What Are You Hiding?

*Rain's POV*

"So, what brings you here, Rain?" Anthony asks of me while I inspect the room. "Um, Kade decided that it would be best for me to stay here for a couple of days," I answer and turn around to make eye contact with him. I once heard that if you make eye contact with the earthlings, that they'll think you're telling the truth unless they already know the truth. It's not that I am lying. It's just I wasn't telling the full truth about why Kade wants me to stay here. Maybe he wants me away from his family? Who knows.

Anthony raises his eyebrow at me but then looks away from me. "I feel like you're not telling me the truth, but I won't question further. I'm sure you have your reasons as to why you won't tell me." Anthony says as he walks over to the closet. "But, there are more important matters to worry about now, Rain, so let's get to that." "Get to what?" I ask of him as he walks towards me with purpose. I back up hesitantly until my back hits against a wall. I only backed up because the only time people approach me is when they're planning to attack me. "What's wrong?"

I look around, scanning the room for all possible exits in case he does attack me. I mean, he has no reason to attack me, but generally, everyone does. I guess he noticed how scared I look because the next thing I see is him in front of me with his hands on my face. I begin to whimper softly and avoid eye contact with him. "Take a deep breath, Rain. My scent will calm you," he softly whispers as I do as told. As I inhale deeply, I smell the fresh scent of lemongrass & vanilla. Instantly, I can feel the muscles in my body relax.

My eyes closed. I felt as if I was floating on those white puffy thingies in the sky. I opened my eyes to see Anthony look at me with a sense of relief. He smiled at me. I smiled back. "I'm not here to harm you. Rain, I'm here to help you." I nod my head slowly as I believed him since he is the nurse of the pack. I still wonder what they meant by the "pack." I was going to ask, but Anthony spoke before I got the chance to. "Hey, why don't we go to my office? I'm sure you'll find that entertaining." I agreed with him and followed him out of the room.

We walked downstairs and saw that Sebastian & Lisa were conversing. We walked past them and walked behind the stairs. There was a bookcase with no books on the shelf. I turned my head to the side and was about to ask why they would have an empty bookshelf in the house, but the bookshelf moved. I stood astounded and looked over to Anthony to see him with a small smile on his face. He then looked back over to the bookshelf. I did too. It was now completely gone. There stood another door, but this door looked futuristic.

He walks inside of it, and I follow suit. He then looks at the keypad and types a series of numbers. With each number he inputs, a beeping noise occurs. A couple of seconds later, a loud buzzing spreads through the room, and the bookshelf closes behind us. I look back and ask, "Why did the bookshelf move back?" "To close the entrance so no one else comes inside. I want it to be us two in my office," he replies. I raise my eyebrows in confusion. He studies my face for a couple of seconds before winking and walking off.

I look down at my feet and blush. I stay standing in the doorway for a couple of seconds to calm myself down a bit. "A wink gets you that flustered?" I hear him ask as he walks back to me and grabs my hand. I didn't know what to say, so I nod my head. I also bit down on my lip to prevent my whimpers from being heard. I guess that didn't work because he lets go of my hand and apologizes for touching me. "N-No worries Anthony I-I don't mind letting you hold my hand," I tell him in a low tone.

He then grabs my hand and holds it while leading me to his office. Once we arrive at his office, he lets go of my hand and walks over to his desk. "Would you like to know the real reason as to why I brought you down here?" He asks of me as he moves around some papers on his desk with his back facing me. "Um...I thought the reason you brought me here was that you thought it would entertain me," I reply. He shakes his head and begins to laugh to himself. "You must be naive if you willingly accompany a stranger," he says as he turns to me.

"Um...." I start, not knowing what to say as he pats his desk. "Come. Sit here with me," he gestures to his desk as I hesitantly walk over and sit down. "I think I should teach you a thing or two about people. About this world, since you don't understand." I look at my thighs and begin to run my fingers through my hair while waiting for him to continue. "Is the reason you don't understand because you aren't from this world?" He asks as I move my head up quickly to look at him with an almost scared expression. "Ah, so you aren't from Earth, are you?"

Kade's statement replays in my head as I look back down to my thighs and keep silent. "I'll take your silence as a no then," he says as he adds, "but you should know that you should always be honest with me." "I am honest..." I whisper, more to myself than to Anthony. "I can tell when someone is lying, you know," he says as he looks at me. "You don't seem that you are lying, considering you didn't answer my question. But I'm still curious as to why you didn't answer. Do you have something to hide?" I shake my head repeatedly as he makes a "tsk" noise.

"You're lying Rain," he says as he kneels in front of me and lifts my head to be eye level with him. I whimper as I try to avoid eye contact with him, but each time I do, he squeezes my chin. "What do you have to hide, Rain?" "N-Nothing," I whisper as I lean back on the desk, removing my chin from his hand. "I will find out what you're hiding, Rain, and best believe I'll find out quick." He mumbles to himself as he walks away from me. I go back to playing with my hair and staring at my thighs.

He suddenly slams his hands on the table in the middle of the office, making me jump up in surprise. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HIDING RAIN?" He yells as I whimper and cover my ears. He speedily walks over to me and rips my hands away from my ears. "Listen closely, Rain, I will make your stay here a living hell if you don't tell me right here, right now." He whispers as I continue to whimper. "I know everything about everyone, and your silence is pissing me off," he says as I shake my head repeatedly.

I start to think of a safe place. A haven, you could say. I thought of Scarlet's room, her bed specifically. How soft it was, how warm it felt. I even started thinking of the pattern of the blanket she laid across me. I thought of anything that could help me disassociate from my current reality. My current reality reminded me of my creator and how he'd question & yell at me every chance he got. I hated thinking about him. I left my home planet to get away from them, not to be brought back to them.

Even though Anthony isn't him, he's starting to remind me of him. I then thought of Kade and how he is such a great help. Jeez, I wish he was with me now, and maybe I wouldn't be dealing with this now. I was getting overwhelmed by it all, and bad things happen when I'm overwhelmed. I tried thinking of Kade, of his smile, of his hands, of his anything. Anything of him that would help distract me from an attack, or even worse, losing consciousness. But I knew it was too late. I began to feel lightheaded, and I could feel the light in my head go out. "Kade..." I softly whisper, and before I knew it, everything goes dark.