I should be continuing the story now after all my rambling about my sexuality and how being lesbian sounds a lot cooler than what most people think. I guess I should think before I say anything I might regret, I am trying to stop myself from doing that. Well, I guess you can say that I am a real chatterbox then, I say what I think without thinking of what I say, does that make sense in a way? I am doing it again, aren't I, sorry, let me get back to my story.
"How long have you been with or known Isabella and WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US ANYTHING?!?!", Olivia shouted in a whisper. "I was going to until some 'obstacles' and some trust issues being put down got in the way, plus, we have known each other as enemies, until earlier today, when she confessed, but now is not a good time to have or talk about a serious relationship," I said to end the conversation. We walked down the road to a crosswalk and stopped at the corner," where should we go?", Olivia asked. I looked to my right and left, once I turned to my left, I saw Selina walking towards us, not realizing that we were there, I tapped Olivia's shoulder and she turned to ask me what I wanted but stopped when she saw her. Selina stopped right in front of us and put her head up to look at us, and fainted.
She fell in our direction and I managed to catch her before she hit the ground, Olivia was in shock and I snapped my fingers in her face at least three times before she snapped out of her trance-like state. " Let's walk to my house, I will carry her while you call Ruby and tell them to meet us there, let's just hope my mom won't freak out about this." , I said to Olivia in a stern but calm voice. Olivia started calling Ruby right away while I carried Selina bridal style all the way there, I could hear Ruby asking questions and Olivia answered with short answers, but got straight to the point. Once she got off the phone, she looked at me and did a quick nod, signaling that she got the message to them and that they were on their way. I started to notice some scars and dried blood around her face, she also had bags around her eyes like she had not been getting enough sleep and her right eye was all purple, I wondered what she had been going through.