Chapter 16

Olivia and I arrived at my house and stood outside a bit to wait for Isabella and Ruby. We waited for a couple of minutes and we just got bored, so we decided to go inside. I went ahead and gave Olivia my house key to open the door so I could lay Selina down somewhere, Olivia got the door open and headed inside, she set the keys down on the table while I put Selina down on the couch. I went to get blankets and a pillow for her while Olivia watched her in case she woke up and got all panicked for not knowing where she was and go out on her own.

I went back and wrapped her in blankets and lifted her head a little to put a pillow down. Once I put the pillow under her head, Ruby and Isabella come through the door. Isabella asked if we were ok and looked down at the couch to see Selina. Ruby looked down too, she was asking all sorts of questions and had a concerned look on her face. Isabella looked up at me with an upset expression like she didn't approve of her being there. "What is SHE doing here!?" she yelled, "Calm down, she was hurt and I decided to take her here to rest" I responded in a firm tone.

"Do you know who's side she is on!?!?" "How should you know, you didn't see 'it' happen", Isabella and I were too busy arguing to hear that Selina had just woken up, I turned in her direction in surprise, I walked toward her and assured that she should stay at my house until she got better. She had a shocked face when she saw me, she was so shocked that she had her mouth open and looked like she was in some sort of trance, you should have seen her. I did a little smirk and went to close her mouth, once I did, she came back to consciousness, she walked towards me and gave me a hug. "I am so sorry, I thought they would understand, I thought they would listen, but I was wrong about them", Selena said in tears."What are you talking about? Who is 'they'?", I began to ask her, "efiN-n-revealC"