The Scolding

*Kade's POV*

"Oops...Is that all you can say, Rain?" I ask them as I move my head to look at the road. "I-I'm sorry sir," is all Rain says. I sigh deeply, as I deepen my voice a bit in hopes of them understanding how serious I am.

"Rain, you do know you're not supposed to expose your existence to others, right?" I ask Rain, as I look in the rearview mirror to see them looking right back at me. "I know but I had no control over that. It's just whenever I'm happy, I float," they state as they look out the window. I sigh again, "Hell I didn't even know you could float," I mumbled loud enough for them to hear me. I then look over to see Rain resting their head against the window, and see that they're sighing. "Look, I'm sorry to scold you, but you need to be reminded of what you are and what planet you are on." They nod their head in understanding.

"I just want to keep you safe, and I don't want anyone ratting you out to the police or the government or whatever. I'm sure you know how that goes." I state to them and look back to see Rain looking at me with a confused look.

"Oh, forgot, sorry. On Earth, they make these films where anything that's out of the ordinary is given to the government for experiments." I then add, "I don't want you to be taken away for experiments, Rain," I sigh afterward. "I know we've just recently met, but you do mean a lot to me Rain. We've experienced things, well I've experienced things with you I'd never thought I'd get to." I look back to Rain staring at me. "What do you mean by that, sir?" I focus on the road, disregarding their question. "Just know, I'd much rather just keep you safe, at least from TJ's friends. I don't know them well so let's just hope they don't rat you out to Isabella, or worse, the cops."

Rain nods their head and remains silent for the rest of the ride. As do I.

*time skip of 2 hours*

"We're here," I state to them as I look back to see Rain asleep against the window. I sigh for the umpteenth time today and get out of the car. I walk over to their side of the car and open the door. Once I open the door, their limp body falls against me as I maneuver my hands behind their back and under their legs.

I proceed to carry them and close the car door. I then walk inside of my packhouse, and immediately all the members of the pack surround me. There are 3 members, besides the doctor & me. "Who's that?" "Why's there another creature besides ourselves here?" All types of questions are thrown at me as I growl loudly, causing silence. "Don't question me, and do remember your place, your rank," I state calmly as I walk past them. I then place Rain down onto the couch and walk over to the kitchen to make them something to eat. While making it, I hear sniffing, as if one of them is sniffing Rain.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" I ask aloud, as no one answers. I walk over to see all of them sniffing Rain, my guess is to figure them out. "Move," I say as I walk towards Rain, seeing that they're awake now. "Afternoon sleepyhead," I say, laughing. Rain blushes and looks down at the floor. "Hey, what's your name?" "What's your business here?"

They once again start to ask questions as I sigh. "Stop asking so many questions, you'll get answers eventually." They all nod their head and proceed to sit down on the floor, in front of the couch, in front of Rain. "May we know now?" I nod my head at them and look at Rain. "Introduce yourself, please." Rain then looks at me but begins to introduce themselves.

"M-My name is Rain, I'm uh nonbinary, and I am not from here, haha," Rain says as they laugh awkwardly. "Rain..." Someone says as they look at Rain. "Let's introduce ourselves," someone says as I look at them, and nod. "I'm Sebastian, I am the butler of the pack, I am an alpha, and I am currently searching for my mate." Rain nods their head at Sebastian but then turns their head to the side in confusion.

"What does 'I am an alpha' mean, Sebastian?" Rain asks. "I am at the second-highest rank of werewolves, the second most powerful," Sebastian explains. "Werewolves are hybrids of humans and wolves," I add and see the confusion on Rain's face disappear.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Sebastian," Rain says as they shake his hand. "It's a pleasure meeting you, Rain," Sebastian says as he kisses Rain's hand thrice. I hear Rain whine & proceed to growl lowly & stare at Sebastian. He submits silently, and lets go of Rain's hand. "Rain isn't your mate, what's the problem with kissing their hand?" I stare at Sebastian, then realize what he said.

Rain is indeed not my mate, but neither is Isabella. I lost my mate a long time ago, but that's a story for another time. I sigh and shake my head. "Yeah I know, but just don't touch them, got it?" I ask them all, but Sebastian continues to be disobedient. "Why? If they want me to touch them, I should," Sebastian states as I let out another sigh. "Look." Is all I say as I place my hand on Rain's cheek. They begin to whimper lowly, and I place my other hand on their cheek, as they whimper louder. "Don't touch them," I say angrily.

I then remove my hands from their face and apologize for hurting them. Rain accepts my apology and I offer them a small smile. "Let's just continue with the introductions," I state. "I am Lisa, I am the maid of the pack, I am a beta, and I have already found my mate."

Lisa waves to Rain, and Rain waves back. "I am Anthony, I am the nurse of the pack, I am an omega, and I will not have a mate." Rain tilts their head and asks them, "Why won't you have a mate?" Anthony sighs, then explains how he wasn't born with a mate.

At birth, all werewolves are born with a scar on their forehead, signaling whether they're going to have a mate and the gender (or gender-fluid) of their mate. He states that he wasn't born with one, so he isn't destined to have a mate. Rain pouts, then crawls over to Anthony, and wraps their arms around them to hug them. They begin to whimper softly but whisper to Anthony. "I am sorry that you won't have a mate," Rain whispers as they rub Anthony's back. "It's okay, I didn't want one anyway," Anthony whispers back.

Rain pulls back and gives Anthony a smile. Rain then climbs back onto the couch and wraps their arms around themselves.

"Okay, that's done, hmm, Anthony, why don't you show Rain to one of the guest rooms?" I ask as he nods his head and proceeds to lead Rain up to one of the spare bedrooms. "Rain will be staying with us, sir?" Lisa asks me as she looks at me with an almost angry look.

"Yeah, why? Is that a problem?" I ask Lisa as she looks down, and mumbles loud enough for me to hear them. "Well, yes, because my mate is very um, he isn't very loyal and will try to get with Rain. They are very beautiful, so you know they'll try to."

Lisa states as I look at her, then to the floor. "That's not my problem nor Rain's problem, now is it?" I ask as Lisa says no. I then nod my head, and leave the room, walking up to the room where Rain will be residing. I hear them two speaking, and decide to leave them alone. Looks like I'll have to continue my scolding later.