Human Food

*Kade's POV*

I lead Rain into my kitchen as I play with my wedding ring; thinking of how I'm going to explain to my wife about my new guest.

I reach the kitchen and walk over to the fridge. I open it and realize its fully stocked to the brim with the usual food I have in it. "Would you like a sandwich?" I ask Rain, turning my head towards her. She gave me a confused look and asked, "W-What's a s-sandwich?" I laughed and took out my phone to show her what a sandwich is. "Ohhh, I'm still confused but it does look tasty."

I laughed again, "So would you like one, or a couple?" She looked down at her thighs, and I did as well, noticing how thick and smooth they looked. I slowly walked towards her and stopped in front of her. She kept her gaze on her thighs as I placed one of my hands on her right thigh. She gasped, then began to lowly whimper as if she was in pain. Concerned, I lifted her head with my finger under her chin, but she began to whimper louder. "Hey, are you okay?" She whimpered again and whispered, "T-This is why I t-told you not to t-touch m-me."

I scanned her face as a blush formed over it and decided to take my hands off her. As soon as the warmth of my hands left her body, she stopped whimpering. Confused, I touched her again, only this time on her face. I kept my hand there as she began to softly whimper in pain again. "Ah, does my touch hurt you?" I asked, removing my hand from her face. She nodded her head slowly and looked up at me with a saddened expression. "Why?" She then looked away, "It's because of a skin condition, it begins to burn when skin-on-skin contact occurs."

She then looked back to my face and gave a sad smile as she walked over to the counter and sat on it. "So um that sandwich, would you like ham or turkey?" As I said the word "turkey", her head popped up and she looked at me. Turkey it is then. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some shredded cheese, turkey, lettuce, & mayo. I then grabbed the bread and began to make what she requested.

As I was making the sandwich, I noticed that she was staring at my hands. "Do you like my hands or something?" I asked her as I laughed. "U-Um y-yes, you have s-some r-really n-nice hands." I smiled at her as I begin to move my hands in a way that would show off my veins more. I looked at her and noticed that she was blushing for the umpteenth time since I met her.

I smiled at her and she quickly put her head down on the table. I laughed and finished preparing her sandwiches as I slid the plate over to her and walked over to the cabinets and grabbed her a cup. "Apple, orange, grape, pomegranate, or prune juice?" I looked over to her and saw that she gave a confused expression, softly saying, "Apple juice." I smiled, a good choice, apple juice is the best.

I poured the apple juice into her cup, then slid it over to her. I then sat down in front of her and waited until she began to eat to see if she liked it or not. She seemed as if she was waiting for me to say something, so I asked, "Are you going to eat?"

"I'm waiting for your permission to eat sir." My eyes flashed; completely losing its color as I quickly looked away from her and at the floor. "Fuck why'd she had to go and call me sir? My permission? Why doesn't she just eat the sandwich?" Those thoughts swiveled around in my head as I thought of why'd she say that. "Um you don't need my permission to eat, you can just go ahead and eat." She nodded her head and thanked me as she began to eat the sandwiches I prepared for her.