

A girlmate? That's great and all but I am also a girl. I frowned.

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Don't use that word to me Anais. That's very unladylike."

"Now you want me to be a lady?"

I rolled my eyes. Then it hit me. If she is my mate how come I don't feel anything towards her?

"What's you're name?"

I asked the redhead. I think I should atleast know her name so that I could reject her. Don't know if the 'mate' their talking about is the mate I am thinking of.


"What's my last name?"

"Stop it 'Anais'! You think I don't know what you're doing? You're going reject me? Because I'm a woman?"

Kyllandra sobbed. I bit my tongue. Okay then it's really the mate thing I've red when I was from my original world.

Confirmation successful!

Domeroe rubbed her back.

"Anais, think of this carefully. You are hurting your mate. The Goddess won't be pleased."

"I don't give a flying nut about whoever Goddesses destined me with another woman."

I sassed. Both of them gasped.

"Anais! Take. That. Back!"

The man who was gentle and warm now filled with rage and coldness yelled at me. I shrunk. Huh? Why did I do that? I'm not even scared but my body seems to be scared of him.

Oh, I see how it is. I smirked, I got two news to myself. One bad and one good. The good news is, now I have him all figured out. The bad news is, I need to get rid of him and just by looking at him, I know it's going to be a tough one to accomplish. I will need Kyllandra's help. First I have to get along with them.

"Fine. I take it back. I'm sorry Kyllandra. Won't happen again."

"You must promise."

She held out her pinky fingers and I cringed. How did they even learned that? Isn't that some trend some bored Japanese invented?

"Nope, not yet. You're pushing it."

I swatted her hand away. I looked over to Domeroe and saw how pleased he looked. Tsk.

"So if you really are my mate then how come I dont feel anything towards you?"

"I-... I can't explain it but..."

Domeroe freaked out at this.

"What? Why? What do you mean? Was the Goddess mistaken."

I don't know who is the Goddess hes referring to here, it's either the moon goddess or Kyllandra. He seems to be hell bent into keeping this none existent mate bond me and Kyllandra have to just make her stay here with us. No, Him. To make her stay with him. I shivered in disgust. The good spot to stab would be his thick neck covered in grey beard.

"N-no, it's not like that. It's just..."

"Spill it."

I spat. Her constant stuttering is getting on my nerves. Domeroe sent me a glare, I glared back. Who the fuck does he think he is?! This guy is not even my real father! My real father is back on earth 2020, happy with the woman he cheated on with my mother and not this kidnapping, scheming, greasy motherfucker.

"When Anais woke up, I... the bond disappeared... I- I cant explain it."

Kyllandra began to tear up. She's such a crybaby though I clearly understand why the bond disappeared, it's simply because I'm just not Anais anymore.

"I told you all before, I'm not Anais."

"Then who the fuck are you?!"

Shouted Domeroe. Me and Kyllandra flinched from where we are. I felt threatened so I stood up the bed. I'm taller than him now. Telling them who I really am seems to be a bad idea to begin with but... I can't just abandon my real name! Im scared that if I claimed I am Anais, which wont be hard since I am already in her body I would forget who I really am.


"I'm... I- I'm just really confused."

This seems to calm down the man as he sighed in relief.

"Alright, it is best for you to rest."

He went to add more wood to the fire place then left without a word. Now it was only me and Kyllandra left. I looked at her then shrugged as I went to lay down on the right side of the bed. I felt her body spoon me which I don't mind, I'm still pretty cold. Plus the two mounds pressed against my back is really warm and a bit gross but still warm. No homo.

I woke up as a cold breeze swept through my body making me shiver, tangled between limbs and animal skin as sheets I sat up, rubbing my eyes, I immediately shivered, my teeth chattering uncontrollably. Kyllandra woke up, and sat up beside me.

"We should probably get up, we still need to pack for our travel to Conveia."

I nodded, I don't even need to guess, Conveia is the name of the town we will be visiting.

"Why not to the city? Not to some lowly town?"

Kyllandra gasp.

"Anais don't talk like that! Conveia is a place filled with witches and healers so be careful with your words."

She warned me. Oh, I really do believe in witches. Now I'm looking forward to what will they discover in this body. With that as an inspiration I sprung up the bed then- before I could go down and get food for breakfast, Kyllandra took hold of my elbow to stop me.

"What is it?"

"We need to pack first then we eat breakfast while traveling."

Odd. How did she know that? It seems like Domeroe and her had already talked about the travel in details. Hmn, I don't think it was yesterday since they were only out for five minutes, yes I counted. 60 seconds is equivalent to 1 minute, meaning, five 60 seconds is five minutes. It's not that hard.

"Oh. alright."

I pretended to be oblivious and helped her pack our things.

"Turn around."

She ordered me. I complied. Now I know who is the top in this relationship, too bad I'm not Anais nor am I gay.

"There, now, Not so cold now is it?"

She draped a thick coat made of a bears skin over me swallowing my whole figure, for once I felt really warm. Maybe my real mate is this diseased grizzly bear. I smirked in content as I tied it on the collar. It even had a hood on it.

"Yes, thank you."

She went to wear her own. I just watched her.


I called for her attention. She blushed then looked at me fluttering her eyelashes. I frowned. Stop that, I'm not your mate, not anymore.

"How much do you know about Domeroe?"

"Well he's your father."

I scoffed rudely, I already know that dumbfuck!

"Aside from the obvious. What else do you know?"

Now it's her turn to frown.

"Do you really not remember anything?"

I sighed, WHY WOULD I BE WASTING MY TIME ASKING YOU STUPID QUESTIONS IF I COULD REMEMBER SHIT?! I inhaled sharply to try to calm down myself.

"No, I don't remember anything at all so can you please tell me now?"

I looked at her, she seems to be enjoying this.

"Tell you what?"

The man entered the room.

Well shit.