glare at her and she visibly flinches, taking a step back. Sigh.

"I am. But not at…"

"Then don't leave." She says cutting me off, her tone demanding.

"Atlas, I know you have enough to bluff for a while, but your father will catch on Atlas. Without your brother and that anonymous shareholder you can't find, he still holds you in the palm of his hands. Don't you see that?! Do you know what position that puts me in? Especially since you didn't tell me..."

"You can still be by my side, Yu... please... don't leave." She says cutting me off again. Sighing, I lift my eyes meeting her own, my hands balling into fists inside my pocket. If I touch her, I know I wouldn't be able to leave.

"Please move. I need to clear my head and settle some stuff, so we'll talk tomorrow." I sigh, moving to step past her but she moves again blocking my way, her face twisting in anger. .

"Fucking hell dude! So petty! Can you not act like such a woman! I made my decision so what if I didn't ask for your damn opinion, huh?! The choice was mine to make so I made it! Who exactly do you think you are to question me?! And you keep saying me this and me that! What does my choices have to even do with you?! You're a fucking outsider…!" As the last statement leaves her lips, her eyes widen in shock and she covers her mouth with her hands, fear flashing across her face as she stares at me.

"..." An outsider, huh? Chuckling cynically, my eyes squinting as I stare at her in disbelief.

"W-Wait… Yu…" She moves to touch me but I move away, her hand freezing in mid air, her expression controting in fear.

"Hmm, I wonder. Who exactly am I to you Atlas?"


"An outsider? Do you honestly see me as some petty man who wishes to control your every move, Ms. Ingram?" Her eyes widen at the way I address her, and I feel my heart sink.

"O-of course not. That's not... how I meant that…" Her voice soft, barely a whisper as she stutters.

"Then answer me honestly. You had the entire weekend to tell me, so why didn't you? Hey Nolan, other than the emotional anchor for Atlas Winters, what am I to you? What do you see me as?"

"You're… You're the man I trust the most…"

"Trust? Ms. Ingram, trust is being able to rely on someone no matter what uncertainties and insecurities you may have. Instead of being mad at you, I'm disappointed. To be honest, you didn't not tell me about your final decision because you're the one who didn't trust me fully, right? Or should I say you don't trust yourself? I saw the way you looked at Monroe at the hospital. You claim to want to keep your mother's legacy alive. To want to make her and August proud. But in reality, you want to quit, don't you? You didn't tell me because you knew if you did and I told you not to, you would've used that as an escape. The reason to give up."

"..." Silent, she stares at me, guilt evident in her eyes.

"The moment I vowed to stay by your side, I never wavered. Since I was younger, I've had all the people I love the most leave me so I admit there were times that made me question our feelings for each other but I never once thought of leaving you. We both have secrets we keep from each other but I never thought you'd use me in this way. I really wish you'd spoken to me about today. It would've definitely made a lot of things easier." Letting out a defeated sigh, I move past her walking to the door.

"Yu… What do you mean…?" Stopping as I open the door, I turn to face her; a joyless smile forming across my face.

"Do you know what you're going to do after this stupid game, Atlas? After you win? What do you want to do with your life Atlas? Your life, not the one your father threw you into. I hope you figure it out before we see each other again." She stares at me, clearly taken aback by my words. She truly is still young and naive. Stepping back towards her, I lean over kissing her on the cheek before softly pecking her lips. I could feel my emotions growing even more unstable, my eyes stinging as the tears fought to drop.

"I love you, Atlas." My words, a whisper against her lips, her eyes widen at my sudden confession and before she has the chance to reply, I leave. Today couldn't have been anymore fucked. Getting on my bike, I head home; the weather mirroring my mood. Pathetic Fallacy.

"Hey, brother. I need your help." I say through the phone when the call connects as I enter my apartment, heading directly to my room.

"I heard about what she did today..." he pauses, and I know he's measuring his words to match my temperament.

"Yeah. Swords drawn."

"Indeed. What do you need Jason."

Our conversation ends and I cut the call. Sitting down, I power up my laptop looking over my teaching schedule. Since it's exam session most of my lesson times have turned into self-study sessions. Sending Jon an email I power off everything; including my phone.

Tomorrow is going to be even more annoying. Leaving my apartment again, I sling my duffle over my shoulder.