Meeting Kade’s Family

*Rain's POV*

I grabbed one of the sandwiches and proceeded to bite into it. My eyes brightened in color as I loudly hummed and mumbled, "This is delicious Kade, thank you so much." He smiled at me then shook his head, "You shouldn't talk with your mouth full Rain." He scolded me as I nodded my head and swallowed. "S-Sorry," I mumbled as I took a sip of the apple juice and smiled. "The apple juice is d-delicious as well." He smiled at me again and got up. I followed him with my eyes as I noticed that a weird bell sound wrung throughout the house. He walked up to the door and opened it, revealing a young woman, a tiny little human, and two young adults. 

I looked at them for a couple of seconds, then turned my head back and returned to finish the rest of my sandwiches. "Hey, kids, and hi my baby," Kade said as he leaned down to kiss his youngest child. "Kids?" I thought as I finished and downed the rest of my apple juice. Kade picked up his youngest child and walked over to me, saying, "Babe, kids, come here I'd like to introduce you to someone." I sat there frozen as I saw Kade holding his youngest child in his arms, with his "babe" standing next to him, and assumingly his two eldest children standing beside Kade's "babe." "Who's she?" His wife asked in a judgemental tone as I looked at the floor. "She's uh, she's Rain, a new guest of mine."

"A new guest of yours? What?" His wife asks as she looks at me with a menacing glare. I chewed on my bottom lip and thought about leaving Kade's home. "She's a new guest, I uhh saw her walking down the street with only a blanket wrapped around her. I figured she needed help and decided to help her." I blushed as I recognized Kade was lying to his wife. "Hey Rain, look up." I raised my head as I looked at him with an almost scared expression. "I'm sure she could've found somewhere else to stay and is she wearing your clothes?" Kade nodded his head as his wife began to complain about letting strangers wear his clothes. I looked over at the two eldest children, and they both smiled at me and waved.

I waved back and smiled at them. The wife must've seen and told her kids, "What did I tell you about waving & smiling at strangers?" The son spoke, "She's not a stranger, mother, we know her name so." I noticed how the son emphasized the word "mother" when he spoke. "Whatever, what is she anyway?" I made a confused expression but didn't dare to look her way as Kade asked, "What do you mean by 'what is she anyway'?" "She doesn't look normal, is something wrong with her?" I sighed and softly spoke, "C-Could all of you stop calling me a "she"? I'm not a "she." They all gave a confused look as Kade spoke, "You look like a woman, are you not one? Are you a male?" I shook my head and blushed. "I'm w-what you h-humans call "nonbinary."

Everyone said "oh" as they looked me up and down. I blushed, embarrassed as I didn't know what else to say. "Oh okay, we will use whatever pronouns you'd like us to call you by." I smiled softly and looked at my empty plate, "Oh I um f-finished the s-sandwiches, what should I do with this?" I held up the foreign object and looked at Kade. "Oh, you can just put it in the sink." I nodded and walked over to the sink as I slid the object into it. I turned around and gasped as Kade's wife was now standing right in front of me. "I-Is t-there a-anything I-I c-could h-help y-y-you w-with ma'am?" I asked and cursed at myself for stuttering so much. "Why do you stutter so much?" I blushed and mumbled, "I s-stutter w-when I-I'm n-nervous.."

She looked at me like I was dumb for a second, then put her hand on my waist. I began to whimper softly and wanted to move away from her, but couldn't. Her grip tightened as I whimpered loudly. She then asked mockingly, "Am I hurting you, little girl?" I just continued to whimper and didn't answer her. Kade walked up to her and took her hand off me, I sighed and put my hands over my face in shame. "They have a skin condition, where their skin burns when skin-on-skin contact occurs, don't touch them." I blushed again and completely covered my face with my hands. Kade then walked off and went upstairs to one of the rooms.

The wife looked me up and down and muttered something under her breath that I couldn't decipher. The son then spoke up and said something, but it wasn't in English. I believe it was in.. Italian? It sounded like they were speaking in Italian. I kept my gaze on my feet as I didn't know what to do. It sounded like they were arguing, and I didn't want to get in the middle of it. The daughter suddenly walked up to me and stood in front of me. I slowly lifted my head and looked at her with amazement. She was beautiful, truly beautiful. I've never seen a young woman look as beautiful as she did. She smiled at me and said, "My name's Scarlet, what's yours again?" I mumbled my name as I dropped my gaze again.

My social anxiety was slowly increasing as I felt as if everyone began to crowd around me. I saw that Kade had walked downstairs, but didn't have the tiny human with him. Kade saw that his wife & son were arguing and began to yell at both of them. I covered my ears and winced at how loud his voice had become. The daughter, Scarlet, grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. I whimpered softly as she led me to her room and closed & locked the door behind her. I was going to ask her why'd she lock the door but she then grabbed my hand and led me to her bed. She sat down then sat me down beside her and looked at me with a curious gaze.

I blushed and softly mumbled, "I-I d-don't t-think it'd b-be r-right to s-sleep with you S-Scarlet." She laughed at me, and I found her laugh pretty, angelic even. She then smiled and said, "I only brought you here to get you away from them." I said, "O-Oh," and continued to blush as she kept smiling at me. "If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you something." I nodded my head at her and she asked, "So, what are you?"